Social Skills
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Networking strategies
- Introducing yourself.
- Jake: Hi there. This is a great party.
Andrew: Yeah, very nice space here. - Jake: Jake Losey. Pleased to meet you.
Andrew: Hi. Andrew Marks. Likewise. What brings you here? - Jake: Ah, my boss, Harry Peterson, he's a friend of the host. Couldn't be here - you know, busy, busy, busy. So he gave his invitation to his PA and myself.
Andrew: THE Andrew Peterson? CEO of DAsh Sportswear?
Jake: The very same. - Jake: So what do you do, Andrew?
Andrew: I work in clothing and retail. I own a couple of stores. I hired one of the designers here to upgrade my flagship store in the King's Road. Got to keep up with the trends! - Jake: Yes, I know that store- Mark 1, very nice. Looks great now. Ah, here's Amanda. She's more up on design than I am. She lives and breathes it... Amanda, have you met Andrew Marks? Andrew, this is Amanda.
Amanda: Andrew Marks of Mark 1 and Marks Man?
- Showing interest.
- Introductions
- Hi there.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Have you met…?
- Let me introduce you to…
- Showing interest
- What brings you here?
- Very cool designs.
- So, what do you do?
- Who designs for you?
- Taking leave politely and maintaining contact
- introductions
- Hi there.
- Let me introduce you to…
- What do you do?
- Pleased to meet you.
- Have you met…?
- leaving
- Until then, bye.
- It’s been a real pleasure meeting you.
- Next week, same time, same place?
- I’ll call you next week
- We’ll be in touch.
I’m sure there are many other people here demanding your time.
Well, it’s been a pleasure to meet you.
It’s been interesting talking to you.
I’ll be waiting to hear from you.
I’ll call you next week to arrange a meeting with Mr Peterson.
I’ll be in touch as soon as the boss gets back.
Socializing at a business dinner
1.Initiating conversation
Carla: Hi. Well, as we are sat next to each other, how about we introduce ourselves . I'm Carla McKenzie, Head of the Marketing Division at Clean Cosmetics.
Dominic: Oh, hi Ms McKenzie. I'm Dominic White, Head of Research and Development at Green for Beauty Stores. Pleased to meet you.
Carla: Pleased to meet you too. But please, call me Carla . Ms McKenzie sounds far too formal don't you think? By the way, you have some great products .
Dominic: Thank you. And please, call me Dominic. So, you work at the mighty Clean Cosmetics. Are you saying you use our products?
Carla: Yes. Some. In particular, I like your soaps and shampoos. So tell me, on the whole, What did you think of the conference ?
Dominic: Interesting, I would say.
Carla: Interesting, yes. What did you think of the seminar concerning how to maximize product placement in a global market?
Dominic: Food for thought. Focus on the bigger picture. We might have to rethink some of our advertising campaigns, I would say.
Carla: Tell me why you think that because I was thinking the same thing . Maybe for different reasons though.
Dominic: Well, currently, we are trying to attract a particular market, you know, metro woman – mid to late 20s – career woman – on the move constantly. Looking at the global picture, I think our demographic might be somewhat limited.
Carla: And I would say we at Clean Cosmetics have got our demographics a little skewed in favor of metro girl – we should be targeting a wider age-group, I think.
Dominic: Interesting. It seems we have similar issues to take back home .
2.Establishing things in common
- Carla: To get away from business for a moment ... If that's possible! Outside work, what interests do you have?
- Dominic: Outside work? What is that?
- Carla: Well, let's suppose we both had time outside work, what would you do with it?
- Dominic: Let me think. You know, that's a very pertinent question. What arises from it is this: why do we not allow ourselves free time to enjoy what our hard work has given us?
- Carla: You're probably right. But let's just imagine ...
- Dominic: Well, if I had more free time, I would read more, watch more movies, go for walks and enjoy nature. What about you?
- Carla: Similar, but I'd also like to travel ... not just for business, one conference hall or hotel looks like any other-I'm interested in ancient civilizations, their history and culture and its continuing influence up to the present day.
- Dominic: Yes, the mysteries of ancient civilizations. I'm also interested in that kind of thing. Fascinating...
3.Agreeing on common goals and next steps
Dominic: You might find this interesting. Do you remember our range Eternal Light? Well, our R & D division did a lot of research into the essences and creams used by the pharaohs and their queens in ancient Egypt. Our market research division came up with surprising results into what beauty products the modern women want to use.
