Методическая разработка "Добро пожаловать на наш английский вечер"
методическая разработка по теме
Разработка для внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
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Предварительный просмотр:
Добро пожаловать на наш английский вечер
Шурэле: Уф, тынычлык бетте минем урманымда. Элек монда урман иде, э хэзер балалар тавышы горлэп тора. Тавыш ишетелэ. Балалар инглизчэ сойлэшеп чыгалар.
- Oh, Olga, you look great in that party dress! It's so beautiful. It suits you very well.
-Thank you. I like it too.
-Olga, are you busy today?
-No, I'm not.
-Let's go to the park. The weather is fine.
-Great! See you there in twenty minutes.
Шурэле: Минем урманымда татарча сойлэшэлэр, русчада анлый башладым, монда инглизчэ сойлэшмилэр, югыйсэ урманда йорергэ рохсэтем юк.
1 укучы: Тукта эле шурэле. Без бит 3нче мэктэптэн, э анда инглиз телен ныклап ойрэтэлэр.
Шурэле: Ягез мин сезне тикшереп карыйм. Энэ тегендэ бер малай утыра бит, шуны монда чакырыгыз.
1нче хэм 2нче укучы: Aizat, Aizat! Come here!
Aйзат: Hello! How are you?
1нче хэм 2нче укучы: Thank you. We are fine.
Шурэле: Айзат, эллэ син дэ инглизчэ белэсен?
Aйзат: Эйе, шул.
Шурэле: Яле, эйтеп кара.
Aйзат: Your horn is broken. Ha-ha-ha!
Шурэле: Кызлар, нэрсэ эйтте ул?
1нче хэм 2нче укучы: Ул синен мангаенда могезен сынган, ди.
Шурэле: Алай икэн, хэзер тиз генэ инглиз телен ойрэнергэ кирэк инде.
1 номер - песня "It's heartache"
2 номер - танец "Цветы"
3 номер - театрилизованное представление LiIy from the flоwer-pot. (Thumbelina)"
Lily: I am a little, tiny girl
My mother calls me Lily
I am from this flower-pot.
My mother's name is Nilly.
(She hears noise).
Oh, who is there by the window?
Frog: Hush, don't cry.
I am a frog.
I'll take you to my son!
Yes, he will marry you!
Lily: No, no. I don't want.
Frog: Hush, we are jumping to the swamp!
I am a frog.
A pretty frog!
What can I say?
I say: croak, croak.
My son will marry you, Lily!
He is so green,
He is so nice!
Here we are in the swamp!
Don't cry, you, foolish girl!
My son is very good!
Johny, look, I have brought you a nice girl! She is Lily by name. Will you marry her?
Johny: Oh, mother, thank you, thank you very much! Croak, croak! I am happy to get to know her. She is so nice and pretty!
Frog: I'll jump and find a nice wedding dress for her! Good-bye!
Johny: Yes, I am Johny! And I am glad
To see this girl,
Why is she sad?
Be nice, be good,
Be joyful, please!
I went to give you
My warm kiss!
Beetle: I fly with buss,
I fly with buss.
I fly not slow,
I fly not fast.
I'll take this charming girl with me!
Yes, she wi1l live on a big tree.
She will be in my pretty house.
I'll give her a nice, new wedding-dress!
( Beetle catches the girl.)
Lily: What is this?
What is that?
I was in the swamp With Johny-Lad!
Now I'm flying far away!
It's such a strange and queer day!
Beetle: My name is Jack.
I wish you luck.
Why are you sad.
Please sit here and I'll come back with a wedding-dress! See you soon!
Lily: I am a tiny poor girl.
I want back to my mummy!
The day is bright,
The day is nice.
The day is sunny!
But I am sad!
Yes, I must run.
Yes, I must run so fast!
(Turns to the squirrel)
Dear squirrel. Help me to get down from the tree!
Squirrel: Oh, yes, oh, yes!
Here we are!
I wish you luck! Good-bye!
Lily: Thank you, dearest squirrel! Where shall I go? I am hungry. I am alone. I don't know what to do!
Mouse: Oh, little, tiny girl, I'll take you to my house. Look! This is my house!
You will spend autumn and winter in my house. After that we shall think of something else!
Lily: Thank you, dear mouse!
You are really so kind to me!
Mouse: Have your dinner!
