Тематическая дискотека на английском языке "Modern British Music".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
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Тематическая дискотека
Задачи: развивать языковую, речевую и социокультурную компетенцию,
стимулировать мотивацию учащихся к овладению иностранным языкам.
Диск-жокей 1. Let’s begin our disco. I think that all of us like music. With the help of music we can express our thoughts and fillings, we can relax and have fun. Music helps us to understand the inner world of a person. Some people enjoy classic music, other prefer pop and rock. So, many people, so many opinions.
Диск-жокей 2. Recently I’ve read an article that music has lost has lost its importance nowadays. The author tries to convince us that only 10 or 20 years ago there were real masters writing real songs. And the only things we can get now synthesizers and dance music.
Диск-жокей 1. I do not share this opinion because among young people there are many fans who think that pop and rock music is better today than ever before. There are a lot of music stars in the whole world who represent different stiles and images. And it’s splendid.
Диск-жокей 2. On the other hand, it is. Many young people today are fond of listening to music, but on the other hand, there are a lot of complains about effect of rock on the young people. Psychologists are worried with the fact that rock music results in escaping from social problems and responsibilities, it affects young people drugs. There are well- known cases of antisocial and immoral behaviour on the part of some young people during the concerts.
Диск-жокей 1. But the great popularity of rock music speaks for itself. It prevails in youth culture. Young people are united by it and communicate through it, express their thoughts, hopes, dreams, sorrow and joys. Rock attracts many young people all over the world.
Диск-жокей 2. And now it’s time for dancing. While doing it try to guess whose music you are dancing to.
(Дети танцуют под музыку «Битлз»)
Of course, it’s “the Beatles”, the most popular group in rock history. Many people ask :What are the Beatles? How did the name arrive?” So, we’ll tell you. It came in a vision – a man appeared on a flaming pie and said :”From this day on you are the Beatles with an A”. Beatlemania is once again sweeping the country.
Диск-жокей 1. And now I propose you to have a quiz about the band and its music.
- When and where was the group born? (In 1962, in Liverpool.)
- Whom did the group consist of? (John Lennon, George Harrison, Pal McCartney, Rengo Starr).
- Who wrote most of the Beatles’ songs? (J. Lennon and P. McCartney.)
- What musical instruments did the Beatles play& (J. Lennon- rhythm guitar, G Harrison- lead guitar, P. McCartney- bass guitar, R. Starr- drums.)
- When did the Beatles gain worldwide fame? ( In 1964)
- What was the theme of their first composition? (Love)
- What are there most famous song? (“Love me do”, “ Come together”, “Please, please me” “Something”, “Michelle”, “Yellow Submarine” “Yesterday”, “ A hard day night”)
- When did the group begin to drift apart? ( In the late 1960s.)
- Who was awarded the title of Lord? ( P. McCartney)
- Which one of the Beatles was murdered by a fan? (J. Lennon in 1980.)
Победитель викторины награждается грамотой и правом выбрать песню из репертуара группы.
Диск-жокей 2. So, one of the Beatles was J. Lennon. He was born in Liverpool in 1940, October 9. He liked music very much and while studying at school he formed his first pop group. After graduating from Liverpool college of art he organized “The Beatles”.
Диск-жокей 1. The group was at its height in 1965. They gathered huge audiences. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart and soul. He was a real magician in music. And he is forever 40! The whole world knows and remembers his “Imagine” and “Woman”. We dedicate our next song to his memory and our school band will perform the song “Yesterday”.
Исполняется песня.
Диск-жокей 2. In the history of British music there are many well- known groups which enjoy great popularity among young people. You are sure to know “Depeche Mode”, aren’t you? The group was formed in 1980. Their debut album “Just Can’t Get Enough” became a major dance hit. They released several hit albums. Among them “A Broken Frame”, “Personal Jesus” and “Ultra”. But their trademark song is “Enjoy the Silence”. Now you can listen to the song and dance.
Дети танцуют под одну из песен.
Диск-жокей 1. And now let’s go down to the music of the 90’s. One of the most popular groups of that time was “Prodigy”. Their debut “The Prodigy Experience” appeared in 1992. The next album “Music0 The Jilted Generation “ which became hit № 1 soon got the Mercury Prize. For the most advanced dancing melodies and for the best dancing show the group got the MTV Prize. Now we invite you to dance to their music.
Звучит одна из песен группы, дети танцуют.
Диск-жокей 2. The groups we’ve mentioned above were male ones. But do you know any female British groups? Of course. You are right. Those were “The Spice girls” who became media icons in British in the 90s. Their proud image and sense of humour contributed a lot of success. Their debut single “Wannabe”, “Say You’ll Be There”, were on the top of chart.
Диск-жокей 1. “The Spice Girls” were among the first female groups but not the only ones. At our school we also have a female music band “Girls”. Meet Karina, Yulee and Anna. They will perform some of the “Spice Girls” songs to you.
Девочки поют песню, все ребята танцуют.
Диск-жокей 2. So, today we’ve made an attempt to tell you about British music, about the most popular groups. We gave you the opportunity to listen to their best songs, to dance to their music, to enjoy yourself. And now we wish you all the best!
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