Сценарий интеллектуальной викторины "Добро пожаловать в страну английского языка"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Сценарий проведения внеклассного мероприятия в рамках предметной недели
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Сценарий проведения интеллектуального соревнования
«Welcome to Englishland»
-Dear friends. Today we’ll have a great competition. There you’ll have a chance to show your knowledge in English language. We hope you will have fun, use fantasy and be polite with your schoolmates. We wish you success.
Calling Card.
-You should present the emblem of your team, call its name and the motto of your team. Also you have to introduce yourself.
Much is not enough.
-You are to call as many as possible words on the following topics:
1. School. 2.Weather. 3. Sport.
You have got 3 minutes on each topic.
Talk Sense.
-You’ll get sheets of paper with single words wich should be complited in a sentence.
1. She/ never/ tells/ lies.
2. What/sport/did/you/do/last/Sunday?
3. Klara/would/like/to buy/a pair of/new boots.
4. Nick and Val/spent/ a lot of/time/watching/the show.
5. I/can’t/play/any/ball/games.
6. Have/you/got/a tennis/racket?
7. They/are/talented/and/clever/children.
8. Why/is/Max/interested/in/football/so/much?
9. You/will/help/your/brother/in the garden.
What Do You Mean?
-Now you will hear an English proverb or riddle. The task is to give an appropriate equivalent into Russian language.
1. East or west- home is best.
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
3. As you make your bed so you must lie on it.
4. To kill two birds with one stone .
5. The leopard cannot change his spots.
6. Four eyes see more than two.
As If By Magic.
-Now you’ll get a word for the team. You need to complete as many as possible words using the letters of the given word. The combination is free. You have 2 minutes.
Fun With Stories.
-You are to think of a story, picture it and after all, tell it in a humorous way. You may choose a title of the story from the given ones:
1. So I became a champion.
2. Best friends.
3. A great day somewhere on the British Isles.
Tongue Twister.
What A Beautiful Story.
-You’ll get pieces of paper with parts of a story. It’s necessary to put the story into the correct order.
1. The Browns are fond of hiking.
2. They spend their free time camping.
3. They also like to travel by car.
4. One day the Browns went for a drive to the river.
5. The weather was fine and they enjoyed their outing.
6. Suddenly the weather changed.
7. It poured and the strong wind blew their tent away.
8. They put it up again and wanted to make a fire to get warm.
9. The next morning the weather was sunny again, but plenty of mosquitoes began to sting them.
10. When they came home at last Mr. Brown said: ”East or west-home is best.” And that is true.
Be Attentive.
-You will listen to a story. Here there is a description of a room. What you need is to depict all the subjects on the appropriate places on the paper.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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