Открытый урок по теме " Страны и континенты" в рамках публичного отчета МОУ "СОШ №2"
план-конспект урока (7 класс) по теме
Задачи урока:
1. Обобщить и закрепить основные знания, умения и навыки уч-ся по теме
2. Расширить знания уч-ся по данной теме
3. Продолжить развитие интереса у уч-ся к изучаемому языку
4. Воспитывать гражданско-патриотическое отношение к России – крупнейшей стране мира, любовь к своему родному краю.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Пояснительная записка
Данный урок проводится в 7 классе в качестве обобщающего по теме «Страны и континенты».
Тип урока: урок - путешествие (обобщающий)
Цели урока:
- Воспитание личности, желающей и способной к коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке
- Формирование культуры уч-ся в области ИКТ
Задачи урока:
- Обобщить и закрепить основные знания, умения и навыки уч-ся по теме
- Расширить знания уч-ся по данной теме
- Продолжить развитие интереса у уч-ся к изучаемому языку
- Воспитывать гражданско-патриотическое отношение к России – крупнейшей стране мира
- Закрепить фонетическую грамотность уч-ся
- Продолжить обучение уч-ся разговорным формулам – клише
Знания, умения, навыки и качества, которые актуализируют/ приобретут/ закрепят ученики в ходе урока:
- Знание названия континентов, стран, столиц
- Знание названия языков и национальностей изучаемых стран
- Умение правильно произносить изучаемые понятия
- Навыки владения ИКТ
- Умение использовать межпредметные связи (география, история)
- Умение понимать информацию на слух
- Умение вести беседу по теме
- Умение использовать разговорные формулы - клише
- Умение понимать прочитанное с первого предъявления
Необходимое оборудование и материалы:
- Мультимедийный проектор, экран
- Компьютер
- Карточки с названием стран
- Кроссворд “Countries and Flags” (мультимедиа)
Использованные источники и литература:
- Интернет- сайт «Википедия»
- Научно-методический журнал “ Иностранные языки в школе” № 1 2005 год, № 2 2005 год.
- А.В. Шереметьева « Английский язык. Страноведческий справочник ».
Ход урока:
1 Оргмомент.
Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you today?
I know that you like travelling during your holidays.
Zhenya was in Anapa. Was it interesting there?
Nastya was in Pyatigorsk. Am I right? What did you see there?
And where were you Kiril? Did you climb up the mountains?
2 Мозговой штурм.
That’s interesting! Let’s brainstorm the meaning of the word “Travel”, tell me your ideas and I’ll build up a mind map.
Round Europe/the World EeeEEEEEEarth
By bus/train
to many places
on foot
across America
3 Сообщение темы и задач урока.
Travelling develops our outlook, gives us knowledge about different countries.
Can you guess the topic of the lesson? You are right!
Today we’ll have a virtual “Round the World Tour”, revise everything you know about countries and continents, know some interesting facts about the countries.
4 Let’s start our lesson!
Read the poem, please. Different people live in different countries and it‘s interesting to know about their customs, traditions and history.
5 How many continents are there in the world?
Guess the riddle and name the continent.
- This continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Atlantic in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the North, the Indian Ocean in the South. It is the biggest in the world. The Urals separate it on two parts. What’s its name? (Europe and Asia is)
- This continent was discovered by Columbus but he didn’t know about it. (North America)
- This continent is the smallest. Some scientists call it “big island”. (Australia)
- This continent is the hottest in the world, is famous for its ancient civilization. (Africa)
- This continent is washed by the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The biggest river is Amazon. (South America)
- This continent is situated in the most south point of the Earth, is washed by the South Ocean, is covered by ice. (Antarctica)
So, how many continents are there in the world? (six)
6 It’s the turn to guess the countries.
Look, here is the crossword. Guess the name of the country using prompts. (Slide 2)
- … is situated in Northern part of American continent.
… has two official languages – English and French.
the most popular sport is hockey
… is ruled by Queen of Great Britain.
- … has three official languages – English, Gaelic, Scots.
… is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II.
… is one of the parts of the UK.
Main words: Loch Ness, Military Tattoo, kilt.
- … is the largest country in the world.
Main words: cheburashka, birch tree, Kremlin, Dmitry Medvedev
- … is located in Western Europe.
The official language is French.
Main words: Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Napoleon Bonaparte
- … is located in Southern Europe on the boot-shaped peninsula.
… has mountains: The Apennine, The Alps.
Main words: Juventus, Colosseum, Pompeii.
- … is a country in Central Europe.
… After World War II …. was divided into two separate states –
East and West.
Main words:, Michael Schumacher, Claudia Schiffer, Adolf Hitler.
- … has two official languages – Hindi, English.
… is a country in South Asia.
… is washed by Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea.
Main words: Taj Mahal, Bengal tiger.
- … is a country mainly in North Africa.
… is famous for its ancient civilization.