And will you drink coffee?
And then we shall listen to the music!
Lily: Thank you, dear, dear mouse! Knock-knock-knock.
Mouse: It's a mole from the hole! He is very smart!
I want you to talk with him, please, be tender and give a smile!
Lily: I'm in her house.
I don't want to see this mole! I want to my dear mummy!
But winter will be soon, I shall stay in this house!
Mole: Hello, dear mouse!
Hello, little tiny girl!
Will you marry me?
I am an old bachelor, my life is very hard! I have nobody to talk to!
Mouse: Yes, you are a kind mole!
The girl will be so glad to live with you! Lily is crying
Mouse: Foolish girl!
She is so glad, that's why she is crying.
Mole: I'm a mole and I'll go to my hole! But on Monday I'll come back to visit you! So long, mouse, so long dear tiny girl!
Lily: It's autumn now.
Where shall I go?
Maybe, everything will be all right!
And the mole from his hole will change his mind!
The voice: Help, help, help!
Lily: Who is there near the house? I'll go and see
Oh, it's a poor bird, it's a swallow! Winter is gone, spring is in the air.
Swallow: Thank you, dear girl!
Winter is over!
I must fly away!
Will you fly with me to the warm country of flowers and elves?
Lily: Oh, thank you, thank you, dear swallow!
Swallow: Lily, be quick!
Will you sit on my wings?
We are flying away, we are flying away to the country of elves and flowers!
Lily: And do you want to know the end?
The end is very good!
Yes, I am married to the elf!
And he is kind, not rude!
I sent a letter to my mum!
To dear mother Nilly!
Thanks to the swallow,
I am happy!
She also lives at hand!
And we invite you to my place! To our magic land
Выходят пришельцы
1 пришелец: Hello. Cirious. We are calling from the Earth. The captain of flying saucer N 002 is calling. We have just arrived and ready to start our search.
2 пришелец: According to our secret service there are a lot of stupid people who don't speak English.
3 пришелец: Our aim is to find those people and to take them with us. We shall take the pictures of their brains. Ha-ha-ha.
2 пришелец: Quite. Someone is coming.
4 номер – Xyзятов Ильнур “Мy heart's in the Highlands”
1 пришелец: He knows English. He won't do.
2 пришелец: Do you hear a noise? What a strange noise!
3 пришелец: Let's havе a look at it!
5 номер – ирландский танец.
6 номер - песня "Yesterday"
2пришелец: It's impossible!
3 пришелец: It can't be! We couldn't find anyone ...
1 пришелец: As far as I know the earthmen that plays sport games aren't clever. And I guess that the students playing so called "hockey", mustn't know English.
2пришелец: Of course! Let's meet them!
7 номер-10 класс песня - We will rock you!
2 пришелец: Your theory isn't right.
3 пришелец: Yes, who plays hockey can speak English
2пришелец: Be quick. They shouldn't see us.
8 номер – танец Джайф
9 номер - Фахертдинова песня «Frozen»
10 номер –Гильметдинов М. Jokes.
2 пришелец: Ha-ha-ha. That was very interesting and funny and funny!
1 пришелец: I enjoyed it too.
Шурале: Hi!
1 пришелец: Hello!
Шурале: How are you!
Пришельцы: Fine.
Шурале: Who are you? What are you doing here!
2 пришелец: We are looking for the people who don't speak English ... 3 пришелец: to take them with us and to take the pictures of their brains. Шурале: How is my English?
Пришельцы: Your English is brilliant.
Шурале: Would you like to visit my forest?
Пришельцы: With great pleasure!
11 номер- Aминова Г, Галиуллинa Д. Песня «Eternal flame».
12 номер - xop «Oh my Nightingale»
(Фахразиева И.Х.)
(Фрагмент урока)
Задачи: - закрепление и употребление в речи изученного грамматического материала (будущее простое время);
- развитие навыков устной речи;
- активизация изученной лексики.
Оборудование: картинки с изображением одежды, кроссворд по теме «Одежда», аудиозапись песни «What do you wear?"
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент.
-Good morning, girls and boys! I'm glad to meet you! How are you? (Good morning, teacher. We are fine!)
-Who is on duty today? (I'm on duty. Today is the 21 st of March. All are present.)
