Конспект урока « Extreme sports»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Конспект урока для 9 класса "Экстримальные виды спорта". Нацелен на обучение лексической стороне устной речи.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по теме « Extreme sports» / «Экстремальные виды спорта»в 9-м классе
Учителя Иванова Е.А., Ткачук Н.Е.
ГОУ СОШ 349 Красногвардейского района
Цели урока:
Формирование лингвистической компетенции: обучение лексической стороне устной речи.
Формирование социокультурной компетенции : формирование представления об экстремальных видах спорта, популярных в англоязычных странах.
Формирование дискурсивной компетенции :формирование навыков диалогического общения.
Учебно-практический аспект:
Обучение говорению, аудированию, чтению, переводу, письму
Воспитательный аспект:
Формирование ответственности за себя и происходящее вокруг.
Воспитательный аспект:
Приобретение знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Развивающий аспект :
Развитие языковой догадки, памяти, логики, умения общаться.
Задачи урока
Продолжать формирование навыков аудирования.
Продолжать формирование навыков монологической речи ( представление презентаций об экстремальных видах спорта).
Продолжать формирование навыков диалогической речи по теме «виды спорта» .
Продолжать формирование навыков письма ( сочинение рассуждение).
Дидактические материалы: УМК Enterprise 3; ИКТ презентации; карточки для работы в парах видео – National Geographic “Cheese Race”.
Ход урока
1. Речевая зарядка ( Teacher ->Class).(у.3 стр.67; у.10 стр.68)
2 .Представление презентаций с последующими ответами на вопросы ( Class -> Pupil 1/2/3-> Class).
3 .Обучение неподготовленной диалогической речи (Pupil ⬄Pupil).
4.Просмотр видеофрагмента с заданием на аудирование.
5 .Обучение письму с выполнением задания на восстановление текста ; на множественные соответствия ;на установление логической последовательности (Class-> Teacher).
6.Работа в парах с ключами ответов (Pupil ⬄Pupil).
1. Речевая зарядка ( Teacher ->Class).(у.3 стр.67; у.10 стр.68).Teacher:
1.Who are extreme sportsmen?
2.Why do they leave their offices ?
3What do they fly ?
4 Where do they dive ?
5 What do they explore ?
6 What do they want to experience ?
7 What can they completely forget about ?
8 What can’t you be concerned about when you are risking your life ?
9 How does fear affect our brain ?
10 What shouldn’t sportsmen let fear do ?
11 Why is there an element of risk in every sport ?
12 What can fail ?
13 What can make extreme sports safer ?
14 Are extreme sports people more interested in testing their abilities or in winning prizes ?
2 .Представление презентаций с последующими ответами на вопросы ( Class -> Pupil 1/2/3-> Class).
Bungee jumping
What structure can we jump from ?
Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also possible to jump from a movable object, such as a hot-air-balloon or helocopter.
What will happen when a person jumps ?
The thrill comes as much from the free-falling as from the rebounds.(обратный ход)
When the person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord snaps back, and continues to oscillate (вибрировать)up and down.
Who were the first to jump from a large structure with a cord ?Why did they do it ?
In the 1950s a BBC film crew made a film about "land divers" of Pentecost Island, young men who jumped from tall wooden platforms .It was a test of their courage and passage into manhood.
When were the first modern bungee jumps made ?
The first modern bungee jumps were made in 1979 from a 250-foot Bridge in Bristol. The jumpers were arrested shortly after, but continued with jumps in the US from bridges. By 1982 they were jumping from mobile cranes(подъемные краны) and hot air balloons.
Where can I jump ?
Commercial bungee jumping began with the New Zelander ,A J Hackett, who opened the world's first permanent commercial bungee site in New Zeland.
Can one be injured?
There is a wide spectrum of possible injuries during a jump. One can be injured during a jump if the safety harness fails or the cord is not properly connected to the jump platform.. Other injuries include eye trauma, rope burn, bruises and back injury.
Indoor Climbing
What is indoor climbing ?
Indoor Climbing is an increasingly popular form of rock climbing performed on artificial structures.искусственные конструкции
How do they make rock gyms ?
The most common construction method involves screwing hand holds on to wooden walls.привинчивать поручни
Why is it popular ?
Indoor climbing has become popular in areas with rainy climates where climbing outdoors is sometimes difficult. Many people find that they can get to outdoors after work and still climb even though it is too dark outside.на свежем воздухе\ в зале
Is it a dangerous sport ?
Since environmental conditions can be more controlled in the gym , indoor climbing is perhaps a safer sport. In fact, birthday parties and youth teams are common at many rock gyms.
What equipment shall I need ?
A harness is used for attaching the rope to a person. Alpine climbers often choose lightweight harnesses, perhaps with detachable leg loops. Big wall climbers generally prefer waist belts and leg loops. Канат\съемные петли для ног
You will also need a climbing anchor (якорь/анкер), a Belay glove and a helmet.
Why is indoor climbing considered an extreme sport ?
