Уроканглийского языка в 6 классе по теме "В выходной день"
методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме

Урок английского языка с использованием ИКТ (интерактивная доска, кмпьютер).


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме “At  the  weekend”

Обобщающий урок

Цель урока – развитие навыков коммуникативной компетенции в области аудирования, устной речи, чтении и письма с использованием ИКТ.

Задачи урока:


  1. Закрепить ЛЕ и МФ (play with my friends, walk with my dog, wash cups and plates, clean my room play on the computer, help my mum about the house, play the piano, cook a nice dinner, work in the garden, walk in the park, listen to music, watch a film on TV, enjoy a good book) по теме во всех видах речевой деятельности.
  2. Формировать навыки коммуникативной компетенции в области аудирования, чтения, письма, диалогической и монологической речи.
  3. Формировать навыки работы с интерактивной доской.
  4. Формировать грамматические навыки по теме «Простое прошедшее время глагола».


  1. Способствовать созданию атмосферы взаимопонимания и сотрудничества, сохранению здоровья, расширению общего кругозора учащихся.
  2. Способствовать формированию адекватной самооценки; учить оценивать учебную деятельность одноклассников.


  1. Развивать у школьников умения сравнивать, обобщать, логически излагать свои мысли.
  2. Развивать самостоятельность через использование элемента технологии обучения в сотрудничестве и элементов проектной деятельности.
  3. Развивать положительные эмоции учащихся, используя яркие примеры, иллюстрации, воздействующие на чувства ученика.
  4. Развивать познавательный интерес школьников.

Оснащение урока:

  1. интерактивная доска;
  2. компьютер;
  3. проектор;
  4. раздаточный материал;
  5. сигнальные карточки;
  6. CD “English Intermediate”;
  7. Отрывок из мультфильма «Garfield gets real»
  8. УМК «Happy English.ru» К.Кауфман,М.Кауфман.
  9. Аудиоприложение к УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В. «Новый курс английского языка».

Ход урока.

I.  Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности на английском языке.

1. Оргмомент. 3 min. T: Stand up. Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

Let’s start our lesson. Sit comfortably.

Let’s sing a song.

Режим T↔Cl. 

"How are you?"

by Richard Graham.

Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello,  how are you? Hello, how are you?

I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm cold, I'm sad

Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you?

I'm happy, I'm great, I'm good, I'm OK

Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you?

How are you? You look…..What is the date today? What day of the week is it?

2. Сообщение темы урока. 1 min.  Look at the pictures and name days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. What days are at the end of the week? “At the weekend” - this is the subject of our lesson. What are we going to speak about? We are going to speak about your last weekend. The aim of our lesson is your story about your last weekend.

3.Фонзарядка. 3 min.

Режим Т→Cl. What do you usually do at the weekend? Let’s revise.

T: Repeat the words after me: play football with my friends, walk with my dog, wash cups and plates, clean my room, play on the computer, help my mum about the house, play the piano, cook a nice dinner, work in the garden, walk in the park, listen to music, watch a film on TV, read a good book, enjoy your morning sleep, go for a walk, go fishing, meet my friends, have a good rest, water the flowers.

Form Past Simple of these verbs.

4.Речевая зарядка. 5 min.

Write these words in the right line.

Cooked, played, watched, helped, enjoyed, cleaned, worked, walked, hated, listened, dressed, liked,  stopped, visited.




Write Past Simple of these verbs:

  1. I (go)……….. for a walk with my friends.
  2. I (meet)…….. my friends on Saturday.
  3. I (read)……… an interesting book in the evening.
  4. I (have)………. a good rest.
  5. We (eat)……… delicious dinner on Sunday.

Write Past Simple of the verbs:   keoocd, kedli, pedhel, dah, tem, saw, ntwe, dear.

5.Развитие навыков аудирования. 5 MIN.

Let’s listen to the text. What did the Barkers do at the weekend? You have to listen to the text twice and match the name and the actions. Стр. 209, упр.1, запись 209, дорожка 37.

  1. John
  1. Enjoyed his morning sleep
  1. Sally
  1. Listened to music
  1. Margaret
  1. Watched the news on television
  1. Harry
  1. Washed the plates after breakfast
  1. George
  1. Worked in the garage
  1. Chase
  1. Played football with some friends
  1. Smokey
  1. Joined Sally in the kitchen

Are you ready? Let’s check your works. Change your works. Give your marks. Who has a five?

1-f, 2-d,3-c, 4-e, 5-b, 6-a, 7-g.

.Физкультминутка. 1 мин.Do you do morning exercises at the weekend? Let’s do them. Stand up. Hands up. Hands down.  Hands on hips.  Hands on shoulders. To the sides. Bend left. Bend right. Clap your hands. Sit down. 

  1. Аудирование с видео. 7 мин.Режим Т→P1,P2. 
  2. Tell me, what was the weather at the last weekend? Was it cloudy? Was it warm?

Let’ play and find out. Look at the starboard. P1, go to the starboard. Listen carefully. And then raise a card with the number of the right picture. CD (about weather).


Did you have a good rest? Did you sleep a lot? Did you help your mum? Did you meet your friends? Who went for a walk? Who played on the computer? What did you do? Where were you?

Well, tell us about your last weekend. 2 мин.

Релаксация.1 min.

Режим p1→p1,2.

  1. Do you like to watch cartoons at the weekend? Let’s watch a short extract from this cartoon. Then you have to answer some questions. 10 min.


  1. Where does Garfield live?
  1. In the country
  2. In a large city
  3. In a village
  1. What day does he hate?
  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  1. What does he eat for breakfast?
  1. A cup of coffee and sandwich
  2. A glass of milk with biscuits
  3. A toast, fried egg with ketchup
  1. What is this dog’s name?
  1. Charlie
  2. Odie
  3. Teddy
  1. What is the name of the boy?
  1. Jack
  2. Jon
  3. Steve
  1. What colour is their car?
  1. Green
  2. Red
  3. White

Are you ready? Let’s check your works.

Correct the mistakes:

  1. Did you had a good rest?
  2. What did you at the weekend?
  3. Who meet the friends?
  4. Did your mum cooked a nice dinner?
  5. Went you shopping?

 Заключительный этап урока. 2 мин.

Подведение итогов урока. Thank you for your good work. Your marks are….. Write down your home task. Good buy.

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