Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку - Аудирование
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)

Белова Елена Анатольевна

Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку - Аудирование


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Предварительный просмотр:

Задание 1-4 (1)

1. The hiking instructor advises the hikers on…
1) how to cook food on a fire.
2) what to wear on the hiking trip.
3) how to find the way through the forest.

2. What present does Mary suggest buying for their mother?
1) A pot plant.   2) An umbrella.   3) A cherry cake.

3. Nancy doesn’t want to participate in the family business  

1) she is allergic to cats.  2) she doesn’t like animals.
3) she’s chosen another profession.

4. What are Alice and Ron going to have for lunch?
1) Pancakes.   2) Spaghetti.   3) Sandwiches.

Задание 1-4 (6)

1. You will have to pay if you want to ...

    1) rent a bike in the park.     2) enjoy the old photo exhibition.
   3) see the tropical butterflies.

2. The boy feels happy because …

    1) he did not have to take an exam at the language school.
   2) he and his friend will be learning together.
   3) he was placed into the most advanced group.

3. What present are Jack and Flo going to buy for their  


    1) A fishing rod.    2) Rubber boots.         3) A warm coat.

4. Where did Ron spend Sunday?

    1) At the zoo.         2) At a motor track.    3) In a hotel room.

Задание 1-4 (2)

1. What present will you get, if you buy something today?
    1) A tent.       2) A bicycle.       3) A watch.
2. On Sunday, Sophie is invited…
    1) to attend an event in the sports centre.
    2) to take part in a swimming competition.
    3) to go to the city concert.
3. Why did Sally miss Alex’s call yesterday?
    1) Sally’s phone was not working properly.
    2) Sally had muted her phone for a concert.
    3) Sally had left her phone at home.
4. What is Mark’s favourite subject?
    1) Maths.       2) Science.       3) French.

Задание 1-4 (7)

1. This season, the new entertainment centre offers its services to

1) people of all ages.                2) schoolchildren only.
3) children under five.

2. The boy is going to be late for the family celebration because    


    1) has lost his way in the city.
    2) helped tourists find the railway station.
    3) forgot the time of their gathering.

3. Where have Jill and Ben agreed to meet up?

    1) In the theatre.  2) At a bus stop.   3) In the fitness centre.

4. What sport is Ken going to take up?

    1) Tennis.            2) Baseball.           3) Boxing.

Задание 1-4 (3)

1. The excursion guide asks the tourists to…
    1) collect their bags from the bus.
    2) take their lunch boxes.      3) board the bus.
2. Bob wants Tom to…
    1) invite him to the musical show.
    2) lend him his guitar for a while.
    3) take part in the school performance.
3. What school subject does Jeff find most difficult?
    1) Science.       2) French.       3) Computer Studies.
4. Tomorrow, Sue is going to…
    1) relax at home.      2) go to the swimming pool.
    3) visit a doctor.

Задание 1-4 (8)

1. The visitors of the zoo cannot see the small bear

 at the moment because …    -     1) it is in quarantine.  

 2) it is sleeping.       3) it has moved to another zoo.
2. Tomorrow Vicky should …
    1) be well-prepared for her Maths test.
    2) present her work in the Science class.
    3) submit an essay on a scientist of the past.
3. When is Mia going to have her birthday party?
    1) In two weeks.  2) Next Saturday.  3) Tonight.
4. What would Jess like to do this summer?
    1) Improve her German in Germany.
    2) Invite her cousins to Britain.    3) Visit her aunt in France.

Задание 1-4 (4)

1. According to the announcement, the visitors of the shopping

    centre should…

1) leave the building immediately.

2) continue their shopping   3) get together in the central lobby.

2. Andrew asks Tom…

1) to lend him a bicycle.      2) to take care of his pet.

3) to help him in the garden.

3. What school subject does Helen like?

1) History.   2) Maths.        3) Science.

4. Nick’s brother is crying because…

1) his new toy is broken.    2) Nick refuses to play with him.

3) a cousin borrowed his toy car.

Задание 1-4 (9)

1. What activity is available for the language school students at  

    the moment?
   1) Horse-riding lessons.  2) Swimming lessons.
   3) Gymnastics lessons.

