методическая разработка (9 класс) по теме


Ученики в роли журналистов на прессконференции великих джазменов...

 Цели урока:

 - заинтересовать учащихся музыкальной культурой 20-30-х гг.ХХ века;

 - изучить новый материал в новой форме;

 - расширить знания и практические навыки в музыке и иностранном языке;

 - содействовать формированию мировоззренческой ориентации учеников;

 - совершенствовать навыки устной речи по теме «Музыка в нашей жизни»;

 - развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи;

 - развитие умения слушать друг друга.


Предварительный просмотр:

На творческом отчете учителей был проведен открытый урок в 9б классе.


Цели урока:

- заинтересовать учащихся музыкальной культурой 20-30-х гг.ХХ века;

-изучить новый материал в новой форме;

- расширить знания и практические навыки в музыке и иностранном языке;

- содействовать формированию мировоззренческой ориентации учеников;

- совершенствовать навыки устной речи по теме «Музыка в нашей жизни»;

- развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи;

- развитие умения слушать друг друга.

Оборудование урока: Портреты композиторов Европы и Америки, джазовых композиторов и исполнителей. Магнитофон для воспроизведения музыкальных записей.

1. Организационный момент.

2. Сообщение целей урока.

  Today we`ll have an extraodinary lesson. I think that all of us are journalists today and we`ll  have a great opportunity to attend a lecture on «Jazz music» and to meet famous jazz-men at a press-conference. But first of all let`s welcome our guests. We are very glad to see them today.

3. Речевая разминка.

  - Do you like to listen to music?


  - Is it difficult to live without music?


  - What sort of music do you like?


  - What does music make you think of?


  - How can music influence people?


  - What music do you like to listen to when you have free time?


  - What music irritates you?


  - What music are you fond of?


 - Can you think of a day without music?


  It`s difficult to live without music. We hear music everywhere.  Today we are going to speak about jazz-music.  Now I want you to listen to a musical producer Anton. He`ll tell us a lot about jazz.

4. Сообщениe  №1 o джазе.

  Juzz is a kind of music that began among the American Negrous just before the end of the 19th century, and is today popular all over the world. Many people use the word «jazz» to describe only that music which is very like the music of the original jazz bands that played in New Orleans, in the United States, in the early 1900s. However, the great majority of people use the word to cover many forms of rhythmic music which developed from those beginnings.

  The first jazz grew mainly from rough-and-ready brass bands that marched in the streets of  New Orleans, playing at funerals, wedding, elections. They began to use different instruments. Finally, some invented the word «jazz» to describe a music that combined several different influences. The bands that played this music usually consisted of drums, piano, banjo, trumpet (or cornet), trombone and clarinet.

  The first great jazz musician was Louis Armstrong, a trumpeter. Big bands were formed by Paul Whiteman.

  Through all the century white men Negroes spread this, the first genuine American folk music, to many corners of the Earth, creating new styles experimenting. That`s all. Have you got any questions?

 - ...

Thank you very much.

5. And now my student Tanya`ll tell you about the greatest composer of the ХХ century – George Gershvin. Let`s applaud!

(Сообщение №2 о Джордже Гершвине.)

- George Gershwin was the first American composer to combine successfully popular and serious styles. He was born in 1899 in the family of  emigrants from Russia and died in 1937 at the age of 38.. George Gershwin gained his first success at the age of nineteen when he created the «Swanee». In 1924 was the premiere of his «Rhapsody in Blue». It was George Gershwin`s first successful effort in jazz-inspired serious music. Throughout his short career George Gershwin composed both popular songs and musical comedies, as well as concert works, such as «Concerto in F for piano». To both he brought perfect skill and style of a trained musician. At the same time in his works he used the elements of blues, and Latin dance-rhythms that were prevailing during the period in which George Gershwin lived. The symphonic poem «An American in Paris» is one of George Gershwin`s best concert works. His «Porgy and Bess» once premiered on Broadway, has now been staged by several opera companies in the world. «Porgy and Bess» was staged on the 14 of May in 1945 in Russia for the first time. George Gershwin`s most popular songs come from this opera, including well-known «Summertime». Let`s listen to this beautiful song. (Ученица предлагает послушать и проанализировать «Summer time» из опeры Гершвина «Porgy and Bess»)

He created 300 songs during his life. He was fond of painting, too.George Gershwin painted 37 pictures. He wanted to show his pictures when he was alive, but failed. And the first exhibition was held after his death. He was a very talanted person. Have you got any questions? Thank you.

