План-конспект открытого урока "Мир профессий"
методическая разработка (9 класс) по теме
В рамках данного урока учащиеся 9 класса знакомятся с историей и огромным разнообразием мира профессий. Участвуют в интервью и определяют интересные для себя занятия и профессии.
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Открытый урок по теме «Мир профессий» в 9 классе.
“The World of Work”
Цели урока:
- Демонстрация навыков и умений лексико-грамматического оформления речевых высказываний.
- Приближение речевой деятельности учащихся к естественным нормам.
- Развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности учеников, позволяющих участвовать в учебно-профессиональной сфере.
- Обеспечение практической направленности обучения.
1.Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи в процессе творческого общения учеников друг с другом и учителем на основе изучаемой темы.
2.Применение ранее изученного грамматического материала (Словообразование: суффиксы и словосложение, косвенная речь предложений в повелительном наклонении, настоящее простое и прошедшее простое время.)
3.Повторение и активизация лексического материала по данной теме, применение его в новых ситуациях общения.
4.Развитие навыков письма (заявление по приему на работу)
Мобильный класс(ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, экран), магнитофон.
Управляющая уроком мультимедийная презентация учителя.
1. Начало урока
T: You are in the 9th form. Now you should make a decision. What do you prefer? Would you like to stay on at our school or to leave school and enter any other institutions of secondary education? What is important for you? What will you do after the 9th form? The great world of work is in front of you. Where can you work? What do you want to be? What is important in choosing a profession?
We’ll try to answer these questions at this lesson.
2.Монологические высказывания о древних профессиях.
Звучит тихая мелодичная музыка.
Т: There were many different kinds of occupation in ancient times. The most prominent occupation was a farmer. Some of the important craft occupations were blacksmith, carpenters, and shoemakers. Other occupations were based on food such as bakers to bake bread and vintners to make wine. At the еend of the Middle Ages, merchant and gold smith occupation became more important. Many occupations dealt with services to help people such as barbers, teachers, and dentists.
What do you know about jobs of the Medieval Past? Let’s listen some stories.
Candle maker was a specialist with many talents. Though making candles was a relatively easy project, the craftsman also had to have knowledge of the bees that provided him with the substance to complete his work. Candles provided illumination and were also necessary for church ceremonies.
Слайд №3
Hunter. The professional hunter of the Medieval Ages had many resources at hand with which he could earn money. Hunting was a special skill and though most people had the basic knowledge needed for survival, professionals often circulated among the elite nobility. Hunting was a popular sport during the Middle Ages but also extremely dangerous.
Слайд №4
Gardener. The Medieval Gardener was considered a specialist at his trade. He was mainly responsible for the upkeep and cosmetic appearance of castles and estates but he was also called upon to build defensive ditches and barriers during times of war.
Potters were crafters of earthen works and dealt mainly in clay molds, porcelains and early forms of ceramics. Basically they produced pots for cooking and storage and at times sculpted icons and statues to order. Their crafts were well respected.
3.Упражнения на применение грамматического материала (словообразование)
3.1Now you can see a list of the modern professions and positions in alphabetical order.
Слайд №6
Take the first letter of your name and read profession on this letter, then translate.
3.2Word formation. There are different ways of forming the word:
Слайд №7
-ar beggar | -SUFFIXES - -er -or -ess -1st farmer doctor actress therapist | -cian beautician | -eer engineer |
-man mailman | COMPOSITION -woman -maker -player -worker policewoman shoemaker chess-player iron-worker dressmaker tennis-player glovemaker lacemaker | -smith blacksmith locksmith tinsmith | -wright wheelwright cartwright playwright |
1 команда. Записать названия профессий, образованных с помощью суффиксов.
2 команда. Записать названия профессий, образованных с помощью словосложения
3.3 Тренировка в употреблении изученной лексики.
Задание №2 Командам нужно собрать цепочку: Профессия - Что делают?- Где работают?
Раздаются карточки.
3.4. Развитие устной речи. Использование разговорных форм.
Задание № 3.Команда выбирает карточку, на которой изображен представитель какой-либо профессии. Участники другой команды должны угадать профессию, задавая вопросы:
Do you work inside or outside?
Do you work with people?
Do you work in a shop? etc.
4. Role-Play “Looking for a job”. Ролевая игра.
Characters: A Boss
A Journalist
An Applicant
A Friend of an Applicant
Let’s listen some information from our journalists.
