Jazz Chants
материал (английский язык) по теме

Jazz Chants это оригинальные стихи, в которых используются ритмы джаза для обучения устной речи и отработки произношения и интонации лексики.Jazz Chants помогают довести до автоматизма самые ходовые выражения английского языка. Проверено на себе! 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Sh! Sh! Baby's Sleeping!

I said, Sh! Sh! Baby's_sleeping!

I said, Sh! Sh! Baby's_sleeping!


What_did_you say?

What_did you say?


I said, Hush! Hush! Baby's_sleeping!

I said, Hush! Hush! Baby's_sleeping!

What _did_you say?

What did you say?


I said, Please be quiet, Baby's sleeping!

I said, Please be quiet, Baby's sleeping!

What_did_you say?

What_did_you say?


I said, Shut up! Shut up! Baby's_sleeping!

I said, Shut up! Shut up! Baby's_sleeping!




Big Mouth John Brown

Who did_you see?

I saw John.

John who?

John Brown.           

I can't hear you.

I said_John Brown.

I can't hear you.

I said John Brown.

I can't hear you.

I said John Brown.

I said John Brown.

John Brown.

John Brown.

What did_he say?


John Brown.

John Brown?

Yes. What did_he say?

He didn’t say anything.


Not a word.

I don't_believe it.

I don't_believe it.

Big Mouth John Brown didn't say a word?

Not a word.

I don't believe it. I don't believe it.

Big Mouth John Brown didn't say a word?

Big Mouth John Brown didn't say a word.

Sally Speaks Spanish, But Not Very Well

Sally speaks_Spanish, but not very well.

When she tries to speak Spanish,

you really can't  tell

what language she's_speaking

or trying to speak.

The first time I heard_her,

I thought it was Greek.

How's His English?

His English is wonderful,

he speaks very well.

His accent is perfect.

You really can't_tell

That_he isn't a native of the U.S.A.

There's only one problem,

he has nothing to say.

6. It's Got to be Somewhere

Where is it? Where is it?

Where is it? Where is it?

I can't find it!

She can't find it!

It's got_to be here, it's got to be here!

It has to be here! It must be here!

It's gone! It's gone!

It's gone! It's gone!

Take it(d) easy! Take it easy!

It has to be here.

It must be here.

It can't_be lost.

It can't be lost.

It's got to be here.

It's got to be here.

Try to remember.

Try to remember.

I can't remember. [or]

Try to remember.

I can't remember.

Think back! 

I can't think.

Think back!

I can't think.


Where did you put it?

Where did you put it?

I can’t remember.

I can't remember.

Oh, here it is, here it is!

Thank heavens!

Thank heavens!

I found it.

She found it!

Here it is! Here it is!

Whew!    [Hwu]


This is mine!

That's yours!

Don't_touch mine!


This is mine!

That's yours!

This is mine!

That's yours!

This is mine!



That's yours!


Hey, what are you doing?

What are you doing with that?

That's mine!


Hey, what are you doing?

What are you doing with_that?

That's his!


Hey, what are you doing?

What are you doing with that?

That's hers!


What's mine is mine.

What's_yours is_yours.

What's his is his.

What's_hers is_hers.

What's ours is ours.

What's theirs is theirs.

What Are You Going to Do at Two?

What are you going to do at_two?

What are you going to do?


Where are you going to be at three?

Where are you going to be?

Who are you going to see?

What are you going to say?

How are you going to go?

Where are you going to stay?

What are you going to do?

Who are you going to see?

When are you going to leave?

Where are you going to be?

Meet Me in the Morning

Meet me in_the morning.

Meet me at noon.

Meet me in September, of the middle of June.

Meet me at midnight.

Meet me in the hall.

Meet me in the summer.

Meet me in the fall.

Meet me in the evening.

Meet me at eight.

I'll meet_you anytime you want but please don't be late.

Taking Credit

Здесь "H" произносится

Whose book is this?

It's mine. It's mine.

Are you sure it's not his?

No, No, it's mine!

Whose work is this?

This beautiful work!

It's mine! It's mine!

It's mine! It's mine!

Whose work is this?

This awful work!

It's_his! It's_his!


Are you sure it's not  yours?

Of course it's not mine!

It's certainly not mine!

Not mine, not mine!

Not yours?

Not mine!

Are you sure?

I'm sure!

It's_his! It's_his!

Not yours?

Not mine!