II. Фонетическая разминка.
Учитель показывает картинки с изображением «Одежда» и задает вопрос
"What is it?"
Ученики хором отвечают на вопрос : "It's a scarf'
III. Речевая разминка.
- Good, now let's playa game "Shopping list"
Who has got a good memory? Who will be the winner? You'll begin the sentence: I'll go shopping. I'll buy mittens.
Один ученик начинает предложение, другой говорит это же предложение и добавляет свое слово по теме «Одежда» и так продолжается, пока ученики не заполнят свой "Shopping list".
Oh, excellent. You have good memories!
IV. Закрепление и употребление в речи изученных правил.
- Учитель задает вопрос: What will you wear tomorrow if it's cold or warm?
Kаждый ученик отвечает на вопрос, употребляя предложение, которое написано на доске: If it's cold tomorrow I'll wear a … (Jacket)
If it's warm tomorrow I'll put on… (coat, jeans and boots).
V. Физкультминутка.
Red, red touch your head
Black, black touch your back Green, green touch your chin Blue, blue touch your shoes Brown, brown touch the ground Cars are running in the town Up, down; up, down
Now and then 3 eyes cop
Tell them straightly go and stop.
VI. Проверка домашней работы.
Ученики рассказывают мини диалоги, которые они выучили дома.
1-ый диалог:
- Oh, Rodion, you look terrible in that yellow shirt.
- Well, I like it. Tastes differ.
2-ой диалог:
-Oh, Alsu, you look great in that dress! It's so beautiful. It suits you very well.
- Thank you. I like it too.
VII. Активизация изученной лексики.
- Now let's do the crossword. Who will be the winner? We have two teams.
And every team must find and show the word in it and then write down that word on the board.
Ученики делятся на две команды. На доске висит кроссворд со словами по теме «Одежда». Ученики должны найти слова, указать их и быстро написать на доске. Побеждает та команда, кто больше найдет слов за 5 минут. Затем один ученик5 из каждой команды выходит к доске, читает слова и говорит перевод.
VIII. Развитие навыков устной речи.
You are going to have a fancy-dress party. Now you must choose one mask and say what you are wearing for the party.
Есть маски волка, лисы, собаки, Санта Клауса, обезьяны. Несколько учеников выходят к доске, выбирают себе маску и говорят, что они наденут на вечеринку «Масок». Учительница сначала показывает и рассказывает сама.
For example, I shall be a monkey. I'll put on the mask of a monkey. I'll put on a brown shorts, sweater, black tights and boots. I'll put on a long brown tail. I think I'll look great!
IX. Итоги урока.
You were very good. And now let's stand up and sing the song" What do you wear?"
What do you wear on your head?
A cap.
What do you wear on your head?
A hat.
A cap and a hat. } 2 times
A hat and a cap. }
What do you wear on your feet?
What do you wear on your feet?
Boots and shoes.}
Shoes and boots.} 2 times. What do you wear on your hand?
What do you wear on your hand?
Mittens and gloves. }
Gloves and mittens.} 2 times.
(Фахразиева И.Х.)
Cinderella Prince
Stepmother Queen
1st Stepsister King
2nd Stepsister 1st Herald
Cinderella’s Father 2nd Herald
Fairy Musicians
Scene 1
Золушка подметает пол. Мачеха, подбоченясь, следит за ней. Вбегают сестры.
1st Stepsister: (возбужденно) There will be a ball…
2nd Stepsister: (перебивая сестру) In King’s Palace.
Stepmother: Well, I know all.
But where is … (к Золушке)
Where is my dress?
1st Stepsister: And mine?
2nd Stepsister: And mine?
Stepmother: (раздраженно) Cinderella, why,
Why can’t you find
Anything when I ask?
Cinderella: Oh, it’s not difficult task.
Your dress is there.
Your dresses are here.
(Подает им платья)
Stepmother: Be careful, dear!
Don’t spoil them with your dirty hands.
But where are our fans?
Cinderella: Oh, I can give you the fans, too.
(Подает веера и вздыхает)
Sisters you are happy, aren’t you?
1st Stepsister: (удивляясь) Do you also want to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Oh, I can’t dream of the ball at all!
Stepmother: Of course, you have much work to do.
You must think about it, too.
1st Stepsister: First you must mend my socks.
(Подает Золушке носки с большими дырками на пятках)
2nd Stepsister: Clean the spoons, the knives and the forks.