This sense of security has a downside- a new gym climber may head to the cliffs and find they do not have all of the necessary skills for climbing in a setting without preplaced anchors.чувство безопасности\обратная сторона\без заранее вбитых анкеров
Scuba diving
What is scuba diving ?
Scuba diving a form of underwater diving in which a diver uses a scuba set to breathe underwater.
Who was the first set invented by ?
The first commercially successful scuba sets were the Aqualung open-circuit units developed by Emil Gagnan and Jacque-Yves Cousteau.
Who was Jacques-Yves Cousteau?
Jacques-Yves Cousteau (French pronunciation: [ʒak iv kusto]; 11 June 1910 – 25 June 1997)was a French naval officer, explorer , ecologist, filmmaker, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water.
Can divers breath atmospheric air ?
For some diving, gas mixtures other than normal atmospheric air (21% oxygen= кислород, 78% nitrogen= азот , 1% trace gases) can be used, so long as the diver is properly trained in their use.
What other mixtures can be used ?
The most commonly used mixture is Enriched Air Nitrox =обогащенный,which is air with extra oxygen, often with 32% or 36% oxygen, and thus less nitrogen, reducing the likelihood of decompression sickness.
What is decompression sickness ?
The diver must avoid the formation of gas bubbles=пузыри in the body, called decompression sickness, by releasing=освобождать the water pressure on the body slowly at the end of the dive and allowing gases in the bloodstream=в кровотоке to leave the body. This is done by making safety stops or decompression stops.
How can decompression sickness be treated ?
Decompression sickness must be treated promptly=своевременно. Administering enriched-oxygen=обогащенный кислородом breathing gas is a good form of first aid=первая помощь.
3 .Обучение неподготовленной диалогической речи (Pupil ⬄Pupil) с опорой на текст по одной из тем. Ученик 1 задает вопросы, ученик 2 отвечает.
The history of skydiving starts with A.J.Garnerin who made successful parachute jumps from a hot-air balloon in 1797.
A typical jump involves individuals jumping out of an aircraft at approximately 4,000 meters altitude. Skydivers free-fall for a about a minute before activating a parachute to slow the landing down .
Training in the sport is often conducted by full-time instructors and coaches. Those who want to test their courage, can go to commercial centers which often provide year-round availability.
About 30 skydivers are killed each year in the US; roughly one death for every 100,000 jumps.Injuries and fatalities usually happen because the skydiver performed unsafe maneuvers, resulting in a high speed impact with the ground. Typical injuries include rope burn, bruises and back injury.One of the most common sources of injury is a collision between skydivers.
Approximately[a’proksimitli] =приблизительно altitude [‘aelti’tju:d]=высота
coaches [‘kautch]=тренер availability=доступность
Snorkelling is the practice of swimming while equipped with a diving mask, a shaped tube called a snorkel, and usually swimflins.
Using this equipment allows the snorkeler to observe underwater attractions with relatively little effort.
It is a popular recreational activity, particularly at tropical resorts and scuba diving locations. Snorkelling is also employed by scuba divers when on the surface.
The primary attraction of snorkeling is the opportunity to observe underwater life a natural setting without the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving, and without decompression sickness and pressure injuries.
In a natural setting= в естественных условиях
Extreme sports are rarely sanctioned by schools and tend to be more solitary than traditional sports.But isn’t it more fun to play spots with friends ?
Curling is a team game played by two teams of four players each on carefully prepared ice. Teams take turns sliding heavy, polished granite stones down the ice towards the target (called the house).
Two sweepers with brooms accompany each rock and use timing equipment to help direct the stones to their resting place.
The game of curling is thought to have been invented in medieval Scotland, the first contest took place in February 1541.
In the early history of curling, the rocks were simply flat-bottomed river stones , so the thrower had little control over the rock, and relied more on luck than skill to win. Today the players can rely on skill and strategy. Curling is often referred to as “chess on ice”.
Curling has been an official sport in the Winter Olympic games since 1998.
The equipment a curler may utilize includes: shoes, gloves, a curling stone with a handle (The handle allows the rock to be gripped and rotated upon release.)and a broom/brush.
The curling broom is used to sweep the ice surface in front of the stone. Aggressive sweeping momentarily melts the ice and reduces friction, this keeps the stone moving and on a straight trajectory.
Slide= скользить Target=цель Broom=щетка
To rely on =положиться на To grip=хватать To rotate = вращать
To reduce friction = сократить трение Trajectory [tra’dzektari] = траектория
Bowling is a game in which players attempt to score points by rolling a bowling ball along a flat, usually a wooden or synthetic surface, into objects called pins.
There are many forms of bowling, the earliest dating back to ancient Egypt
The first standardized rules were established in New York City in1895. Today, bowling is enjoyed by 95 million people in more than ninety countries worldwide.
Health benefits
Bowling is an anaerobic type of physical exercise, similar to walking with free weights. (Dumbbells=гантели )
Bowling helps in burning calories and works muscle groups not usually exercised. The flexing and stretching in bowling works muscles in arms and legs and promotes weight loss. Apart from the physical benefits it also has psychological benefits, strengthening friendships or creating new ones in groups.
