Праздник: "Прощание с английским букварем."
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Цели и задачи: систематизация знаний и умений учащихся, подвести итогиизучения алфавита, воспитывать уважение ккниге как к источнику знаний, прививать интерес к изучению английского языка; развивать актёрскиеспособности, чувство дружбы и товарищества;
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Праздник: "Прощание с английским букварем."
Цели и задачи: систематизация знаний и умений учащихся, подвести итогиизучения алфавита, воспитывать уважение ккниге как к источнику знаний,прививать интерес к изучению английского языка; развивать актёрскиеспособности, чувство дружбы итоварищества;
Оборудование: карточки с буквами, записи песенок, фонограммы, презентация
Оформление: воздушные шары, шапочки с каждой буквой
Вход учащихся под музыку. Song – greeting
The boys are standing
The girls are standing
Hello, hello, hello, my friends
We’ll be together in any weather
Hello, hello, hello my friends.
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls, parents and teachers! Today we gather together to say good–bye to our best friend, our first ABC book. But firstly, let us introduce ourselves.
Доброе утро, дорогие ребята, уважаемыеродители и гости! Сегодня мы собрались на наш праздник для того, чтобы попрощаться с нашим другом – Мистером АВС.Но прежде, чем начать нам праздник, давайте расскажем о себе.Let us introduce ourselves. Song “What is your name.”
1. What is your name?What is your name?
Now tell me, please,what is your name?
My name is Helen-3 times
That’s my name.
2. How old are you, how old are you?
Now tell me please, how old are you?
I am seven, - 3 times
That is my age.
3. Where do you live, where do you live?
Now tell me please, where do you live?
I live in London, 3 times
Where do I live.
4. How do you feel; how do you feel?
Now tell me please, how do you feel?
I feel OK3 times
That’s how I feel!
Teacher: Dear boys and girls, today we have ABC party, because now we know all English letters and now I want to invite all letters. Letters, you are welcome!
Учитель: Дорогие ребята, сегодня у нас праздник Букваря, потому что мы очень хорошо учились и выучили все буквы английского алфавита. И сейчас я хочу пригласить все буквы английского алфавита на наш праздник. Буквы, добропожаловать!
- A – is for apple & for apple-trees
You can see apples on apple-trees
-B is for books & for bookcase
I have many books in my bookcase
-C is for cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.
-D is for dog & for doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.
-E is for eight & for eleven.
How much is eight & eleven?
-F is for flower: red & blue,
White & yellow & rosy, too
-H is for hand. I have two hands.
This is the way I clap my hands.
-I is for I. I am a boy & I am ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.
-J is for Jam. This is apple jam.
Jimmy likes it & so does Sam.
-K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
It is little and it is white.
-L is for letter. This letter is for me.
It is from my sister, as you can see.
-M is for May & for May Day
For March & for Mother’s Day.
-N is for nine & ninety- nine
Children, how much is ninety & nine?
-O is for one. One & two is three
Three little cats are in the tree.
-P is for pencils. With them I can draw:
A red pen, a green tree or a blue door
-Q is for questions: how are you?
How old are you? How do you do?
-R is for red. Many things are red.
What can be red? Do you know Fred?
-S is for Street. This is my street
There are a lot of trees in my street.
-T is for Tick and for Tock
“Tick-tock” – says the clock.
-U is for under, but not for at
“I’m under the tree “says Pat
-V is in five & also in seven
It is in twelve & in eleven
-W is for winter when it is cold
But I like winter & I like cold
-X is in six let’s count up to six!
One, two, three, four, five, six!
-Y is for yard where children play
They play in the yard every day
-Z is for Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo.
I like to go to the Zoo & you?
Песня - ABCsong(на мотив “Голубой вагон»)
This is the alphabet all the letters we know
Now we can read & write all the books we want
And we are glad to read all the books, all the books
And we can write all words which we learned before
Teacher:So, boys and girls, guess the riddle and somebody will come to us.
- Old gentleman, who has pages, tries to teach us all the letters. Who is it?
Дети: It is Mr. ABC
Учитель: Yes, it is Mr. ABC!
Mr. ABC, come here please! (Приход Мистера АВС)
Mr. ABC:Hello boys and girls, good morning dear guests! I amMr. ABC. My congratulations to you. Now you have known all letters of English alphabet, now you can read yourself, and I am so glad that could help you.
Дорогие ребята! Поздравляю Вас с праздником. Вы уже прошли все буквы английского алфавита, многое узнали, многому научились. Теперь Вы знаете все буквы английского алфавита. Я очень рад, что мог быть полезным для Вас. Ребята, я принес Вам в подарок книги, теперь вы их сможете прочитать их сами, без помощи пап и мам.