(Кладет ложки и вилки в передник Золушки)
Cinderella: (в отчаянии) Oh, yes, I’ll do everything, don’t worry…
1st Stepsister: Oh, mum, be quick!
2nd Stepsister: Let’s hurry!
(Они уходят со сцены гордо с платьями и веерами)
Scene 2
Золушка плачет. Появляется волшебница.
Fairy: Why are you crying, dear child, why?
Please, don’t cry!
Cinderella: (плача) I can’t go to the ball.
My only dress is dirty and old.
Fairy: I know you are diligent and kind, my dear,
I want to help you. Please, look here.
(Взмахивает своей волшебной палочкой)
Занавес на мгновение закрывается, а когда вновь открывается, то у волшебницы в руках красивое платье и туфли.
Cinderella: (очень удивлена) Oh, what do I see?
A lovely dress and shoes for me!
Thank you, you are so kind!
I’m happy now. It’s really fine! (Берет осторожно платье и туфли)
Fairy: (грозит ей пальцем) But at twelve o’clock you must be home, dear.
Otherwise your dress will disappear.
Cinderella: Oh, yes, it’s clear! (Убегает)
Scene 3
Король с королевой открывают бал. За ними стоят музыканты с музыкальными треугольниками. Они исполняют мелодию “Brother John”. Гости приготовились танцевать полонез.
Queen: The ball is on. Please dance and play.
King: Let’s have a lot of fun today!
Звучит музыка, все танцуют. Вдруг появляется Золушка в бальном платье. Музыка прекращается.
Queen: (в сторону короля) Who is that girl?
King: (задумчиво) She is so nice and smart…
Prince: (с воодушевлением) May I dance with you? Let’s start.
You are dream of my heart!
Снова музыка. Принц и Золушка танцуют.
Слышны 12 ударов часов.
Cinderella: (с отчаянием) It’s 12 o’clock and I must run.
Good-bye! Good-bye! I really had a great fun!
(Она убегает, теряя одну туфельку)
Prince: (опускаясь на одно колено и прижимая руки к груди)
Where are you running,
The dream of my life?
Let’s dance all night! (Встает и поднимает туфельку, которую обронила Золушка)
Scene 4
Сестры и мачеха беседуют на переднем плане. Золушка сидит на маленьком стульчике и вяжет.
1st Stepsister: A beautiful lady was at the ball.
We really don’t know her at all.
2nd Stepsister: The prince wants to marry her, you know…
Stepmother: (выглядывает в окно) But where do those heralds go?
Входят глашатаи, разворачивают свиток, читают, поворачиваются к сестрам и мачехе.
1st Herald: We know you were at a ball.
2nd Herald: Please, try on this glass shoe.
1st Stepsister: Oh, it’s very small, (tries to try the shoe on)
2nd Stepsister: It is very small for me too.
Father: (волнуясь) But look at my daughter!
She has small feet.
Come here, my dear.
And, please, take it. (Gives her the shoe)
Stepmother: (возмущенно) But she didn’t go to the ball.
She is Cinderella, and that is all!
Cinderella: I want to try it on, Mum. (примеряет)
Besides, I’ve got another one. (вынимает из-под передника вторую туфельку)
1st Stepsister: (плача) You were a wonderful lady, I see!
Oh, Cinderella, please pardon me!
2nd Stepsister: And me,
(делает перед ней книксен, как перед знатной дамой и кланяется)
Stepmother: And me. (тоже делает книксен и кланяется)
Father: Best wishes to you, my dear.
I know that you weren’t happy here.
Pardon me, too.
But what could I do?
Cinderella: I’m so happy today… Don’t cry!
I forgive all of you. Good-bye!
1st Herald: The Prince is waiting for you, as you know.
2nd Herald: Be quick, let’s go!
Все машут ей вслед. Золушка уходит, посылая всем воздушные поцелуи и машет рукой. Глашатаи уходят вслед за ней.
(Фахразиева И.Х.)
In the world of Present Perfect.
- Актуализация по пройденной теме неправильных глаголов.
-Закрепление настоящего совершенного времени во всех формах (вопросительные, отрицательные, утвердительные формы)
-Развитие навыков речи
Оборудование: интерактивная доска
Ход урока
I. Greeting
Good morning, girls and boys! How are you? (Fine, OK, Very good!)Today we are going to speak about Present Perfect. But first let’s remember our poems.