A Bad Day

I overslept_and missed my train,

slipped on the sidewalk in_the pouring rain,

sprained my ankle, skinned my knees,

broke my glasses, lost my keys,

got stuck in the_elevator,

it wouldn't go,

kicked it twice and stubbed my toe,

bought a pen | that didn't write,

took it back and had a fight,

went home_angry,

locked_the door,

crawled into bed,

couldn't_take any more.

13. More Bad Luck

The bread was stale, it_was four days old.

The milk was sour.     [сауэр ]

The coffee was cold.

The butter was rancid.

The steak was tough.

The service was dreadful.

The waiter was rough.

My bill was huge.

His tip was small.

I'm sorry I went_ to that place at_all. эрол

Personal Questions

Where were you born?

I'd rather not say.

Where are you from?

I'd rather not say.

How tall_are you?

How old are you?

How much do you_weigh?

I'd rather not say.

How much rent do you pay:

I'd rather not say.

How much do you make?

I'd rather not say.

Why aren't you married?

I'd rather not say.

Why don't_you have children?

I'd rather not say.

Where were_you lasеt_night?

Why weren't you home?

Did you stay out_late?

Did you come home alone?

Did you have a good time?

Did you see a good play?

Did you go to a concert?

I'd rather not say.

Do You Know Mary?

Do you know Mary?

Mary who?

Mary McDonald.

Of course I do.

Do you know-her little brother?


Yes, of course I do.

I know-Ker brother, and_her mother

and_her father too.

Do you know her_older sister?

Yes, of course I do.

I know her_older sister, Betty

and_her younger sister, Sue.

Do you know her_Aunt Esther?

Yes, of course I do.

I know her aunts and_her uncles

and her cousins_too.


Do you know her husband Bobby?

Yes, of course I do.

I know her husband and_his brother (or)

and his father too.

Departure and Return Home

Have a wonderful trip!

Have a wonderful trip!

Don't forget to call me when you get back.

Have a wonderful trip!

Have a wonderful trip!

Don't forget to call me when you get back.

Have a wonderful trip!

Don't_worry, I will.

Have a wonderful trip!

Don't_worry, I will.

Don't forget-to call me.

Don't_worry, I won't.

Don't forget to call me.

Don't_worry, I won't.

17. Return

Gee, it's good_to_ see you

You look wonderful!

So do you!

It's been a long time!

It sure. has.

It's been a long time!

It sure has. чью

I missed you terribly.

Me too!

I'm so glad (j) you're back!

So am I.

18. On_a Diet


First she gave up smoking.

Then she ' gave up gin.

Then she gave up chocolate cake.

She wanted to be thin.

Then she gave up breakfast.

Then she gave up lunch.

On lazy Sunday mornings she_even gave up brunch.

No matter what she gave up, her skirts were very tight.

'Cause_she ate twelve cans of tuna fish

for dinner every night.

Twelve Cans of Tuna Fish Rag

Twelve cans! Twelve cans!

Twelve cans of tuna fish. Twelve cans.

How many cans?

Twelve, twelve.

Did you say twelve?

Yes, I said twelve.

'Twelve cans of what?

Twelve cans of fish.

Twelve cans of fish?

Yes, fish, yes, fish.

What kind of fish?

Tuna,   tuna.

Twelve cans of tuna fish?

Yes, twelve cans.

Oh, my goodness!

No wonder she's_fat!

How_often does_she_eat those twelve cans_of tuna?

How often does she eat those twelve big cans?

Every night, every night.

She_eats twelve cans of tuna fish

every night.

You're kidding!

Oh, my goodness! No wonder she's fat!

That's a lot_of tuna.

It sure_is!

That's a lorof tuna.

It sure_is!

That's too much tuna, if you ask me.

It sure is! It sure is!

Twelve cans of tuna is a lot_of fish if you ' ask me, if you ' ask me.



Panic on Being Late

What_time is it?

What_time is it?

Hurry up! Hurry up!

Hurry up! Hurry up!

What time is it?

What time is it?

Please hurry up!

We're going to be late!

Oh, I don't_have time to talk to you now.

I'm late, I'm late, I'm terribly late.

Hurry up! Hurry up!

What time is it?

Hurry up! Hurry up!

What time is it?

Hurry up!

What time is it?

Hurry up!

Ouch! That Hurts


What's the matter?

I stubbed my toe.

Oh, that hurts, that hurts.

I know that hurts.


What's the matter?

I bit my tongue.

Oh, that hurts, that hurts.

I know that hurts.


What's the matter?


I got a cramp in my foot.

Oh, that hurts, that_hurts.

I know that_hurts.

Ouch! Ouch!

What's the matter now?