P: Thank you very much, Mr. ABC!
Teacher: Dear Mr. ABC, let’s look what our children can do!
-Дорогой Мистер АВC, давайте вместе с Вами посмотрим, чему научились наши ребята.Первое задание:
1. What letters are missing? -Translate into English, please.
(Пропущены буквы в английском алфавите, надо определить каких букв не хватает)
Второезадание: What letter is it?
Третьезадание: You know all English letters well, but can you spell the words?
Can you translate these words? How do you translate the word…?
I see, you can read, spell and translate the words.
Четвертоезадание: But can you count? Let’s play mathematics! (Make sums)
2+2 is…. 3+4 is….1+5 is….6+2 is….10-1 is ….9-6 is….5+4 is ….8-3 is…
Mr. ABC: I see, that you know ABC well, so I must go, good luck and good bye!
P: Thank you very much, Mr. ABC and good bye!
Teacher: Children, you know that your great success thanks to your parents, grandpas and grannies. I know,thatyouwanttogreetthem.
Ребята, все Ваши успехи благодаря Вашим родителям, бабушкам и дедушкам! И я знаю, что Вам очень хочется поблагодарить их сегодня.
Song: 1. My dear, dear mummy let me kiss you face
I want you to be happy today and always
Be happy,be happy today and always
Be happy, be happy today and always
2.My dear, dear daddy I love you very much
I want you to be happy during all your life!
Be happy be happy during all your life
Be happy be happy during all your life
3.My dear, dear grandpa I love you very much
I want you to be happy during of your life
Be happy be happy during all your life
Be happy be happy during all your life
4. My dear, dear grandma let me kiss your face
I want you to be happy today & always
Be happy, be happy today and always
Be happy, be happy today and always.
Teacher: Dear children, I know that you love your family very much, and you want to retell about one interesting family–ducks’ family to your parents.
Дорогие ребята, я вижу, как Вы любите свои семьи,и сегоднямы с Вами хотимрассказать своим родителям еще об одной интересной семье-семье уточек.
Song "Have you seen the little Ducks? »
1. Have you seen the little ducks?
Swimming in the water
Father, mother, baby ducks
Grandpapa and daughter.
2.Yes, I ‘ve seen the little ducks,
Swimming in the water
Father, mother, baby ducks,
Grandpapa and daughter.
Teacher: Children, today animals from the forest came to us with congratulations.
Ребята, сегодня к нам на праздник приехали из леса зверушки и хотят поздравить Вас.
Animals:Hello, boys and girls! Our congratulations and best wishes to you! We have a present for you - our forest fairy – tale. Мы пришли к Вам на праздник, чтобы поздравить Вас, а в подарок Вам принесли нашу лесную сказку.
У обезьянки –a monkey
Была подружка- a frog- лягушка
Была сестричка- a fox – лисичка
Был братец –a cock –петушок
Еще там жили a hare- зайчонок
A bear- медвежонок
A great cat- серыйкотенок
Все они жили в глуши – inthewood
И были очень хороши – verygood
Ауручья –near the lake
Жила большая змея- a bigsnake
Она была голодна- veryhungry
И всегда очень зла- veryangry
Once a monkey invited some guests
И поставила на стол- andputonthetable
Apple-pie, cakes и много других сластей
Она пригласила –sheinvited
Подружку- a frog –лягушку
Сестричку- a fox –лисичку
Братика – a cock –петушка
Гостями были: Ahare- зайчонок, a bear –медвежонок
A blackcat- черный котенок,
Но змею она не пригласила-
But the snake she didn’t invite
Она ее не любила- Shedidn’tloveher
The snake near the lake began to cry
Змея у ручья плакать начала
Никто меня не любит – nobodylovesme
Никому я не нужна- nobodyneedsme
Даже обезьянка забыла обо мне
Не хочу я больше жить на этой земле
I want no longer to live on this Earth
Но друзья подумали, погадали
И в гости ее тоже позвали
She was glad- онарадабыла
And come to the friends.
Будем все дружить и в мире жить!
We’ll be friends and this is the end.
Teacher: We’ll go to school together, to get knowledge and we show you how we can do it.И все вместе будем в школу ходить и знанья получать, давайте покажем дружно, как мы с удовольствием ходим в школу.
Song «Clap, Clap, Clap your Hands!"
1. Clap, clap, clap your hands,} twice
Clap your hands together} twice
2. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
Stamp your feet together
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet} twice
3. March, march, march to school
March to school together
March, march, march to school
March to school together
Сценка о мышонке и котике.“Little mouse and a cat”
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse where your house is?