First group: Where have you been?
What have you seen?
Who have you met?
Tell me I will not forget.
And I know, it’s been fun
To enjoy the sea and sun.
Second group: I’ve been to the zoo,
I’ve seen a kangaroo,
I’ve eaten a cake –
I’m feeling great!
II. Repeat of the irregular verbs
- Good! Well pupils, what do you think is the most difficult thing in the Present Perfect.
- They are irregular verbs.
- Lets repeat them: I’ve found a kitten:
To write-wrote-written.
I’ve seen a bird:
To hear-heard-heard.
I’ve made my bed:
To read-read-read.
I’ve eaten a bun:
To run-ran-run
Каждый ученик говорит глаголы: Кенгуру, кенгуру
Говорила поутру.
Надо быстренько вставать
И английский повторять.
-Let’s name three forms of the verb.
-So Guzel, you may begin.
To come- came- come
To become- became-become,
To run- ran-run,
To swim-swam-swum.
-Thank you, Guzel . Then Rodion tell some verbs.
To know-knew-known
To throw-threw-thrown
To blow- blew-blown
To fly-flew-flown
So Sumbel, begin.
To sing-sang-sung
To ring-rang-rung,
To hide-hid-hidden,
To bite-bit-bitten.
III. Using the key words
-So pupils, you know that there are a lot of key words in Present Perfect. How many key words do you know?
-Ever, never, already, just, yet, almost, for, since.
- Very good! Can you give the examples?
Ученики говорят примеры с ключевыми словами:
P1 Have you ever been to America?
She has never visited Australia.
-We use ever in questions and never in negative sentences.
P2 I have just taken some photos.
-We use just in the middle of have and verb.
P3 The girl hasn’t done his home work yet.
-We use yet at the end of the sentence, negative and interrogative sentences.
-And do you remember when we use for and since.
-Yes, we do.
Работа с интерактивной доской. (Используем диск “Way Ahead5”)
Запись на доске: - How long have you lived here?
-I have lived here for two years.
-For is used in a specific period of time.
-He has had his camera since 1995.
-Since is used when the action started.
Training exercise: Use for or since.
1. Alex/have/camera/yesterday – Alex has had his camera since yesterday.
2. Miss Walker/have/Chinese umbrella/1998 – Miss Walker has had his Chinese umbrella since 1998.
3. Mark/be interested in/ football/two years – Mark has been interested in football for two years.
4. Joe/not do/any homework/Monday – Joe has not done any homework since Monday.
5. Aunt Molly/live/London/three months – Aunt Molly has lived in London for three months.
IV. Physical training break.
-Let’s have a rest. One people give commands.
Stand up, sit down, jump, run, wave, hop, cry, laugh, play the guitar, turn round, clap your hands.
V. Listening
-Well now, look at these pictures. Ex. 1, p.43
Listen to the television newsreader and order the pictures.
-Ученики слушают текст и ставят картинки в правильном порядке.
- Слушают второй раз и отвечают на вопросы.
The answers: (order is 1d; 2c; 3a; 4b).
1. She has lived in her house for fourty years.
2. This sunflower is nearly four meters.
3. Five women and six children in total were rescued.
4. It has fallen down because of the storm.
-Listen ones more. Let’s listen to the newsreader and choose one picture. You must write the questions for this picture.
-Lets do it together. 4th picture.
1. Who has grown a sunflower in the garden?
(Maggie Jones)
2. When did she plant it? (Two month ago)
3. Why this flower grown so high? (Because she has looked after it carefully)
VI. Answer the question.
P1-P2 Where do you live? – I live in Aktanish.
How long have you lived there? – I have lived there for 12
P1-P2 Where do you go to school? – I go to Gymnasium.
How long have you been there? – I have been here for 3 years. P1-P2 Who is your teacher? – My teacher is Ilina Khavilovna.
How long has she taught you? – She has taught me since 2005
P1-P2 Who are your friends? – My friends are…
How long have you known them? – I have known them since childhood. VIII. The mark.
IX. Home Work.
Read the text from p. 44 “Films”, Write down the unknown words.
(Фахразиева И.Х.)
ST. Valentine’s Day
- Good afternoon, dear friends and teachers. We are glad to see you here.