Main words: Pharaohs, Pyramid,
- …. is situated in North America.
… consists of 50 states.
… is washed by Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean..
Main words: skyscrapers, White house, Statue of Liberty
7 You know that every country has a national symbol.
Russia has a lot of symbols (a birch tree, a Russian doll, a two-headed eagle). Now I’ll show you symbols- animals. Match the symbol and the country.
Work in groups. ( Выходят к доске и прикрепляют символы к стране)
8 What can you say about English- speaking countries and our country?
( Сообщают сведения о странах - столица, язык, национальность, символ)
9 В науке географии такие данные о стране называют визитной карточкой страны.
Она должна содержать следующие данные
Area: 244 thousand sq. km.
Population: 60 mln. People
Capital: London
State system: Constitutional monarchy
Unitary state
10 A purple thistle is a symbol of Scotland. But you don’t know why?
Listen to the story about the symbol of Scotland, try to understand the main idea and continue the sentences. ( Slide 3,4,5,)
Change the tasks and check them to each other.
11 And now “ The bird’s eye view of Scotland” ( Slide6)
Scotland is a beautiful country with mountains, lochs and many islands. Most part of the Scottish population lives in lowlands. A very beautiful landscape!
12 Some interesting facts about the USA.
Мы часто во время физкультминутки поем песню “ Yankee Doodle”
Часто слышим слово « Янки»
Но мы не знаем историю этого слова.
У Жени было задание найти информацию на образовательных сайтах Интернет.
( Читаем, переводим информацию, поем песню) ( Slide 7,8)
Итак, будьте осторожнее со словом «Янки», чтобы не обидеть американцев.
13 Региональный компонент.
Do you know that American city DES MOINES is a twit-city with Stavropol?
Yes, that’s true! Our region has relations with IOWA ( the state in America) ( Slide 8)
14 So, boys and girls! What country would you like to visit? ( Уч-ся называют страны)
I’d like to travel too. Sometimes I imagine myself walking along the streets of London. I often dream of visiting the USA. But you know what? For me Russia will always be the best place in the World. ( Slide 9)
What can you say about our country? ( Уч-ся рассказывают о России)
Russia is situated on the European continent.
It is the largest country in the world.
The official language is Russian.
The National Symbol of Russia is a double- headed eagle.
The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is very big.
The streets are wide and long in Moscow.
It was founded in 1147 by Yury Dolgoruky.
The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin.
Our country is Great and the nature is beautiful.
We are proud of our country. Our country is famous for:
well-known people
museums, beautiful buildings
beautiful countryside
large forests, high mountains, deep lakes…
15 And now one more “Bird’s eye view of a beautiful place” (Показываю отрывок из фильма об Александрии)
Do you like Alexandria, our native village?
East or West home is Best!
There is no place like home!
16 Рефлексия ( Слайд 10)
17 Задание на дом ( Слайд 11)
1. - You know that we’ll have a week of English in our school. That’s why you should prepare the wall papers about different countries.
2. I’ve begun our today’s lesson with the passage of the poem “Hug the Earth”. Will you read this poem whole? Then, your home task is to read it and try to do a literary translation.
Walking along feeling free,
Feeling the earth here with me,
And I love her, she loves me,
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.
She’s our friend,
We’d like to be together forever.
The earth is a garden,
It’s a beautiful place
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.
Helping Mother Earth,
We can peacefully roam,
We all deserve a place,
We can call our home.
- Make up a story about our village Alexandria.
Открытый урок английского языка
по теме: « Страны и континенты»
в рамках публичного отчета
МОУ «СОШ №2»
за 2010-2011 учебный год.
Учитель: Сумбаева О.Ф.
Ноябрь, 2011 г.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The National Symbol of Scotland New words: Scandinavians( the Norsemen) – скандинавские завоеватели to plunder грабить to settle поселяться to defend защищать е nemies враги sharp pain острая боль
The National Symbol of Scotland Ancient Scandinavians wanted to plunder ----------------and-----------------there. When they decided to attack the Scots, they took-----------off not to make noise. But one of them ------------ on a thistle and sudden and sharp pain made him scream.
Check up your answer! Ancient Scandinavians wanted to plunder the land of Scotland and settle there. When they decided to attack the Scots, they took their shoes off not to make noise. But one of them stepped on a thistle and sudden and sharp pain made him scream.
An interesting historical fact No one knows for sure where the name “ Yankee ” comes from. Some think that the Indians who came to the village of New Plymouth called the Englishmen “ Yankee ” Some think that it comes from the Dutch name Jan Kees or from a Dutch pirate named Yankey. Whatever the origin is, still in colonial times the British soldiers used this word as a rude name for the Americans whom they disliked.
Des Moines – Stavropol Twin - Cities
1. Tell about Alexandria . 2 . Make a poster about English- Speaking countries . 3. Learn the poem by heart !
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
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