2. Thomas didn’t come to support his football team because…
    1) he confused the time of the game.
    2) he had got stuck in a traffic jam.
    3) he had to take part in some other competition.

3. Ann’s order in the cafe is a cup of green tea and…
    1) an apple pie.  2) a vanilla cake.   3) a chocolate cake.

4. What birthday present did Mia get?
    1) A headphone set.    2) Ski glasses.    3) A smart watch.

Задание 1-4 (5)

1. The airport officials are looking for a person who …

    1) has lost their luggage.  2) has missed their check-in time.
   3) has found another passenger’s documents.

2. Charlie is calling …

1) to say sorry for being late to the cinema.
2) to invite Fred to see a film with him.
3) to share his impressions of the film.

3. Why did Alex spend half a year in Australia?

1) He was studying at university there.2) His father got a job there. 3) He visited his aunt and her family.

4. Why was it a problem for Joan to contact Tim by phone?

1) Tim was ignoring Joan’s calls.
2) Tim had forgotten to turn on his phone.
3) Tim had changed his phone number

Задание 1-4 (10)

1. The Spanish Club sessions are held…
    1) every weekday.  2) at weekends.  3) once a week.

2. As the winner of the contest, Lucy has got…
    1) a yearly ticket to the planetarium.
    2) a telescope to watch the stars.
    3) an invitation to participate in a TV show.

3. What place in the town is Ann’s favourite?
    1) The orchard garden.  

    2) The shopping street.
    3) The ancient tower.

4. How is Sam’s family going to get to the seaside?
    1) By plane.          

    2) By train.          

    3) By car.

Задание 1-4 (1)

1. The hiking instructor advises the hikers on…
1) how to cook food on a fire.
2) what to wear on the hiking trip.
3) how to find the way through the forest.

2. What present does Mary suggest buying for their mother?
1) A pot plant.   2) An umbrella.   3) A cherry cake.

3. Nancy doesn’t want to participate in the family business because…
1) she is allergic to cats.
2) she doesn’t like animals.
3) she’s chosen another profession.

4. What are Alice and Ron going to have for lunch?
1) Pancakes.   2) Spaghetti.   3) Sandwiches.





Text A. Hi, everyone! I’d like to give you some advice on our hiking holiday. Tomorrow I’ll be waiting for you at the railway station at 8 a.m. It’s hot but, anyway, don’t go with bare legs. Our route goes through bushes and rocky hills. Wear comfortable jeans or sports trousers if you don’t want your legs to be scratched or mosquito bitten. Do not forget water but don’t take much food. We’ll be taking breaks at places equipped with barbeques where we can enjoy baked and grilled food.

Text B. Hi, Steve! It’s Mary. I’ve already ordered a cherry-cake for mum’s birthday, so don’t worry about it. Now I’m in the shopping centre, looking for a present for mum from both of us. I’ve found nothing except a large indoor plant in a ceramic pot. At first, I wanted to buy her an umbrella but they all had an awful flower print, which I think she won’t like. And as for the green plant, she’s always liked things like that. If you agree, I’ll pay and order the delivery. Bye!

Text C.

Max: You’re always busy at weekends, Nancy. What’s wrong?

Nancy: Nothing, Max! I just have to help my mum in her vet clinic.    

            They’re doing some renovations there.

Max: Oh, yeah! A small family business always requires time and  

           effort. You’re going to work as a vet too, together with your mum?

Nancy: She’d be happy! My sister is allergic to cats, dogs and  

             whatever. So, I’m mum’s only hope of taking over the clinic which  

             she’s so proud of, but…

Max: Don’t tell me you don’t like animals.

Nancy: Of course, I do! But I’ve always dreamed of a career in professional  

              sports, which can’t be combined with running a clinic!

Max: No, it can’t!

Text D.

Alice: It’s almost lunchtime! Are you hungry, Ron?

Ron: No, Alice! Not really, but I wouldn’t mind some pancakes with

         strawberry jam!