I bumped into the table, tripped on the stairs, slipped on_the carpet, fell over_the chairs.

Gee! You're clumsy today!

 Major Decisions

How do you like your coffee?

Black! Black!

How do you like your tea.?

With lemon, please.

How do you like your steak?

Medium rare.

How do you like your_eggs?

I don't care!

Sunny-side up?

I don't care!


Poached on toast?

I don't care!

Scrambled, with bacon?

I don't care!


I don't care!



I don't care!

How about an omelet?

I don't care!

Come on, tell me!

This_isn't fair.

I told_you the truth. I really don't care!

I Gave It Away

I gave it away.

You what?

I gave it away.

What did you say?

I said I gave it away.

Gave it away?

That's what I said.}.  I said ' I ' gave it away.


Because 1 wanted to.

You wanted to?

Yes, I wanted to.

Why didn't_you sell it?

Sell it?

Yes, sell it, sell it.

Why ' didn't you sell it?

I didn't_want to.

Why not? Why not?

I didn't_want to.

Why not? Why not?

I didn't want to.

Why didn't_you give it_to me?

I didn't want to.

Why didn't you give it_to him?

I didn't_want to.

Why didn't_you give it_to her?

I didn't_want to.

Why didn't you give it_to them?

I didn't_want to.

I didn't_want to.

Banker's Wife's Blues

Where does John live?

He lives near the bank.

Where does_he work?

He works_at the bank.

When does_he work?


He works all day and_he works all night,

at the bank, at the bank, at the greatbig bank.

Where does_he study?

He studies_at the bank.

Where does he sleep?

He sleeps_at the bank.

Why does he spend all day, all night,

all day, all night, at the bank, at the bank?

Because he loves his bank more than his wife

and_the loves_his money more than his life.

 Tell Me Your Name

Tell me your name again, please.

Tell me your name.

Tell me your first name.

Tell me your last name.

Spell your name for me, please.

Spell your name.

Pronounce your name for me, please.

Say it again.

What a beautiful name!

What a lovely name!

A Late Again

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Are you ready to go?

Not quite, not quite.

Just a minute, don't rush me!

Hurry up, hurry up!

Hurry up, hurry up!

I'll be ready in a minute,

in a minute, in a minute.

I can't find my keys!

I can't find my keys!

Come on, let's go!

Come on, let's go!

I can't find my socks!

I can't find my socks!

Come on, let's go!

Let's go, let's go!

I can't find my shoes!

I can't find my shoes!

Come on, let's go!

Let's go, let's go!

Your keys are in your hand,

Your socks are in your shoes,

Your shoes are on the floor..

Let's go, let's go!


Watch_out! Watch_out!
Wath out! Watch out!
Watch out!
There's a hole in_the floor!


A hole.


In the floor.

A hole in the floor?

Yes, a hole in the floor,

A great big hole in the floor.

Well, I don't see any hole in the floor.

I don't see any hole.

It's there!

Where? Right there!

Right here? Yes, right there.

Are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure. It's big as a house.


It's huge.


It's huge.

A huge hole, ' a great big hole,

a great big hole in the floor.

I think you re kidding.

You're teasing me.

There's no hole in the . . .


Well, I've known Jack for fourteen years.
He's a pretty good friend of mine.

She's known Jack for fourteen years.
He's a pretty good friend of hers.

And I've known Bill for thirteen years.

He's a pretty good friend of mine.

She's known Bill for thirteen years.

He's a pretty good friend of hers.

I've known_them_both for quite a long time.

They're pretty good friends of mine.

She's known them both for quite a long time.

They're pretty good friends of hers.

I've known Jim for a long time.

He's an oldold friend of mine.

She's known Jim for a long time

He's an oldold friend of hers.

We're old friends, old friends.

He's a dear, old friend of mine.

How long have you known your old friend Sue?

How long have you known dear Claude and Sue?

Well, I met them just before I met you.

They're my closest friends, dear Claude and Sue.

Easy Solutions

Gee, I'm hungry;

Have a sandwich.

Gee, I'm angry!

Calm down!

Gee, I'm sleepy!

Take a nap!

Gee, it's chilly in here!

Put on a sweater.

Gee, it's hot in here!

Open a window.

I've got the hiccups!

Drink some water.

My nose itches.

Scratch it.

My feet hurt.

Sit down for awhile.

My shoes_are tight.

Take them off.

I have a toothache.

Go to the dentist.

I have a headache.

Take some aspirin.

I'm lonely!

Call_up_a friend.

I'm bored!