Bowling safety
Since bowling balls are heavy, to avoid back and wrist injury they should be picked up with both hands. It’s recommended to bend one’s knees while picking up bowling balls to avoid back injuries.
Like any other physical activity, warming up helps to prevent injuries.
Pins= кегли To flex= сгибать To stretch = растягивать
Weight loss = потеря веса Psychological [,saika’lodzikl] = психологический Wrist[rist] = запястье Benefit [‘benefit] = польза
4) Просмотр видеоклипа с заданием на аудирование.
5) Обучение письму . Задание выведено на экран в презентацию.Т: What are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme sports ?
- There is a wide spectrum of possible injuries.
- If you don’t doing things right, you are asking for trouble.
- Extreme sportsmen satisfy their need for adventure.
- One can be injured if the safety harness fails or the gear is not properly connected .
- Less experienced sportsmen can head to the most dangerous place and find they do not have all of the necessary skills.
- Extreme sportsmen can completely forget about their everyday problems.
- You can’t be concerned about trivial things when you ‘re risking your life.
- Injuries and fatalities usually happen because the sportsmen performed unsafe maneuvers.
- Extreme sportsmen are more interested in testing their own abilities than in winning prizes. They do not use doping or drugs to enhance performance .
- Extreme sports are rarely sanctioned by schools and tend to be more solitary than traditional sports.
в) T: If we write an essay in the first paragraph we have to state a problem .
Arrange the sentences in the right order.
3.I don’t agree with this view.
1.Physical education has been a part of school curriculum for years.
- However, many people believe that Physical education should be optional = предметом по выбору.
4.In my opinion, physical education is very important for a variety of reasons.
с) T: In the 2-d and 3-d paragraphs you identify your own opinions, give your own reasons and examples.
Develop the sentences below. Use phrases to identify your own opinions. Give your own reasons and examples.
- Physical education has many health benefits.( these is its effect on physical fitness including stamina, flexibility, coordination and strength.)
- Physical education can also improve the mood. (Children enjoy different kinds of physical activities such as running, swimming, gymnastics.)
- Physical education is necessary because it is a fact that there is an increasing health risks involved because of being overweight and inactive.( Children tend to gain weight because they lack in physical education. I did not use to play sports and look at me now.)
d) Match each sentence with the correct function.
3.For example, children who spend hours just sitting in their class with their schoolwork, tend to be unhealthy and inactive due to lack of physical activity.
2.Physical health means having a body that is flexible, coordinated and strong.
1.Children must have a healthy body, spirit and mind
e) State an argument against your opinion.
Use these phrases to identify other’s opinions and explanations. | ||
Yet others believe that_____ Many people think that Some people feel that | They claim that They feel that They argue that | They forget, however, that_____ |
They argue that not all children enjoy it/ schools have little time to devote to less important subjects such as Physical Education
6 (резервное) Перевод с русского в парах с ключами ответов.
Древние Греки всегда говорили что, здоровый дух в здоровом теле является ключом к хорошо сбалансированной жизни. В настоящее время, много школ уменьшают время, предназначенное для спорта . Я возражаю против удаления спортивных состязаний из учебного плана.
Прежде всего, школы должны обучать детей всему, независимо от того, какими талантами они обладают. По этой причине, важно проводить занятия физкультурой и спортивную практику для школьников.
Кроме того, студенты наше время тратят проводят долгие часы, учась и работая за компьютерами. Поэтому, они нуждаются в возможность иметь физическую нагрузку в течение школьного дня. Это не только поможет повысить их уровень физической подготовки и сделать их более здоровыми, это будет также означать, что они лучше развивают социальные навыки.
С другой стороны, некоторые люди полагают, что цель школы состоит в том, чтобы развить навыки, которые будут полезны для их работы. Следовательно, школы имеют меньше времени на менее важные предметы, типа Физкультуры.
Они забывают, однако, что, если дети занимаются спортом, они в состоянии сконцентрироваться на своих занятиях дольше и так достигают лучших результатов.
В заключение я полагаю, что спортивные состязания должны быть ключевой частью школьного учебного плана. Все дети имеют право на разностороннее образование.
- The ancient Greeks always held that a healthy mind in a healthy body is a key to a well balanced life. Nowadays, many schools are decreasing the amount of time given to sports. I am strongly opposed to the removal of sports from the curriculum.
- First of all, schools have a responsibility to educate children in all areas, no matter where their particular talents may lie. For that reason, it is important to provide physical education training and sports practice for school children.
- In addition, students these days spend long hours studying and working at their computers. Therefore, they need the opportunity to do some physical activity during the school day. This will not only
- help to increase their level of fitness and make them healthier, it will also mean that they develop better social skills.
- On the other hand, some people believe that the purpose of school is to develop skills that will be of use in their employment . Consequently, schools have little time to devote to less important subjects such as Physical Education. They forget, however, that if children play sports are able to concentrate on their studies for longer and therefore achieve better results.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that sports should believe a key part of the school curriculum. All children have the right to a balanced education.
7)Выставление оценок
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