- Today we celebrate one of the best holidays. Its St. Valentine’s Day.
- You know that St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday which is celebrated in many European countries and the USA.
- St valentine’s Day has roots in several legends. Let’s see some of these legends. The 9th graders will show them us.
The 1st legend:
Author: Here is the 1st legend. Valentine was a Christian priest for his teaching. (He was careful to poor people and treated them).
( Сцена в тюрьме. Тюремщик и священник ).
Priest: Let me go out only this night. I treat your daughter from her kindness. And she can see and enjoy her life.
Jailer: I’ll be happy if it be so. Promise me to return in early morning.
Priest: Yes I will.
(Тюремщик медленно засыпает. Утром возвращается священник).
P: I came back and I ready to die.
J: Yes you are.
P: Oh, my dear father. I’m so happy. I can see everything. The priest is miracle maker.
J: Oh, my darling. It’s so marvelous. But the priest is beheaded.
The 2nd legend:
Author: Well, well, well. Now I present my version. Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time.
Boy: Oh, my darling I love you so much, I can’t live without you.
Girl: I love you too, but we can’t be together.
B: I know an Italian bishop who can secretly merry us.
G: May be.
B: Let’s visit him.
Bishop: Can I help you?
B: Merry us!
Bishop: Of course my children. Now you are married.
B. G: Thank you, father.
S: You are in prison because you secretly married gales, contrary to laws of the roman emperor.
Now we’ll invite one boy and one girl from the 10th , 11th forms. Here are some activities for you.
- Here are two hearts with many words on them. Which words can be connected with the holiday? Your task is to put a circle around these words when you find them in the big heart. You may start now!
l o r s
O m d h e
V a l e n t I n e h u m k s e d
E s h a b g m b n g h p o e w r
Y d e r s a x s c k I x p I c h
A o d t r d b c a n d y k I d d
L k I s s t u c r o o h n e f l
K f n e t p o r d a p y c y k s
K e d r o m a n c e b e
U I g y s u v p e
Put a circle
Valentine love
Candy hearts
Romance kiss
Friend card
Cake red
- You know, if you want to be a good husband or a wife in the future, you should know sweet words to tell your partner. And now you should name all the sweet words you know. One by one.
Well, peaking about love, but what do you think love is like? Now you are answer these questions! Please, continue the phrase “Love is…”.
For audience: Now I see you know what love is, but what well-known lovers pairs can you name? (Команды получают сердечки, где написано имя одного из влюбленных, они должны назвать пару.)
Juliet and Romeo Desdemona and Othello
Eve and Adam Lady Hamilton and Admiral Nelson
Captain Grey and Assol Cinderella and Prince
Ophelia and Hamlet Master and Margaret
Very often people speak about love in poems. And now you will write poems! (Пары получают листы с рифмами)
______________________ day
______________________ say
______________________ you
______________________ too!
- Oh, you are good poets! But sometimes we can’t just talk about love, we must show it! So try to pantomime these words to the audience so that they can name them. (Команды получают сердечки со следующими словами, которые они должны пантомимой показать другой команде.)
A heart a flower
A kiss love
A guitar a letter
For audience: And now let’s talk again! You should say these tongue twisters as quick and as well as you can!
- Merry Mary marries Marty on Monday.
- I miss my Swiss Miss. My Swiss Miss misses me.
Thank you. And now we shall see how many words you will be able to make out of this one. Honeymoon.
While our pairs are busy, we’ll invite our girls with their song “Eternal Flame”
(Девушки с 8 класса исполняют песню)
- Well, don’t you think that it’s time to talk about your love? For this task we need a boy from one pair and a girl from the other. And the other way round. But the main task is for boys. My dear boys, take these hearts and you‘ll have some minutes to think of what you’ll say to your sweethearts!
My heart is … a boiling kettle
Your heart is … a diamond as hard as
Your lips are … roses as hot as
Your eyes are … stars as bright as
My love is … the Universe As red as
As endless as
heart is … fire
Your heart is… ice as cold as
Your lips are … honey as deep as
Your eyes are …ocean as hot as
My love is … the sky a sweet as
(оценивается правильность речи и артистичность)
-Each pair should draw a portrait of a dream girl.
Our holiday is over. Thank you.
(Фахразиева И.Х.)
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