Игра "Сто к одному" (внеклассное мероприятие в начальной школе).
методическая разработка по теме
Цель разработки: проверка уровня усвоения изученного материала по темам 1-5 УМК "Милли" ля 2(3, 4 кл.), авт. Азарова С.И.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Игра «One hundred to one»(«Сто к одному») во 2 классе.
Цель мероприятия: закрепление изученного материала по темам 1-5 учебника С.И.Азаровой «Милли»; актуализация изученных речевых структур.
Оборудование: карточки, на которых записаны ответы и очки и карточки с рисунками,2 колокольчика; призы.
Ход мероприятия:
Good morning, boys and girls! Today we’ll play the game “One hundred to one”. We’ve got two teams: … and… . Представьтесь, пожалуйста. (Капитаны представляют всех игроков, затем один из игроков представляет капитана, далее учитель знакомит участников с правилами игры).
Let’s start. The simple game! First players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell. (Право ответа имеет та команда, которая быстрее позвонит в колокольчик).
Вопрос: What is your favourite pet?
Ответы: 1. A dog - 45
2. A hamster – 25
3. A parrot – 15
4. A cat – 10
5. A fish – 5
The team … has … points. Let’s clap to them! Now we have a rest. Let’s sing the “The alphabet chant”.
Thank you! Now it’s time for the double game. All your points will double. Second players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell.
Вопрос: What Christmas present have you got?
Ответы: 1.A lollipop - 45
2. A computer game - 25
3. A football - 15
4. A book - 10
5. A fluffy rabbit – 5
The team … has … points. Let’s clap to them! Now we have a rest again. Let’s chant “One, two, three…”(физкультминутка).
Thank you very much! The next task for you is the triple game. All your points will increase in three times. Third players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell.
Вопрос: Who is your favourite character from the book?
Ответы: 1. Steve - 45
2. Wendy - 25
3. Santa Claus - 15
4. Millie - 10
5. Clown Philip – 5
The winner is … . Clap your hands! Now we’ll play the contrary game. Listen to the task!
Вопрос: What is your favourite song from the book?
Ответы: 1.The alphabet chant - 5
2. Jingle bells - 10
3. Little pencils - 15
4. I like butterflies - 25
5. I feed and stroke my cat – 45
The winner is … . Clap your hands! Now we’ll play the final game. We need two players. One of them goes out, another pupil answers to my questions. You’ve got 30 seconds.
Вопросы: 1.What’s your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What’s your favourite colour?
4. What’s on your Christmas tree?
5. What is in your schoolbag?
I.1. Steve- 50
2. Wendy – 40
3. Philip - 30
4. Brian - 20
5.Jessy – 10
II.1.Seven - 50
2.Eight - 40
3.Six - 30
4. Nine - 20
5. Ten – 10
III. 1. Yellow - 50
2. Orange - 40
3. Green - 30
4. Blue - 20
5. Purple – 10
IV. 1. Baubles - 50
2. Bells - 40
3. Crackers - 30
4. Lights - 20
5. Stars – 10
V. 1. A ruler - 50
2. A book - 40
3. A ruler - 30
4. A pencil - 20
5. A pencil case -10
Excellent! You have 200 points. You have won! Clap your hands and step your feet! You will get a prize!
Победителям вручаются подарки.
Thank you for the game. Good bye.
Игра «One hundred to one»(«Сто к одному») в 3 классе.
Цель мероприятия: закрепление изученного материала по темам 1-5 учебника С.И.Азаровой «Милли»; актуализация изученных речевых структур.
Оборудование: карточки, на которых записаны ответы и очки и карточки
с рисунками,2 колокольчика; призы.
Ход мероприятия:
Good morning, boys and girls! Today we’ll play the game “One hundred to one”. We’ve got two teams: … and… . Представьтесь, пожалуйста. (Капитаны представляют всех игроков, затем один из игроков представляет капитана, далее учитель знакомит участников с правилами игры).
Let’s start. The simple game! First players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell. (Право ответа имеет та команда, которая быстрее позвонит в колокольчик).
Вопрос: We’ve got a lot of subjects at school: Russian, English, … . Complete the sentence.
Ответы: 1.Maths - 45
2. PE – 25
3. Music – 15
4.Crafts – 10
5.Nature Study – 5
The team … has … points. Let’s clap to them! Now we have a rest. Let’s sing the “Cool school”.
Thank you! Now it’s time for the double game. All your points will double. Second players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell.
Вопрос: There are twelve months in the year. My birthday’s in …
Ответы: 1.December - 45
2. October- 25
3. April- 15
4. March- 10
5. August– 5
The team … has … points. Let’s clap to them! Now we have a rest again. Let’s chant “My birthday’s in December”.
Thank you very much! The next task for you is the triple game. All your points will increase in three times. Third players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell.