- What is important in choosing a profession?
Слайд №8
The results of a survey among British Teenagers
Factors which are important | Male % | Female % |
Job satisfaction | 50 | 66 |
Money | 29 | 13 |
Friendly atmosphere | 7 | 13 |
Good conditions | 5 | 6 |
Training | 3 | 3 |
Travel | 1 | 2 |
Слайд №9
The results of a survey among my schoolmates
Factors which are taken into account | Boys | Girls |
Job satisfaction | 30 | 35 |
Money | 45 | 40 |
Promotional prospects | 15 | 4 |
Personal qualities and abilities | 5 | 8 |
Social importance | 4 | 7 |
Travel | 2 | 1 |
The influence of other people | 1 | 2 |
- Money is an important factor when people choose a job.
Слайд №10
In Great Britain | In USA | In Russia | |
The worst paid job $ | A nurse in a hospital | Physical therapist | A doctor |
A shop assistant | Veterinary technologists Fitness trainers Preschool teachers Home health aides | A teacher | |
Get a good salary $$ | A dentist | Environmental science | A bank clerk |
A school teacher | Self-enrichment education teacher | A shop assistant | |
A worker in a factory | Respiratory therapist | A worker in a factory | |
A highly paid job $$$ | A bank manager | Network systems and communications analysts | A miner in a coalmine |
A professional footballer | Computer engineers | Bank administrators | |
A nuclear scientist | Information systems managers | A nuclear scientist |
4.2 Монологические высказывания на тему: « Кем я хочу быть?»
Т: What do you want to be? What do you think about it? What profession would you like to choose? Some your classmates tell us.Учащиеся представляют подготовленные проекты.
4.3 You are an applicant and looking for a job. On the blackboard you can see an announcement. Read it, please. Now you are going to have an interview. Most people find interviews a bit nerve racking. How behave you during a job interview.
What do you friends advice you?
Friends: Smile a lot.
Wear clothes suitable for the job.
Don’t seem interested.
Don’t seem prepared.
Speak slowly and clearly.
Try to control and direct the interview yourself.
Never cancel your interview appointment.
Look scruffy.
Try to appear keen and knowledgeable.
Answer questions as briefly as possible.
Get to the interview in time.
T: Journalist, ask your question to an applicant.
J: What does your friend advise (tell) you?
A: It is a good bit of advice …to…get to the interview in time.
It will not help…
It couldn’t work…
It is silly…
4.4Диалог: «Прием на работу»
T: Now let’s go to the firm and have a job interview
B: Good morning, Miss Syrdina. I’m Sonya Timofeeva, The boss of computer firm/
A: Hello, how do you do?
B: Now, you are interested in the job of a computer manager. Have you ever worked as a computer manager?
A: Well, no.
B: Good, fine. Let’s have a look at these details you gave us. Your surname’s Syrdina. And your name…
A: Syrdina Vika
B: What school do you go?
A: Shikhany secondary school.
B: Can you speak any foreign languages?
A: Yes, English.
B: Why do you want this job?
A: I like working with people and I think I can be useful to them.
B: I see, what is your hobby?
A: Basketball
B: And what about your health? Do you smoke?
A: No, I don’t smoke. I’ve got no major illnesses and I had no operation.
B: Good .Right, well. If we want to see you again, we’ll let you know. Thanks for coming to see us. Fill this
Application for employment.
Заполнение анкеты.
First name…………………
Date of birth………………..
Position for which you
are applying…………………
Medical history
Give details of any permanent
disability, major illnesses,
operation which might affect
your work…………………..
Previous employment……….
Leisure interests…………….
Applicant’s signature………..
Journalist: How do you think, was Vika a success or why did she fail?
Boss: In my opinion, Vika is reliable, creative, careful and always able to deal with problems efficiently. She was a success.
Boss: I think, Zhenya was a success, because he has suitable characteristics and qualities. He is sociable, enthusiastic and practical.
4.5 Итоги
T: Our applicants were successful. This is a good result.
Thank you for your good work at the lesson! Your marks are excellent!
- You can tell about your future profession.
- You know about ancient occupations.
- You can use word-formation.
- You know the new words.
- You can have an interview.
Now let’s listen what famous people told about job.
Working quotations.
“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work” Aristotle.
5. Your homework: Do a project: “ My family occupation tree.”
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