Проект "Школьное телевидение"
методическая разработка (9 класс) по теме
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия в 9х классах.
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Белова Е.А.
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия для параллели 9х классов.
Проект «Школьное телевидение»
В рамках недели английского языка 2011-2012 г была проведена игра-соревнование в параллели 9-х классов. Тема игры – «School TV». Учащимся было предложено создать проект собственного ТВ канала нашей школы. В игру были включены следующие конкурсы:
1 Презентация ТВ канала – эмблема и тематика транслируемых передач. 2 Реклама. Было предложено два направления: «Наша школа» и «Здоровый образ жизни».
3 Музыкальная программа – исполнение песни на английском языке.
4 Юмористическая передача – инсценировка смешной истории, анекдота.
5 Викторина «Кто самый умный?». Этот конкурс проводился в три раунда в перерывах между предыдущими. В каждом раунде команды получают по три вопроса.
Примечание: эти задания готовились заранее.
Конкурсы 1-4 оцениваются по пятибалльной системе. За каждый ответ в викторине команда получает 1 балл. Если команда не может дать ответ на данный вопрос, он передается другой команде.
Сценарий игры
Ведущий Good afternoon, dear friends! We are glad to see you all – the participants, the supporters the jury and the guests!
Let us greet the team of 9A form…..
9B form……
9V form…..
And the jury…..
Let me announce our contest open! Today you will have to use your brains, your knowledge, your artistic skills and your sense of humour. The most smart, talented and witty team will win the game. So, good luck to all the participants!
1st competition
It was your home task to create our school TV channel, to design its symbol and present the programs. Please, introduce your projects.
2nd competition
Everybody will agree that it is impossible to imagine modern life without advertisements. We see them at every step wherever we go. Our school TV, certainly, is not an exception. You had to prepare advertisements either of our school or healthy way of life. Now, everybody is looking forward to seeing them.
3rd competition
Now it is time for music! Can you think of a day without it? We hear music everywhere: in the street in shops, in parks and at home. Music follows us from childhood and we can't live without it. We listen to music when we are happy or sad, we dance to it and we learn to play music, too! Let us enjoy colourful performances of our participants!
4th competition
Humour is a phenomenon which is influenced by culture. British jokes tend to be subtle but with a dark or sarcastic undertone. There is usually a hidden meaning. Now I am happy to announce the next HUMOUR contest! Dear participants, you are welcome to the stage!
9А 1 What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel?
- through the Channel Tunnel
- by boat
- by ferry
- by ship
9Б 1 How are the British policeman called?
- Hobbit
- Bobby
- Robbie
- William
9В 1 What is the highest mark in British schools?
- A
- B
- C
- D
9А 2 What does “Tartan” mean?
- a hat
- trainers
- the pattern of the “Kilt”
- a skirt
9Б 2 What colour are the taxis in London?
- yellow
- black
- red
- green
9В 2 How many oceans wash the USA?
- 3
- 2
- 4
- 1
9А 3 What is a national symbol of the USA?
- the rose
- the Cherokee rose
- the Statue of Liberty
- the bald eagle
9Б 3 On what river is the capital of the USA?
- The Hudson
- the Potomac
- the Mississippi
- the Amazon
9В 3 What is the largest state in the USA?
- Colorado
- California
- Michigan
- Alaska
9А 1 What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than by yourselves? (your name)
9Б 1 What question can’t be answered with “Yes”? (Are you asleep?)
9В 1 What is it that is not burnt in the fire and can’t be drowned in the water? (Ice)
9A 2 5 birds were in a tree. The hunter shot at them and saw 2 fall. How many birds were left in the tree? (no one – others fly away)
9Б 2 What man can’t live inside the house? (snowman)
9В 2 When I eat I live, when I drink I die. What am I? (fire)
9A 3 If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you do not have it. What is it? (secret)
9Б 3 What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean? (blackboard)
9В 3 What is always coming, but never arrives? (tomorrow)
In the early childhood we learn the phrase which helps us to memorize the colours of the rainbow:
«Каждый Охотник Желает Знать Где Сидит Фазан ».
Think and try to invent ta similar phrase in English.
(Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain)
1 Мультимедийная поддержка викторины
2 Реклама напитка «Чудо» (9А) видео
3 Песня “Lemon Tree” (9B) видео
4 Песня “Englishman in New York” (9Б) видео
5 Песня (9А) видео
5 Презентация ТВ канала (9А) видео мультимедиа
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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