Quiz "Future leaders/Considering social issues" 10th grade
рабочие листы по английскому языку (10 класс)

Matching activity for a "Future leaders/Considering social issues" lesson, 10th grade


Файл leaders_and_social_issues._vocabulary.docx6.87 КБ

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1. issue

a. a special song that represents a country and is often played at official events.

2. policies

b. a written statement outlining the beliefs and goals of a political party or candidate.

3. stand for election

c. a system of government where citizens have the right to vote and participate in decision-making.

4. political parties

d. the main city of a country where the government is based and important officials work.

5. to speak up for

e. a type of government where representatives are elected by the people to make decisions.

6. republic

f. a piece of cloth with distinctive colours and designs that represents a country or organisation.

7. monarchy

g. plans or actions that are created by an organisation or government to guide decisions.

8. currency

h. to choose someone for a position or office through voting.

9. queen

i. to express support or advocate for someone or something publicly.

10. constitutional monarchy

j. the head of government in some countries, responsible for running the country and making decisions.

11. election

k. a system where a monarch's powers are limited by a constitution, and they share authority with elected officials.

12. representative

l. a form of government where a single person, usually a king or queen, rules over a country.

13. democracy

m. the elected leader of a republic, usually responsible for overseeing the government.

14. population

n. organised activities aimed at influencing public opinion or winning an election.

15. manifesto

o. a topic or problem that is important and may require discussion or action.

16. president

p. the system of money that is used in a particular country.

17. prime minister

q. a female ruler of a country who often inherits her position from her family.

18. to elect

r. the group of people who manage and control a country or region.

19. flag

s. groups of people with similar ideas about how a country should be run, competing for power.

20. capital city

t. a person chosen or elected to act on behalf of others in a decision-making body.

21. government

u. to announce your intention to compete for a political position in an election.

22. national anthem

v. to formally express your choice or opinion in an election or decision-making process.

23. to aim

w. a process where people choose their leaders or decide on important issues through voting.

24. to vote

x. the total number of people living in a specific area or country.

25. campaign

y. to direct your efforts towards achieving a specific goal or target.

Correct matches:

1. o

2. g

3. u

4. s

5. i

6. e

7. l

8. p

9. q

10. k

11. w

12. t

13. c

14. x

15. b

16. m

17. j

18. h

19. f

20. d

21. r

22. a

23. y

24. v

25. n

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