Go to a movie.

Love Song

Does she love him?

Yes, she does.

Is she happy?

Yes, she is.

Does he know it?

Yes, he does, yes, he knows_it.

Will she hug_him?

Yes, she will.

Will she kiss him?

Yes, she will.

Will she leave him?

Yes, she will, if she has to.


Does he love her?

Yes, he does.

Is he happy?

Yes, he is.

Does she know_it?

Yes, she does, yes, she knows it.

Will he hug_her?

Yes, he will.

Will he kiss_her?

Yes, he will.

Will he leave her?

Yes, he will, if he has to.

Are they happy?

Yes, they are.

Are they lucky?

Yes, they are.

Do they know it?

Yes, they do, yes they know it.

Will he find somebody new?

Will she find somebody too?

Yes, they will.

Yes, they will, if they have to.

On the Rocks

You never listen to me.

What did you say?

You never listen to me.


He never listens, to me. He never talks.to me.

He just sits, around, and watches_TV.

She never listens to me.

She never talks to me.

She just sits_around, and watches TV.

She never listens to me.

She just sits around.

She never talks to me.

She just sits around. She just sits around.

She just sits around, and watches TV.

She just sits around.

He never listens to me.

He just sits around.

He never talks to me.

He just sits around.

He just sits around.

He just sits around, and watches TV.

He just sits around.

34. The Beaches of Mexico

Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico?

Have you ever walked the streets of San Juan?

Have you ever been to Haiti?

Have you ever been to Spain?

Have you ever walked barefoot in a heavy rain?

Have you ever been in trouble?

Have you ever been in pain?

Have you ever been in love?

Would you do it all again?

Well, I've never seen the beaches of Mexico.

I've never walked the streets of San Juan.

I've never been to Haiti.

I've never been to Spain.

I've never walked barefoot

in a heavy rain.

But I've sure been in trouble,

I've sure been in pain,

I've sure been in love,

I'd_do it all again.


I'm Sorry, But...

I'm sorry, but you've got to do better than this.

I'm doing the best I can.

I'm sorry, but you've got to walk faster than this.

I'm walking as fast as I can.

I'm sorry, but you've got to work harder than this.

I'm working as hard as I can.

It's not good enough

It's not good enough

It's not good enough

It's not good enough

I'm doing my best.

Try a little harder.

I'm doing my best.

Try a little harder.

I'm doing my best.

Try a little harder.

I can't, I can't.

Don't say can't.

I won't, I won't but I'm doing my best.

Do a little better.

I'm doing my best.

Do a little better.

I'm doing my best.

Try a little harder.

I'll try, I'll try.

Try a little harder.

I'll try, I'll try.

Baby Bobby

Betty bought a bright blue blanket for her baby boy.

He cried when he saw it.

He hates bright blue.


Betty bought a blanket.

Betty bought a blanket.

Betty bought a blue blanket.

Betty bought a blue blanket.

Betty bought a bright blue blanket

a bright, blue blanket for her baby boy,

for her baby boy.

He cried when he saw it.

He hates bright blue.

Betty's baby's name is Bobby.

Baby Bobby is a bad, bad boy.

Bobby is a bad, bad baby.

He drives everybody crazy.

Bobby is a bad, bad baby.

Baby Bobby is a bad, bad boy.

Bobby broke his mother's glasses.

Bobby Baby! Why did you do that?

Bobby lost his father's keys.

Bobby Baby! Why did you do that?

Bobby threw the paper in the kitchen sink.

Daddy got very, very angry.

He cut all the buttons off his father's shirt.

Daddy got very, very angry.

Bobby is a bad, bad baby.

Baby Bobby is a bad, bad boy.

It's Like Winter Today

It's like winter today.

It looks like winter.

It feels like winter.

Close the windows!

Shut the door!

Light the stove! Hold me!

It's like spring today!

It looks like spring.

It feels like spring.

Open all the windows!

Open.the door!

Turn off the stove! Hold me!


My Feet Hurt

My feet hurt!

Take off your shoes!

My feet hurt!

Take off your shoes!

My feet hurt!

Take off your shoes!

My feet hurt!

Take off your shoes!

It's hot in here!

Take off your sweater!

It's hot in here!

Take off your sweater!

It's hot in here!

Take off your sweater!

My feet hurt!

Take off your shoes!

It's cold in here!

Put on your sweater!

It's cold in here!

Put on your sweater!

It's cold in here!

Put on your sweater!

My feet hurt!

Take off your shoes!

My hands are cold!

Put on your gloves!

