Открытый урок по теме "Сan people do without you?"
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

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Предварительный просмотр:



 Сan people do without you?

Цели и задачи: познавательные; развивающие; языковые;

  1. Развитие и использование социокультурных знаний по теме.
  2. Развитие способностей к обобщению, логическому изложению.
  3. Развитие умения использовать ранее усвоенный лексический и грамматический материал, аудирование и чтение с извлечением конкретной информации.
  1. Орг. Момент

What date is it today? What is the weather like today? Are birds, animals and homeless people suffer from terrible weather?

  1. Повторение лексического материала по теме.
  1. Who else need our help?

elderly people                   poor people                         orphans

children                              lonely people                       animals and birds

  1. Today we`ll discuss the topic “Can people do without you?”

People help each other. How do we call such activity?

Voluntary work: a volunteer, a charity, voluntary, charity.

  1. What are the main point of voluntary work?
  2. Who does a volunteer help?(a volunteer help)
  3. What are the charity organizations?(a charity)
  4. How does each organization help?(voluntary)
  5. How do the people work for charity?(charity)
  1. Аудирование, повторение грамматики (V-ing forms) (Listening for main idea)
  1. A lot of people in the world do the charity help. One of the most famous volunteer won the Nobel Prize for peace and charity in 1979.
  2. Who is this film about?
  3. Your home task was AB ex. 2 p. 36. Let us it.

  1. Практика в чтении с извлечением конкретной информации(reading for specific information)
  1. There are charity organizations for every area of life. Read the text for specific information and do the tasks.
  2. Match the column.

A charity organization










1942, 1889, 1946, 1824

  1. Fill the blanks
  1. …was organized in England and Wales in 1824(RSPCA)
  2. … was founded in Oxford and helps people in poor countries(OXFAM)
  3. … was groups for children and teenagers(RSPB)
  4. … provides humanitarian  help to children(UNICEF)
  5. …prevent cruelty (RSPCA)
  6. … has numerous shops all over the world(OXFAM)
  7. … works to protect birds in the UK(RSPB)
  8. … logo is on front of FC Barcelona shirts(UNICEF)
  9. Is a consideration of 15 organizations in 98 countries(OXFAM)
  10. … was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1946(UNICEF)
  1.  Fill the table

A charity organization



helps (animals)


helps(needy people)




helps(children and their mothers in poor countries)

  1. Аудирование (Listening for the main idea)

Watch the advertisements and find the aims or the main ideas of them.

  1. The main aim is a helping to needy children.
  2. The main aim is protecting the earth.
  3. The main idea is helping animals.

  1. Аудирование (Listening for specific information)

What makes you help other people?

SB ex. 1 p. 60

Listen the text and find the main idea

  1. What does Hilary do to help other  people?
  2. What does Stephen do to help elderly people?
  3. What does Allison do to help her neighbor?
  4. What do you do to help other people?

         collect books


                     clothes              for children and orphans



  1. Would you like to help them today? What do you give?

                    I give     a doll

                                  a book

                                  a pen

  1. Home task

      AB ex. 6 p. 41


№1 Непогода

№2.1 Нуждающиеся

№2.2 Тема урока

№3 Кластер

№4.1 Mother Teresa

№5 Заставка Флаги

№6 Таблица

№ 7 Предложения

№8 Таблица

№9 Реклама

№10 Заставка флаги

№11 Задание

№12 Good By

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