Виртуальная экскурсия по Санкт-Петербургу.
план-конспект урока (5 класс) по теме
- Конспект занятия.
- Электронная презентация" Достопримечательности Петербурга".
- Аудиозапись песни "Which land is the best?"
- Материал содержит в себе описание маршрута виртуальной экскурсии по Центральному району города с использованием карты в Интернете. Есть описание достопримечательностей, которые можно здесь увидеть. Ученики 5 класса сами подбирали материал, который стал частью проекта "Welcome to Russia".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие в 5а, 5в классах
«Виртуальная экскурсия по Санкт-Петербургу».
1 часть проекта « Welcome to Russia”.
Учитель англ. языка Уварова Е.В.
ГОУ СОШ № 356
27 мая 2012 года
Цели: - социокультурный аспект - знакомство учащихся с достопримечательностями Санкт-Петербурга;
_ развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
_ воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважения к памятникам культуры;
_ учебный аспект – формирование лексических и грамматичес-
ких навыков говорения.
Задачи: - Активизировать употребление лексики предыдущих уроков;
- практиковать учащихся в устной речи и аудировании;
- тренировать учащихся в произношении названий достопримечательностей;
- учить извлекать из различных источников ( текста учебника «I love Russia», текста «St. Petersburg” из книги для чтения, ресурсов Интернета, путеводителя по Санкт-Петербургу) информацию, необходимую для собственного высказывания;
- учить рассказывать о достопримечательностях города.
Оборудование: компьютер для подключения к сети Internet и показа электронной презентации, видео-проектор, макет парусника.
Ход мероприятия:
- Звучит песня « Which land is the best?” в исполнении учащихся, под музыку.
In my country we are happy,
In my country we are happier,
In my country we are the happiest of all.
In my country we are friendly,
In my country we are friendlier,
In my country we are the friendliest of all.
Chorus: My country, your country,
Travel east or west.
If north is good and south is better,
which land is the best?
In my land it’s very sunny,
In my land it is sunnier,
In my land it is the sunniest of all.
In my land the skies are blue,
In my land they are bluer,
In my land they are the bluest of all.
In my land the grass is green,
In my land it is greener
In my land it is the greenest of all.
In my land it is peaceful,
In my land it is more peaceful,
In my land it’s the most peaceful of all.
- Pupil1: Russia is the largest country in the world. Russians have not just one motherland but two- Russia and some little places of it where they were born. The best cities in Russia are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Khanty-Manciisk. And now we want to tell you about St. Petersburg, our native town.
- Pupil2: Hello! We are your guides. I’ll show you around St. Petersburg today. In the central region of the city you’ll see interesting places of the capital, famous buildings and the bridges you pass under, and learn some interesting facts about the history of Petersburg.
(При дальнейшем виртуальном “путешествии”. демонстрируется карта и фото достопримечательностей в Internet.)
- Pupil3: Now you are on Zayachy Island, at the Peter and Paul Fortress. The date of its foundation, May 16, 1703, is considered the birthday of our city. In the center of the Fortress there is a cathedral where tsars and tsarinas are buried. There is a small, specially constructed building by the Cathedral. The “ Grandfather of the Russian Navy” is inside- the boat on which Peter Alekseyevich began sailing when he was a boy.
- Pupil 4: Go over Trinity Bridge to get to Suvorovskaya sq. You can see the monument to Suvorov in front of you. It stands by the field of Mars facing the Neva. Suvorov was brilliant Russian general. Take a look. There are mosaics on the façade. For many years everyone was sure that the figure on the pedestal symbolized Mars, the God of War, and that he was dressed in the armor of a medieval knight.
- Pupil 5. Go along Lebuazhia Kanavka and pass the Summer Garden. It's on your left. Here you can visit the monument to Krylov.Pay attention to the wrought iron railing. Look how light and graceful it is. Go through the Garden. The Mikhailovsky Garden and Mikhailovsky (Engineers’) Castle are in front of you. Now we are entering Paul’s St. Petersburg. And the main building that was put up in his time , and even with his participation, is the Mikhailovsky Castle.
