Vocabulary test. Extreme sports
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)
Лексический тест по теме "Экстремальные виды спорта" создан на материале УМК Starlight" 10
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Предварительный просмотр:
Extreme sports
Fill in: parkour/free running, bungee jumping, whitewater rafting, have a go, hang gliding, leisure, snowboarding.
- After overcoming her fear of heights, she decided to go …………………………………from the bridge.
- ……………………………….. is a fun way to move around the city and jump over obstacles.
- …………………………………………………….is an exciting sport that you do on snowy mountains.
- My cousin went …………………………………. last week, and he said it was an amazing experience to soar over the mountains.
- During my ……………………………. time, I enjoy reading books and relaxing in the park.
- I want to …………………………………. at painting because I’ve never tried it before.
- ………………………………………………… is a fun activity where you paddle through fast-moving rivers.
- …………………………………………… is a sport where you run, jump, and climb over buildings and walls.
- Before going ………………………………………………, we learned safety tips to stay safe on the river.
- We plan to spend our …………………………………… hours by going to the beach and playing games.
- ………………………………………… is an exciting sport where you jump off a high place with a large rubber cord.
- Every winter, my friends and I go ………………………………………….. at the ski resort, and we enjoy the beautiful scenery.
- My friend encouraged me to ………………………………………… at playing the guitar, and it was a lot of fun.
- I hope to try ………………………………………. this summer because I want to see the beautiful views from above.
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