Fairy tale "Cinderella".Test.
тест (5 класс) по теме
I . Choose the correct variant.
II. Put the sentences in the correct order.
III. Agree or disagree.
IV. Decide if the sentences are true or false.
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Предварительный просмотр:
I . Choose the correct variant:
1. Cinderella’s father married …
a. a second wife
b. a tenth wife
c. a fifth wife
2. The younger sister wanted to wear …
a. a red silk dress with real lace
b. a white satin dress
c. a plain ball gown with diamonds
3. The fairy helped Cinderella …
a. to cook dinner
b. to get ready for the ball
c. to do her homework
4. The prince fell in love with …
a. Cinderella
b. the elder stepsister
c. the stepmother
II. Put the sentences in the correct order:
The stepmother hated Cinderella.
Then the prince found Cinderella and married her.
Once there lived a widower who had a good and kind daughter.
Cinderella had to do all the meanest household tasks.
When Cinderella was running off she had lost one glass slipper.
The prince found a slipper and picked it up.
They were as mean as their mother.
He married a second wife who was proud and very selfish.
The fairy godmother came and helped Cinderella to go to the ball.
She had two daughters.
Cinderella’s stepsisters envied her.
One day the prince sent invitations to a ball.
The prince fell in love with Cinderella.
When the stepmother and her daughters had gone to the ball Cinderella began to cry.
III. Agree or disagree:
Once upon a time there lived a widower who had one daughter and two sons.
One day he married a nice and kind woman.
His second wife had two daughters who were as mean as their mother.
The stepmother and stepsisters loved Cinderella very much.
Cinderella lived in a big comfortable room.
The stepmother and her daughters did nothing. Cinderella did all the meanest household tasks.
One day the stepmother sent invitations to a ball.
Cinderella didn’t want to go to the ball.
Cinderella went to the ball in her rags.
The fairy helped the stepsisters to get ready for the ball.
The prince fell in love with Cinderella.
The prince was so charming that Cinderella forgot the fairy’s warning.
When Cinderella was running off, she’d lost a glass slipper.
The prince married Cinderella’s younger sister.
IV. Decide if the sentences are true or false:
The stepmother and her daughters were glad to leave for the ball.
The girls chattered and scurried, trying on dozens of dresses.
The girls did all the meanest household tasks: cooked, scrubbed and cleaned the rooms.
They had the best beautician in town come to the house to tell them how to do their hair.
As Cinderella brushed away at their hair, they teased her.
When the girls and their mother had gone to the ball, Cinderella wept a little.
Cinderella did her best to make their hair stylish.
They were primping and prancing at their mirrors.
Cinderella brought the biggest pumpkin she could find.
Then the fairy’s wand really made a wonder.
They broke dozens of laces, trying to make their waists small.
Cinderella helped her stepsisters to get ready for the ball.
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