- Pupil 6. Turn to the right in Engenernaya st. if you want to get to the Arts Square. Almost all kinds of arts are represented in this square. The M. P. Mussorgsky Maly Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, the Museum-Apartment of artist I.I. Brodsky are here. And that’s not all. The Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of Russia, the Great Hall of the Philharmonic Society, where wonderful concerts take place. And there is the Drama Theatre named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya nearby. The main one is the building which serves as the background for the monument to Pushkin. This is the State Russian Museum, and all the fine arts represented there – paintings, sculpture, graphic arts – drawings and prints. It is such a beautiful palace!
- Pupil 7. Go down Mikhailovskaya street to Nevsky Av. You can see a tall Clock Tower on the opposite side of the street and a big shopping centre Bol’shoy Gostiny Dvor. Let me show you the monument in Catherine’s Garden on Nevsky Prospect by the Alexandrinsky Theatre and directly opposite the famous Yeliseyev store. This is Catherine the Great and her closest associates. And all their names are written here.
- Pupil 8. Go up Nevsky Prospect to Griboyedov Channel. Kazan Cathedral and Dom Knigi are here. The Cathedral of the Kazan Madonna has two parts spread out like the wings of a giant bird on the right side of Nevsky Prospect. It is a monument to the military glory of the heroes of the war of 1812. Two monuments were erected in front of the Cathedral: to the remarkable general Barklay de Tolly and brave Mikhail Kutuzov, who was the commander in chief.
- Pupil 9. Church of the Saviour on the Split Blood is not far from Nevsky Prospect. Alexander II was killed here and a church built in the Russian style was consecrated. Go along Nevsky Prospect, pay attention to several unusual features of this remarkable street. Try not to hurry and look carefully at each house. It is possible to find really wonderful things, like the courtyard of the Stroganoff Palace. It belonged to one of the high-standing noble families. Here Nevsky Prospect crosses the Moika River.
- Pupil 10. Turn to the right and go over Singers’ Bridge. Palace square is in front of you. The Winter Palace and the adjoining buildings are occupied by the Hermitage Museum, one of the largest in the world. There are many exhibits there , representing art from ancient times to the present day. And only a small part of the whole collection is exhibited in four buildings: the Winter Palace, the Small, the Old and the New Hermitage. There is also the fifth building there: the Hermitage Theatre, where performances were held in the time of Catherine for herself and her courtiers. Now there are lectures and concerts held there sometimes. The Alexander Column is in the center of the square.
- Pupil 11. Go through the square, turn to the right, go past the fountain and cross the road at the traffic lights. This is the Admiralty – the second fortress on the banks of the Neva. The central tower has a well-formed gilded spire with the golden sailing boat above. Pushkin called it the “ Admiralty Needle”, and it is one of the most beautiful sights of our city. On the opposite bank you can see the Kunstkamera ( the Chamber of Curiosities) and the Zoological Museum.
- Pupil 12. Go along the Palace Embankment as far as Senatskaya sq. A monument to Peter the Great is on your left. It is called the Bronze Horseman. Falconet( the sculptor) wanted to make a monument not to a ruler, not to a warrier, but to an enlightened hero, and he had to have a heroic and fine horse! Go through the square up to St. Isaac’s Cathedral. It has a very interesting history. First, it was a small wooden church.The second one was built of stone. The third St. Isaac’s was built in the time of Catherine the Great of marble. The Mariinsky Palace, where our City Duma works, is just opposite St. Isaac’s Cathedral. The monument to Nicholas I is in front of it.
- St. Petersburg is called “ The Cultural Capital of Russia”. The main teacher of St. Petersburg culture is our city itself. Probably you should go to the center of the city more often, walk in its most beautiful places. Let us finish our trip with this walk. Just enjoy the beauty of our city – St. Petersburg!
( Демонстрируется слайд-шоу с видами города в сопровождении песни петербургского композитора Якова Дубравина « Мой Петербург»).
Источники: www.maps.google. ru.,
N. A. Yakovleva “ The young person’s guide to St. Petersburg”.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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