My hands are cold!

Put on your gloves!

My hands are cold!

Put on your gloves!

My feet hurt!

Take off your shoes!

Mama Knows Best

You shouldn't do it that way.
You ought_to do it this way.

You ought to do it this way.

You ought to do it my way.

You shouldn't wear it that way.

You ought to wear it this way.

You ought to wear it this way.

You ought to wear it my way.

You shouldn't go with them.

You ought to go with us.

You shouldn't take the train.

You ought to take the bus.

You shouldn't wear that hat.

You ought to cut_your hair.

You shouldn't get so fat.

You ought to eat a pear.

You shouldn't do it that way.

You ought to do it this way.

You ought to do it this way.

You ought to do it my way.

 Big Bill Bell

He's here!

Who's here?

Bill's here.

Bill who?

Bill Bell.

Bill Bell?

Who's he?

You know him.

I do?

Of course you do.

He's a friend of yours.

He is?

Of course he is.

Big Bill. Big Bill Bell.

Oh, you mean Bill! Big Bill!

That's right, that's him!

You know him very well.

Sure_I do!

Big Bill Bell!

Big Bill Bell!

I know_him very well.


Wake Up! Wake Up!

Wake up! Wake up!

What time is it?

Wake up! Wake up!

What time is it?

It's time to get up.

What time is it?

It's time to get up.

What time is it?

Come on, get up!

I don't want to get up.

Come on, get up!

I don't want to get up.

You have to get up!

I don't want to get up.

You must get up!

I don't want to get up.

You've got to get up!

I don't want to get up.

Come on, get up!

I don't want to get up.

Get up! Get up! You're going to be late!

Late for what?

Late for work.

Late for work?

It's Sunday!

You're Just Like Your Mother

Stop it!

Stop what?

Stop arguing with me.

I'm not arguing with you.

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not.

You are too!

I ' am not!

You are too!

I am not!

You're just like your mother.

I am not!

Yes, you are!

No, I'm not!

Yes, you are!

No, I'm not!

She loves to argue.

No, she doesn't!

Yes, she does!

No, she doesn't!

Yes, she does!

No, she doesn't!

She ' does too!

She does not!

She ' does too!

She does not!

Don't argue with me!


SMALL TALK. More Jazz Chants from CAROLYN GRAHAM (с музыкой)


Unit 1. Greetings

Hi! How are you?

Fine. How are you?

I'm fine. How's Bill?

He's fine.

How's Mary?

She's fine.

How are the children?

They're fine.

How's your job?

It's fine.

How's Jack?

He's sick!

Oh no!



Hello. How've You Been? *

Hello. How've you been?

It's so good to see you.

It's good to see you.

How've you been?

Just fine.


Hello, how've you been?

Hello, how've you been?

Hello, how've you been?

Just fine.

Just fine.

It's so good to see you.

It's so good to see you.

It's good to see you.

How've you been?

Just fine.



Jack! You're Back! *

Jack! You're back!

I haven't seen you for a long time.

How've you been?

Just fine.

It's been a long time.

How've you been?

Just fine.

It's been a long time.

I'm so glad you're back, Jack.

So am I

I'm so glad you're back, Jack.

So am I.

I'm so glad you're back.

I'm so glad you're back.

I'm so glad you're back, Jack.

So am I

I haven't seen you for a long time.



Good-bye, Good-bye

Good-bye, good-bye.
See you tomorrow.

Good-bye, see you tomorrow.
Good-bye, see you tomorrow.


See you tomorrow.



So long, see you tomorrow.
So long, see you tomorrow.
So long, see you tomorrow.

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Данная статья показывает как можно использовать JAZZ CHANTS на уроках английского языка при изучении фонетики, лексики и грамматики....

«Формирование коммуникативных навыков на уроках английского языка при помощи jazz chants»

Одним из основных факторов модернизации региональной системы образования является коммуникативная компетентность. Именно ее формированию помогает использование на уроках песенного и музыкального матер...

Grammar in chants

Grammar in chants....

Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке «Jazz Crossroads – Джазовый Перекресток»

Музыкальный вечер песен на английском языке в джазовом стиле. Сценарий на русском и английском языках, рассчитан для учащихся 1-11кл и тех, кто не изучает английского языка....

Из опыта работы: использование упражнений серии Jazz Chants на уроках английского языка в школе.

Серия "Jazz Chants" давно известна и популярна в преподавательской среде. Музыкальные рифмовки помогают быстро освоить грамматический и лексический материал, курс "Small Talk" помогает развить навык п...