Mouse: Little cat, little cat I have no flat,
I am poor mouse, I have no house
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse, come into my house
Mouse: Little cat, little cat, I cannot do that
You want to eat me.
Children: Little mouse, little mouse
Quickly, quickly to the house
One, two, three, four
Quickly, quickly to the door!
Kittens: Three little kittens lost their mittens
And they began to cry: Oh, mother dear,
We greatly fear, that we have our mittens
Cat: Lost your mittens, your naughty kittens
You will have no pie
All together: meow, meow, meow
Kittens: Three little kittens found their mittens
And they began to cry
Oh, mother, dear, see here, and see here
We have found our mittens
Cat: Found your mittens
You are good kittens
And you will have some pie
But I have a smell close by
Purr, purr, purr, purr
K: But we have a smell close by.
Музыкальная сценка - Перчатки
Потеряли котятки по дороге перчатки
И смеясь, прибежали домой,
Мама, мама, прости, мы не можем найти
Мы не можем найти, перчатки
С: потеряли перчатки, вот дурные котятки
Я за это не дам пирога,Мяу-мяу-мяу – не дам
Побежали котятки, отыскали перчатки
И смеясь, прибежали домой
Мама, мама, не злись,
Потому что нашлись, потому что нашлись перчатки.
Отыскали перчатки,вот спасибо котятки
Я за это Вам дам пирога, Мур-мур- мур-мур! Дам!
Fairy tale “Three little pigs”-Сказка «Трипоросенка»
1. Once upon the time there lived 3 little pigs.
Naff-Naff: hello boys and girls, I am Naff-Naff.
Ch: Hello, Naff-Naff
Snuff-Snuff: good morning, boys and girls! I am Snuff-Snuff.
Ch: G.M. Snuff-Snuff. We are glad to meet you.
Niff-Niff: G.M. boys and girls. I am Niff-Niff
- Niff-Niff We are glad to meet you.
3 pigs: We are three merry little pigs.
Song: Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf (3 times)
Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf?Tra-la-la-la!
Naff-Naff: Winter is coming. Big Bad Wolf is very hungry. We must make a house & live together.
Niff-Niff: Winter is not coming. We have time to play and to sing.
Snuff-Snuff: Yes, we have time to play & to sing!
Naff-Naff: I shall go & make the house.
Niff-Niff: I shall go & make the house too.
Snuff-Snuff: Then I shall go & make a house too.
1.-Niff-Niff is making the house of grass.
2. -Snuff-Snuff is making the house of sticks.
3.-Naff-Naff is making the house of bricks.
Niff: I have made my house of grass.
House of grass, house of grass. 2 timesTra-la-la –la.
Snuff: I have made my house of sticks
House of sticks, house of sticks. 2 timesTra-la-la-la
Naff: My house is not ready yet. I must go and finish my house of bricks. Good-bye, children.
Niff,Snuff: We aren’t afraid of big ,bad Wolf.
Big, bad Wolf, big, bad Wolf! 2 timesTra-la-la-la!
Wolf: My name is Wolf.
Ch: Go away, Big, bad Wolf!
W: Hush, children. I see two little nice pigs. I am very hungry. Ha-Ha-Ha!
Ha! Ha! Let me in!
Niff: Oh, no! I won’t.
W: I shall puff-puff & blow your house.
I catch you, silly little pigs!
W: Snuff-Snuff let me in!
Pigs: Oh, no. Go away big, bad Wolf!
Niff: Oh, brother, save us!
Snuff: Big Bad Wolf wants to eat us! Help us!
Naff: Don’t be afraid, my house is made of bricks.
Wolf: Open the door & let me in.
Pigs: No, no! Go away, Big, Bad Wolf!
Song: We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf
We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf- Tra-la-la-la
Teacher: Children, lets sing song with our guests - animals about the beauty of the nature and forest colours.
Ребята, давайте вместе с нашими гостями - зверушками споем песенку, которая расскажет Вашим родителям о красоте природы и о лесных красках.
Song «I see green, I see yellow"
- I see green, I see yellow,I see that funny fellow,
I see white, I see blue,I see you and you, and you.
-I see pink, I see brown,I stand up and I sit down
I see red, I see black I see that, and that, and that.
-I see boys, I see girls I see many, many toys,
I see sky, I see ground,I see merry go- round.
Teacher: We have another great event in our holiday. Winter gifted us newborns, let’s congratulate them!
