Правила написания электронных сообщений
консультация по английскому языку

Правила написания электронных сообщений


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Предварительный просмотр:


A document or picture saved on your computer, phone, or tablet.

Can you send me the file?


This is a file that you add to an email.

I’ve added a photo as an attachment to my email.

email address

It's like your home address but on the internet, so people know where to send you emails.

Your email address is needed to send you the newsletter.


The title or topic of your email that tells the recipient what the email is about.

Make sure the subject of your email is clear and specific.


An email that you have started writing but haven't sent yet.

I have a draft of the email ready to be reviewed.


The place in your email account where you can find all the emails people have sent you.

All your new messages will appear in your inbox.


A small round mark (.) used in websites and email addresses.

Don't forget to include a dot between the website name and the domain.

(pronounced at)

A symbol used in email addresses.

My email is “jane dot birkin at globalexam dot com”



A word or phrase you can click on to go to another page on the internet or to open a file.

Click on this link to visit our help center.

to delete

To remove something, like an email, so it is no longer there.

If the email is not important, you can delete it.

to forward

To send an email you received to someone else.

I will forward the schedule to the rest of the team.

to send

To make an email go from your account to someone else's.

I need to send an email to the manager with the updates.

to reply

To answer an email someone sent you.

Did you reply to the customer's complaint yet?

to receive

To get an email someone else sent to you.

You wil receive a confirmation email soon.

to upload

To move a file or picture from your computer to the internet.

I will upload the photo to the shared folder.

to download

To move a file or picture from the internet to your computer.

You can download the software from the official website.

Please find the attached file...

You're telling someone that you've included a file about a specific topic with your email.

Please find the attached file with all the information.

Looking forward to…

You're saying that you are excited or interested to do something.

Looking forward to our meeting next week!

Best regards

A polite way to say goodbye at the end of an email.

Let me know if you have questions.

Best regards,


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