Урок чтения по произведению американского автора Роберта Макклоски «Make Way for the Ducklings».
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
В данной работе показана работа с текстом с примененим технологии продуктивного чтения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок чтения
по произведению американского автора
Роберта Макклоски
«Make Way for the Ducklings».
Учитель ГБОУ СОШ № 629 г. Москвы
Баева Марина Леонидовна
Уровень учащихся: intermediate
Цели и задачи: чтение с общим пониманием, чтение с полным пониманием, пересказ текста от лица главного персонажа.
Make Way for the Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
Once upon a time, there were two ducks, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. They flew over various locations in Boston to start a family. Each time Mr. Mallard selected a location, Mrs. Mallard found something wrong with it. Tired from their search, the mallards landed at the Public Garden Lagoon to spend the night. In the morning, a swan boat passed by the mallards. The mallards thought the swan boat was a real bird! They had a breakfast of peanuts thrown from the people on the boat. Mrs. Mallard suggested that they build their nest in the Public Garden. However, just as she said this, she was nearly run down by a passing bicyclist. So, the mallards continued their search, flying over Boston landmarks, such as Beacon Hill, the Massachusetts State House, and Louisburg Square. The mallards finally decided on an island in the Charles River. From this island, the mallards visited a policeman named Michael on the shore. He fed them peanuts every day.
Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Mallard had eight ducklings named Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack and Quack. After the ducklings were born, Mr. Mallard decided to take a trip up the river to see what the rest of it was like. Mr. and Mrs. Mallard agreed to meet at the Public Garden in one week. In the meantime, Mrs. Mallard taught the eight ducklings all they needed to know about being ducks.
One week later, Mrs. Mallard led the ducklings ashore and tried to cross the highway to reach the Garden, but she had trouble getting across the road because the cars would not stop for her. Michael, the policeman who had fed peanuts to the Mallards, stopped traffic for the family to cross. Michael called police headquarters and told them to send a police car to stop traffic along the route for the ducks. The ducks crossed the highway and then went south to the Garden. When the family had to cross Beacon Street to enter the Garden, there were four policemen standing in the intersection stopping traffic to make way for the ducklings. Mr. Mallard was waiting in the Public Garden for the rest of the family. The family decided to stay in the Garden and lived happily ever after.
A recorded reading of the original text can be found at: http://video.nhptv.org/video/1688004705/
- Good morning, dear children!
I’m glad to see you.
Now we are going to travel.
We will travel to the world of fairy-tales. I’ve brought you some fairy-tales by British and American writers.
Look at my present.
- Do you like to read fairy-tales?
- Why do you read them?
- What do books teach you?
- Pair work 1: children read extracts and guess
Now let’s try to guess what fairy-tale we will read today.
What is the story about?
- Pair work 2: put the story into right order
As you see, somebody have mixed the story. Now you should reorder the story and put its parts into a correct order.
Once upon a time, there were two ducks, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. They flew over various locations in Boston to start a family. Each time Mr. Mallard selected a location, Mrs. Mallard found something wrong with it. Tired from their search, the mallards landed at the Public Garden Lagoon to spend the night. In the morning, a swan boat passed by the mallards. The mallards thought the swan boat was a real bird! They had a breakfast of peanuts thrown from the people on the boat.
Mrs. Mallard suggested that they build their nest in the Public Garden. However, just as she said this, she was nearly run down by a passing bicyclist. So, the mallards continued their search, flying over Boston landmarks, such as Beacon Hill, the Massachusetts State House, and Louisburg Square. The mallards finally decided on an island in the Charles River. From this island, the mallards visited a policeman named Michael on the shore. He fed them peanuts every day.
Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Mallard had eight ducklings named Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack and Quack. After the ducklings were born, Mr. Mallard decided to take a trip up the river to see what the rest of it was like. Mr. and Mrs. Mallard agreed to meet at the Public Garden in one week. In the meantime, Mrs. Mallard taught the eight ducklings all they needed to know about being ducks.
One week later, Mrs. Mallard led the ducklings ashore and tried to cross the highway to reach the Garden, but she had trouble getting across the road because the cars would not stop for her. Michael, the policeman who had fed peanuts to the Mallards, stopped traffic for the family to cross. Michael called police headquarters and told them to send a police car to stop traffic along the route for the ducks.
The ducks crossed the highway and then went south to the Garden. When the family had to cross Beacon Street to enter the Garden, there were four policemen standing in the intersection stopping traffic to make way for the ducklings. Mr. Mallard was waiting in the Public Garden for the rest of the family. The family decided to stay in the Garden and lived happily ever after.
The work is ready. Well done.
- Individual work:
Now you should read it again and answer the questions ‘yes/no’
- Is the story about English holidays?
- Is the story about animals? Birds?
- Is the story about ducks?
- Do the ducks live in the forest?
- Do the ducks live in the Public Garden?
- ………..
5. New pairs:
As you see the story narrates about events in the Past, Present and Future.
Find the verbs in the Past, Present and Future.
6. The same pairs:
Now you see that some verbs fell away. You should find out the verb, choose it and put into the right place. Be careful, there are some extra words.
