Авторский сценарий сказки на английском языке "Гадкий утенок"
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Материал предназначен для драматических кружков на английском языке для обучающихся средних школ. Сказка написана в стихотворной форме для лучшего усвоения материала.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий спектакля на английском языке «Гадкий утенок»/ “The Ugly Darkling” (по мотивам сказки Г. Х. Андерсена)
- совершенствование навыков устной речи;
- совершенствование навыков произношения;
- совершенствование навыков монологической речи.
- ознакомление учащихся с международно-известной сказкой Г. Х. Андерсена «Гадкий утенок»
- сплочение коллектива
- развитие актерских способностей;
- совершенствование навыков устной публичной речи;
- развитие умения держаться на публике
популярная английская детская песня «The more we get together», декорации, костюмы участников.
Подготовительная работа:
перед спектаклем проводились репетиции с учащимися 5 класса, где особое внимание уделялось навыкам произношения, устной речи, умению держаться на публике и сплочению коллектива.
The Script of the performance “The Ugly Duckling”
3 ducklings
the ugly duckling
the dog
the cockerel
the fox
the bear
the wolf
the hare
the hedgehog
3 swans
Scene 1. In the yard
My sweet ducklings, it’s so sunny and hot.
Let’s go swimming to the pond.
1, 2, 3 Ducklings:
(3 ducklings sing the song)
The more we get together
Together, together,
The more we get together
The happier we are!
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends,
The more we get together
The happier we are!
1 Duckling:
Uh, Mummy dear, look here and test-
This big egg is still in the nest.
Be quite, dear,
I hear, I hear;
At last, at last
A duckling comes.
(the ugly duckling is pipping)
The Ugly Duckling:
What a big world, my dear.
It’s so beautiful, so nice here.
Mother-goose & Ducklings:
Good morning!
You are so big and funny,
Welcome to our family, darling.
Well, it’s time to go to the pond,
For it’s really sunny and hot.
1, 2, 3 Ducklings:
We are obedient and keen,
We can dive there and swim.
( ducklings sing the song)
I can dive and I can swim,
Dive and swim, dive and swim
I can dive and I can swim,
And you can dive with me!
(other domestic animals are going to the lake)
The dog:
All ducklings are so beautiful and nice,
But that one looks larger in size.!
The cockerel:
And also we should trully admit-
He’s ugly and awkward indeed.
He isn’t so beautiful but kind,
Such a good brother you’ll hardly find.
(Mother-goose is patting on its back)
1, 2, 3 Ducklings:
You are ugly and not gay,
It’s unpleasant with you to play.
The Ugly Duckling:
They hate me and don’t want to play,
So I’ll have to go away.
(The Ugly Duckling is going towards the forest)
Scene 2. In the forest
The Ugly Duckling:
Autumn has come,
There’s no any fun.
It’s getting colder,
And days are shorter.
The Fox:
Hello! Who are you?
The Ugly Duckling:
I’m a little duckling,
I’m so lonely and sad,
To have a new friend I’ll be glad.
And who are you?
The Fox:
I am a sly hungry fox.
I like silly ducklings and cocks.
When I have time leisure,
I’ll eat you with great pleasure.
The Ugly Duckling:
No, you won’t.
Be sorry, I pray!
Let me swim away.
(the fox is going away)
(A bear is coming)
The Bear:
And who are you, little creature?
I don’t like this picture.
Winter is coming,
What are you doing?
The Ugly Duckling:
Hello! I am a little duckling.
I’m so lonely and sad,
To have a new friend I’ll be glad.
And who are you?
The Bear:
I’m a kind brown bear,
Be your friend I can’t dare.
I can play with you only in spring
When games and fun are a usual thing.
(the bear is going away)
(A Wolf is coming)
The Wolf:
I’m a grey angry wolf
I run through the wood
In search of some food.
I’ll eat you with fun,
Be sorry I can’t.
The Ugly Duckling:
Don’t eat me, I pray,
Let me swim away.
(the wolf is going away)
(A Hare is coming)
The Hare:
I see a little ugly creature
In our beautiful nature.
Why are you so sad?
Whom are you afraid?
The Ugly Duckling:
Hello! I am a lonely duckling.
I’m looking for friends, my darling.
Let’s jump and run
And have a great fun.
The Hare:
Sorry, I can’t help you at all,
As I’m afraid of everything and all.
I have a lot of things to be done,
There’s hardly any time for fun.
The Ugly Duckling:
What a pity!
(the hare is going away)
(A Hedgehog is coming)
The Hedgehog:
Hello! Who are you?
The Ugly Duckling:
Hello! I am an ugly duckling
They say,
Nobody wants with me to play.
I’m so lonely and sad,
To have a new friend I’ll be glad.
The Hedgehog:
Unfortunately, I can’ be your friend,
Though it sounds really sad.
I’m very short of time,
As I have two children of mine.
I must take care of them
So I’m busy all day till ten.
But I can give you a sound advice:
Wait for some birds which are nice. Bye.
The Ugly Duckling: Thank you. Bye.
Scene 3. Swans have flown
The Ugly Duckling:
At last, at last,
My waitings passed.
I see big white birds in the pond.
I hope I’ll get friends,
Which I’ll be really fond.
And who are you?
Swan 1:
Good morning! We’re a flock of white swans,
We started our long flight at dawn.
Warm countries are our aim,
I think your goal is the same.
The Ugly Duckling:
Do you want me to join your flight,
Me, an ugly duckling of miserable sight?
Swan 2:
Don’t be so silly,
You’re beautiful really.
Look at the water and you’ll see;
You are a swan like she and me.
The Ugly Duckling:
Wow, I’m not grey and awkward as before,
I’m not an ugly duckling any more.
I’m so happy to fly to the South warm
And find a new friendly home.
(All the swans are flying away)
They sing the song “The more we get together” all together.
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