6. Today we have a chance to meet with the stars of jazz. And now - Ella Fitzgerald.

(Сообщение №3 – ученица в роли Эллы Фицджеральд)

- I was born on the 25th of April 1918 in Newport News Virginia. My debut was in 1934 singing in an amateur contest in Harlem. At our concerts we sang many songs and melodies, which were played by almost every orchestra and became the classics of Jazz. My first record «Love and Kisses» appeared in 1935. For 4 years I`ve had concerts at night clubs and concert halls as a soloist.

  I took part in TV shows, radioprogramms, jazz festivals. I gave concerts and recorded with my friends famous jazzmen such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, sangs songs by George Gershwin from his opera «Porgy and Bess». Since the middle of forties I was named «the first lady of Jazz». Well, now your questions.

- Who was your favorite partner?

- I had many partners in my career, but Louis Armstrong was so irresistible and expressive that I think I like him most of all. Meet my favourite partner Louis Armstrong!

7. (Сообщение №4 – ученик в роли Армстронга)

- My name is Louis Daniel Armstrong. I was born in 1900 in New Orlean and grew in its streets. My father left us when I was a baby. I had worked a lot, and I did different work. One day I shoot from the gun in the street (just for fun) and was put to the prison. There I learned how to play a trumpet and singing as well. I had to play in different places to get some money. When I was 22 I joined Creol Jazz band in Chicago, there I also played in different orchestras and recorded my songs. In 1946 I organized my own orchestra «L.A. all Stars». And gave concerts in many countries. So that is all. Have you got any questions?

- Why do you always with a handkerchief?

- That`s my fashion. You see I`m fat a little bit, so I need it to wipe my hands and face.

- Thank you.

- Could you be so kind to sing our lovely song «What a Wonderful World» for us,  please.

- Of course,  with your help, with great pleasure.

- (поет, все дети и гости помогают ученику)


 I see trees of green, red roses too

 I see them bloom for me and you

 And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colours of the rainbow so pretty in the sky

Are also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do

They`re really saying I love you.

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow

They`ll learn much more than I`ll never know

And I think to myself what a wonderful world

Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

- Thank you for your attention. I have to go. Goodbye

8. And now – Duke Ellington. (Сообщение №5 – ученик в роли Эллингтона)

- My name is Edward Kennedy Ellington. I was born on the 29 of April in 1899. When I was seven I began to study solfedgeo and began to study playing the piano.

  In youth I liked music in the style of ragtime very much. I had bought «Carolina Shout» by James P.Johnson and had been listening this single until I had learned it.

  In the end of 1918 my friends and I decided to or ganize a small band «Washingtoners». In 1922 we went to New York but soon came back. In 1923 I decided to go to New York and became famous and popular. Many people: percussionists, trombonists, saxophonists, celloists changed in my band during the years of 1923-1939. A remarkable singer A.Anderson has been performing together with our orchestra since the year of 1931. In 1939 there appeared a new composer-arrangist Billy Streehorn. Any questions?

- Why did you have the nickname Duke?

- I got my nickname Duke for elegant suit, polite manners and slender step. And now I have to go. Goodbye.

9. Thanks a lot for our stars! It was a pleasure to listen to them. Thanks a lot for our journalists! You took an active part. What new facts have you learnt?



- Do you know where we can listen to real jazz?

-  Nowdays New Orlean is an international seaport, and people from all over the world come to New Orlean to hear jazz.

- What is an important part of jazz?

-  Improvisation. It means that jazz music is made up or create on the spot. This is why a jazz song can sound a little different each time it is played.

10. Подведение итогов урока и объяснение домашнего задания.

That brings us to the end. Thank you for your stories and questions . We know that we tried our best and we`ve done it to have fun. I`m so grateful to you. At home write down some sentences on the topic «What do you think of jazz?» The lesson is over. Goodbye.

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