Carla: This sounds intriguing. So what were the conclusions?
Dominic: That the modern woman still wants the essences and creams that were used by the pharaohs and queens of ancient Egypt. So everything changes and everything stays the same.
Carla: You know, I think Green for Beauty and Clean Cosmetics share many of the same beliefs about how to manufacture timeless beauty products.
Dominic: I think you're right . You know, it might be worth investigating our two companies working together .
Carla: Yes, it's an intriguing possibility which I'd very much like to follow up on with you. In fact, I'd love to continue talking about these ideas now, but my PA is calling for me to meet one of our clients.
Dominic: Could I give you my card? I think it would be of interest to both our companies to continue this discussion.
Carla: Indeed. Yes, thank you. And here’s my card. Could we meet up next week ? Are you based in London?
Dominic: Yes, my office is in London, though I travel a lot. However, I'll be in town next week.
Carla: Ok. My PA will call you next week. We can set up an informal meeting. How about lunch?
Dominic: Mmm. Good idea. I look forward to it. I think we share common goals .
Carla: Good, I agree. Until next week, then. Bye.
Dominic: Bye.
Politely refusing a client's requests
1.Calming the client
- Good afternoon, Clive. Pleasant journey?
- Have you had lunch?
- Is there anything I can offer you?
- Alright Clive, what can I do for you?
- I know you've driven a long way, so tell me what the problem is.
- Well, talk me through it again, if you don't mind.
- Let's see if we can't reach some understanding.
- Ok, Clive, what exactly is it that you want?
- Let's see if we can find some way of coming to terms here.
2.Explaining company policy
Oliver: Ok, Clive, what exactly is it that you want ? Let's see if we can find some way of coming to terms here.
Clive: Well, your wholesale delivery policy for a start. Over the years I have seen the minimum number you say you will deliver rise from 50 items to 75 with a steady increase in price and delivery tariffs. Are you trying to do the little man out of business?
Oliver: I see. So what you would like us to do is reduce our minimum number of any item for delivery back down to 50?
Clive: That is exactly what I would like you to do. I can't cover the cost of delivery and the higher price that 75 entails.
Oliver: Clive, you are a very successful businessman. During the 20 year period you are talking about I have seen your chain of Quick 'n' Easy Stores grow from 5 to 15 around the country. Your profits have grown substantially. You are doing very well.
Clive: That is beside the point , Oliver.
Oliver: Let me explain our company's policy to you, Clive. During these 20 years you mentioned earlier, petroleum prices have risen, the road tax has risen, the price of the products we deliver all over this country has risen. We have had to take these increases into account. When we deliver, we guarantee that we always deliver on time. Would you agree that we have never delivered any consignment to you late or damaged?
Clive: Well, yes, that's true, I suppose.
Oliver: Now, how do you suppose we are able to do this? We only use the best transportation there is on the market. No cheap trucks for Due Date - we only use the best. If the products need to be refrigerated, we ensure that the vehicles we use have been equipped with the most efficient refrigeration system there is out there. All this costs money, Clive. So, we have had to make it our policy to have a minimum quantity before we guarantee delivery and that figure has risen from 50 to 75 per item. I hope you can appreciate our point of view on this.
Clive: Yes, I can see your point . I admit, costs have certainly gone up.
3.Politely refusing the request
- Oliver: The logistics of what you are asking simply cannot work in this current economic crisis.
- Oliver: If you want Due Date to continue delivering the products you order, on time and unspoiled, you have to either reduce the quantity of your orders, or accept our current policy. I hope you can understand our position.
- Clive: I am going to have to think about it before I come to any decision.
- Oliver: I appreciate that. However, for the reasons I have stated, I'm afraid I have to turn down your request.
- Oliver: This is company policy and I am simply not at liberty to alter it. I sincerely hope you can understand my position.
- Oliver: Now, we have been doing business together a long time, Clive. I'd like you to think it over. I hope you can see the company's point of view and try to see the situation from our perspective.
- Clive: Yes, I can certainly appreciate Due Date's position. I hadn't thought about it before.
- By the way, what are your plans for this evening? I’d like to invite you to dinner where we can iron out these minor difficulties.
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