Вопрос: What animals live in the Safari park?
Ответы: 1. kangaroos - 45
2. tigers - 25
3. pandas - 15
4. elephants - 10
5. monkeys – 5
The winner is … . Clap your hands! Now we’ll play the contrary game. Listen to the task!
Вопрос: My favorite holiday activity is …
Ответы: 1. riding a bike - 5
2. playing computer games - 10
3. riding a scooter - 15
4. roller-skating - 25
5. watching TV – 45
The winner is … . Clap your hands! We’ll have a rest and sing the song “Simon’ riding a green scooter”
Now we’ll play the final game. We need two players. One of them goes out, another pupil answers to my questions. You’ve got 30 seconds.
Вопросы: 1.What day of the week is it today?
2. What do you usually do in English lesson?
3. What birthday present would you like to have?
4. My friend’s lost. He has got long …
5. What countries do you know?
I.1. Monday- 50
2. Tuesday – 40
3. Thursday - 30
4. Friday - 20
5.Sunday – 10
II.1.Sing songs - 50
2.Listen to music - 40
3.Read - 30
4. Talk to our friends - 20
5. Write – 10
III. 1. A CD - 50
2. A video cassette - 40
3. A camera - 30
4. A book - 20
5. A bike – 10
IV. 1. hair - 50
2. legs - 40
3. arms - 30
4. nose - 20
5. feet – 10
V. 1. Russia - 50
2. America - 40
3. India - 30
4. China - 20
5. Australia -10
Excellent! You have 200 points. You have won! Clap your hands and step your feet! You will get a prize!
Победителям вручаются подарки.
Thank you for the game. Good bye.
Игра «One hundred to one»(«Сто к одному») в 4 классе.
Цель мероприятия: закрепление изученного материала по темам 1-5 учебника С.И.Азаровой «Милли»; актуализация изученных речевых структур.
Оборудование: карточки, на которых записаны ответы и очки и карточки с рисунками, 2 колокольчика; призы.
Ход мероприятия:
Good morning, boys and girls! Today we’ll play the game “One hundred to one”. We’ve got two teams: … and… . Представьтесь, пожалуйста. (Капитаны представляют всех игроков, затем один из игроков представляет капитана, далее учитель знакомит участников с правилами игры).
Let’s start. The simple game! First players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell. (Право ответа имеет та команда, которая быстрее позвонит в колокольчик).
Вопрос: My birthday’s on the … of January.
Ответы: 1. first - 45
2. second – 25
3. third – 15
4.fourth – 10
5. tenth– 5
The team … has … points. Let’s clap to them! Now we have a rest. Let’s sing the “My favourite computer games”.
Thank you! Now it’s time for the double game. All your points will double. Second players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell.
Вопрос: We’ve got a lot of buildings in our town. There is a museum. Complete the sentence …
Ответы: 1.A hospital - 45
2. A school - 25
3. A café’ - 15
4. A swimming pool- 10
5. A theme park – 5
The team … has … points. Let’s clap to them! Now we have a rest again. Let’s chant “Poor Mr.Clay”.
Thank you very much! The next task for you is the triple game. All your points will increase in three times. Third players, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell.
Вопрос: The ghost is in the castle. What place is he in?
Ответы: 1. A cellar - 45
2. A garden - 25
3. A tower - 15
4. An attic - 10
5. A hall – 5
The winner is … . Clap your hands! Now we’ll play the contrary game. Listen to the task!
Вопрос: What do you usually do at the festival?
Ответы: 1. light fireworks - 5
2. have a snowball fight - 10
3. eat delicious food - 15
4. take part in a sack race - 25
5. find the way out of a maze – 45
The winner is … . Clap your hands! We’ll have a rest and sing the song “Shake your dragon tail”
Now we’ll play the final game. We need two players. One of them goes out, another pupil answers to my questions. You’ve got 30 seconds.
Вопросы: 1. What country is your friend?
2. I’m ill. I have …
3. Your friend is ill. What will you do?
4. Who lives in the castle?
5. What activities are there in the theme park?
I.1. Ukraine - 50
2. Egypt – 40
3. Japan - 30
4. The USA - 20
5.Brazil – 10
II.1.runny nose - 50
2. sore throat - 40
3. a black eye - 30
4. fever - 20
5. cough – 10
III. 1. visit - 50
2. phone - 40
3. help with homework - 30
4. text - 20
5. get something tasty – 10
IV. 1. A ghost - 50
2. A knight - 40
3. A king - 30
4. A prince - 20
5. A princess – 10
V. 1. tube - 50
2. The Rapids - 40
3. The Big Wheel - 30
4. slides - 20
5. Maze -10
Excellent! You have 200 points. You have won! Clap your hands and step your feet! You will get a prize!
Победителям вручаются подарки.
Thank you for the game. Good bye.
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