Put the right verbs into the text:
were, flew, came, found, landed, swam, had, run down, visited, led, stopped, decided, went, drove
Make Way for the Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
Once upon a time, there _____two ducks, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. They _____ over various locations in Boston to start a family. Each time Mr. Mallard selected a location, Mrs. Mallard _____ something wrong with it. Tired from their search, the mallards ______ at the Public Garden Lagoon to spend the night. In the morning, a swan boat passed by the mallards. The mallards thought the swan boat was a real bird! They ______ a breakfast of peanuts thrown from the people on the boat. Mrs. Mallard suggested that they build their nest in the Public Garden. However, just as she said this, she was nearly _______ by a passing bicyclist. So, the mallards continued their search, flying over Boston landmarks, such as Beacon Hill, the Massachusetts State House, and Louisburg Square. The mallards finally decided on an island in the Charles River. From this island, the mallards ______ a policeman named Michael on the shore. He fed them peanuts every day.
Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Mallard had eight ducklings named Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack and Quack. After the ducklings were born, Mr. Mallard decided to take a trip up the river to see what the rest of it was like. Mr. and Mrs. Mallard agreed to meet at the Public Garden in one week. In the meantime, Mrs. Mallard taught the eight ducklings all they needed to know about being ducks.
One week later, Mrs. Mallard ______ the ducklings ashore and tried to cross the highway to reach the Garden, but she had trouble getting across the road because the cars would not stop for her. Michael, the policeman who had fed peanuts to the Mallards, ______ traffic for the family to cross. Michael called police headquarters and told them to send a police car to stop traffic along the route for the ducks. The ducks crossed the highway and then went south to the Garden. When the family had to cross Beacon Street to enter the Garden, there were four policemen standing in the intersection stopping traffic to make way for the ducklings. Mr. Mallard was waiting in the Public Garden for the rest of the family. The family _______ to stay in the Garden and lived happily ever after.
Well done!
7. Pair work: to make a plan of the story
Make a plan and use it for retelling. Let’s imagine that this fairy-tale narrates another person such as Mr. Mallard, Mrs. Mallard or their ducklings.
8. Individual work:
Tell the story from the part of main characters. You can add some details.
How interesting!
9. Homework:
The author wrote a lot of stories for children. I’d like you to find out more about it and tell us about a traditional celebrating Mother’s Day in Boston Public Garden.
10. At the end of the lesson you should to assess the lesson.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Do you like fairy tales? Why do people read them? Do you know some of them? What do they teach us? What are they usually about?
Follow the great words:
Put the parts of the fairy tale into the right order:
Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
Answer the ‘Yes’/’No’ questions: Is the tale about animals? Is the tale about birds? Did they live in New York Park? Did they live in Boston Public Garden? Did they eat bananas for breakfast? Did they eat peanuts for breakfast? Did the duck family have many ducklings? Did they get into a trouble one day? Did they follow the right way acr oss the road? Did they follow the road rules?
Complete the story with the right verbs: were, flew, found, landed, had, run, visited, led, stopped, decided
Once upon a time, there were two ducks, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. They flew over various locations in Boston to start a family. Each time Mr. Mallard selected a location, Mrs. Mallard found something wrong with it. Tired from their search, the mallards landed at the Public Garden Lagoon to spend the night. In the morning, a swan boat passed by the mallards. The mallards thought the swan boat was a real bird! They had a breakfast of peanuts thrown from the people on the boat. Mrs. Mallard suggested that they build their nest in the Public Garden. However, just as she said this, she was nearly run down by a passing bicyclist. So, the mallards continued their search, flying over Boston landmarks, such as Beacon Hill, the Massachusetts State House, and Louisburg Square. The mallards finally decided on an island in the Charles River. From this island, the mallards visited a policeman named Michael on the shore. He fed them peanuts every day. Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Mallard had eight ducklings named Jack, Kack , Lack, Mack, Nack , Ouack , Pack and Quack. After the ducklings were born, Mr. Mallard decided to take a trip up the river to see what the rest of it was like. Mr. and Mrs. Mallard agreed to meet at the Public Garden in one week. In the meantime, Mrs. Mallard taught the eight ducklings all they needed to know about being ducks. One week later, Mrs. Mallard led the ducklings ashore and tried to cross the highway to reach the Garden, but she had trouble getting across the road because the cars would not stop for her. Michael, the policeman who had fed peanuts to the Mallards, stopped traffic for the family to cross. Michael called police headquarters and told them to send a police car to stop traffic along the route for the ducks. The ducks crossed the highway and then went south to the Garden. When the family had to cross Beacon Street to enter the Garden, there were four policemen standing in the intersection stopping traffic to make way for the ducklings. Mr. Mallard was waiting in the Public Garden for the rest of the family. The family decided to stay in the Garden and lived happily ever after.
Make up the plan of the story: …. …. …. …. ….
tell the story from the part of: Mr Mallard; Mrs Malard; Jack; Kack; ….
homework Find out the information about the author Robert McCloskey and about a tradition to celebrate Mother’s Day in Boston; Tell your classmates about it at the next lesson.
What emotions do you have after reading this tale?
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