Role of parents in upbringing children
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Сочинение по теме "Роль родителей в воспитании детей" к теме "Роль семьи в воспитании детей" для студентов 3 курса педагогических колледжей в рамках работы с текстами профессиональной направленности.
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Role of parents in upbringing children
By Tatiana Lukina
I would like to tell you about the reasons why children are not capable of living without parents at least until they are 16 years old.
As for me I strongly believe that both children and parents should care about each other and respect each other’s needs, opinion and so on. Parents are the dearest and closest people in children’s life. First of all they give them birth, feed them, change diapers and do their best to help them become the full members of a society and good people. None mother or father wants their child to become criminals (murderers, maniacs, thieves), so society and children should not blame only parents in such situations. Environment, people a child is communicating with, school and peers are responsible for forming a personality.*
On the other hand, parents should not forget that till the age of 7 they are the only source of information for their child and they should do their best to set rules and norms of behavior to their children to form the ideas of what is right and what is wrong. Parents should spend as much time as they can to socialize their children and let them communicate with the peers. To add more children should learn everything while playing.*
Of course, there can be some problems and difficulties in upbringing. But parents should know beforehand that a child tends to take after parents only the worst. If parents are selfish and rude it is naïve to think that a child will grow up generous and kind. Also parents should remember that children often take them as an example of behavior, so it is clear that parents should try to get rid of their bad habits and drawbacks. *
You should remember that when a child is born into this world he/she is like a blank sheet and it is up to parents to fill it with what they want. Parents, environment and love will help form a personality.*
If we speak about the responsibility of mother and father in the family, I am sure that both of them should care about a child.* Even if they are very busy at work they should spend at least one hour a day with a child and never say that they are busy or don’t want to speak, play or be with a child because this will form the image of parents and parenthood. In future it may cause problems and difficulties in understanding between parents and children.*
In conclusion I’d like to say that if you have learnt that you will be a mother or father it means that your life will change completely and forever. You must change your lifestyle and attitude to life!*
The task: comment upon the statements that are marked with “*” and add your ideas about this problem.
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