Наш праздник совпал еще с одним событием, зима подарила нам, ребят, которые родились в это замечательное время года, давайте поздравимнаших именинников!
Children: Dear Boys and girls! Happy birthday to you!
- Many Happy returns of the day!
-Be healthy, wealthy and wise!
Song «Happy Birthday to you!"
-Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, happy birthday,Happy birthday to you!
- May your birthday be bright, may your birthday be bright
May your birthday be bright, From morning till night!
Teacher: Children, in honour of our friendship,let’s dance and sing song.
Ребята, а сейчас в знак нашей дружбы, мы споем и станцуем английскую полечку.
-Make your right-hand clap, clap, clap
Make your left-hand clap, clap, clap
Turn around one, two, three
It is easy you can see!
-Make your right foot tap, tap, tap
Make you left foot tap, tap, tap
Turn around one, two, three
It is easy you can see!
The telephone is ringing. (звониттелефон)
Child: Hello! My name is…Who is speaking?
Our address is Poltava 4, Kolobok, tel. Number 668689. We are waiting for you. Pupil:O.K, it’s Santa Clause!
It is winter, it is cold,
Father Frost is very old
Very old, very old
Father Frost is very old!
(Приход Деда Мороза и Снегурочки)
Santa: Hello, dear friends!
SG: Hello, my dear kittens! I’m so happy to see you! I came here from the North especially congratulate you with this great holy event as Christmas.
Santa: Merry Christmasand Happy New Year to you!
SG: Children, do you know what is carol? Carol is a Christmas anthem and I would love to gift you this carol.
Santa: Dear kids, do you know that Christmasis merry and joyful holiday?
S.G: Yes, people all over the world celebrate this holiday dancing, singing and playing games.
Santa: Yesterday we were in India, and children from this country sent you a present, let’s watch very attentively. (Indian Dance)
S.G: - Children, I can’t imagine our party without reciting poems. Let’s listen how they can recite the poems.
1. Sana Claus lives in England
He is funny & merry
His cheeks are like red roses
His nose is like a cherry
2. Look! We have a snowman
He is tall & fat
He has carrot in his nose
He has a funny hat
3. This is the season when children ski
And father Frost brings New Year tree
4. New things to learn
New friends to meet
New songs to sing,
New books to read
5. New things to see
New things to hear
New things to do
In this glad New Year
S. G: Well done! Let’s play some games!
Santa: Do you know that New Year in Chinese Horoscope is the - Year of Red Mouse, let’s play game Mouse fuss (“Мышинаявозня»)
S.G. My dear, friends, can you imagine party without bright dance of little mice; let’s try to be lovely, merry, happy mice.
(Train in circle)
Santa: Well done, kids! What a fun dance that was!
S.G. I can see that you can dance very well!
Santa; so, dear we come to you with our best helpers, our snowflakes!
They will be Snow girls in future, let’s greet them!
Snowflakes dance.
S.G. Dear children, it is so much fun to play with you.
Santa: Yes, it’s so pleasant to see your wonderful party, but we must go to Great Britain to congratulate British children!
Showgirl: And of, course we prepare presents to you.
Song “Jingle bells”
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride in one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride in one horse open sleigh
Santa Clause: So dear friends, it’s a pity, but we must say good- bye to you,
Snow girl: Best wishes to you!
Song: We wish you a happy New Year
Teacher: I think children that you like to study English, lets gift to this important subject this song.
Ребята, мне кажется, что Вам очень нравится учить английский язык, давайте подарим, этому важному предмету песню.
Song "You, you, you!" (намотивКиркорова Ты,ты,ты-ночью и днем)
You, you, you, you, you, you
You, you, you, you, you, you
From morning till night,
You, you, you, you, you, you
You, you, you, you, you, you
In my soul and life.
Начал я совсем недавно свой английский изучать
Скоро очень скоро, буду многое я знать
Как чудесно, как прекрасно
Песни петь и говорить
Надо просто не лениться
И английский свой учить
You, you, you, you, you, you
You, you, you, you, you, you
From morning till night,
You, you, you, you, you, you
You, you, you, you, you, you
In my soul and life.
Сhildren: We can read, we can write, we can speak English too,
We like learning English, and what about you?!
Song "Good bye, Madam"
Good bye, madam
Good bye, sir
Good bye, mum
It was so nice to meet you.
Refrain: Merrily we walk along, walk along, walk along,
Merrily we walk along, singing a fine song.
Автор сценария и режиссер-постановщик: Матвеева Майя Кадыровна
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Конспект праздника «Прощание с Букварем»

сценарий праздника "Прощание с букварем"
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