Alice: I wouldn’t mind pancakes either! But sorry, we’ve got neither  

          eggs nor milk to make them! What we can make is either spaghetti or  

          sandwiches with ham and cheese.

Ron: You know what I’ll choose, don’t you?

Alice: Oh, yeah! I know that you’re happy to eat spaghetti three times a  

           day! OK. I’ll have it too, so as not to cook anything else. Would

           you like your spaghetti with some sauce or with salad?

Ron: With tomato sauce, please.

Alice: It would be nice of you to help me set a table.

Задание 1-4 (2)

1. What present will you get, if you buy something today?
    1) A tent.       2) A bicycle.       3) A watch.
2. On Sunday, Sophie is invited…
    1) to attend an event in the sports centre.
    2) to take part in a swimming competition.
    3) to go to the city concert.
3. Why did Sally miss Alex’s call yesterday?
    1) Sally’s phone was not working properly.
    2) Sally had muted her phone for a concert.
    3) Sally had left her phone at home.
4. What is Mark’s favourite subject?
    1) Maths.       2) Science.       3) French.

1. «We are happy to say that our sport shop is celebrating the tenth  

      anniversary of its opening. And each customer will get a present  

      today. A sports watch.»

2. «... I've got two invitations for us to the opening ceremony of the  

          new sport center on Sunday at 10:00 am.»

3. «... I didn't have my phone on me when we got into the car to go to

          my grandma. I realized that my phone was in another bag...»

4. «Jess: Yeah you are good at Science. Probably the best in the class.  

      Mark: That's because I enjoy it most of all...»





Задание 1-4 (3)

1. The excursion guide asks the tourists to
    1) collect their bags from the bus.
    2) take their lunch boxes.    3) board the bus.
2. Bob wants Tom to…
    1) invite him to the musical show.
    2) lend him his guitar for a while.
    3) take part in the school performance.
3. What school subject does Jeff find most difficult?
    1) Science.       2) French.       3) Computer Studies.
4. Tomorrow, Sue is going to…
    1) relax at home.      2) go to the swimming pool.
    3) visit a doctor.

1. «Before we set off I want to give you these boxes with your lunch.»

2. «The thing is that one of my classmates who were supposed to play  

       the part of the street musicians got sick. Could you be the street

       musician instead of him?»

3. «And I'm hopeless at French. I've got the lowest grades.»

4. «I just feel like staying at home tomorrow watching a film, having

      tea with lemon.»





Задание 1-4 (4)

1. According to the announcement, the visitors of the

    shopping centre should…

1) leave the building immediately.

2) continue their shopping

3) get together in the central lobby.

2. Andrew asks Tom…

1) to lend him a bicycle.

2) to take care of his pet.

3) to help him in the garden.

3. What school subject does Helen like?

1) History.   2) Maths.        3) Science.

4. Nick’s brother is crying because…

1) his new toy is broken.

2) Nick refuses to play with him.

3) a cousin borrowed his toy car.

1. «Attention please. The fire alarm you just heard was activated by

      mistake. There's no danger and there's no need for evacuation.

      Please go on with your shopping.»

2. «Unfortunately I can't take my dog with me. And I just wonder if

      you could walk him on Saturday evening and on Sunday in the


3. «... I don't want to argue but I'd prefer ten tests in Science to one in

          Maths. History is awful, too.»

4. «Girl: What's up Nick? Why is your little brother crying? Has he

               hurt himself? Have you broken his toy again?

      Nick: No, he's alright as well as his toys. He just wants to play with

                his cars with me.»





Задание 1-4 (5)

1. The airport officials are looking for a person who …

  1) has lost their luggage.  2) has missed their check-in time.
 3) has found another passenger’s documents.

2. Charlie is calling …

1) to say sorry for being late to the cinema.
2) to invite Fred to see a film with him.
3) to share his impressions of the film.

3. Why did Alex spend half a year in Australia?

1) He was studying at university there.
2) His father got a job there. 
3) He visited his aunt and her family.

4. Why was it a problem for Joan to contact Tim by phone?

1) Tim was ignoring Joan’s calls.
2) Tim had forgotten to turn on his phone.
3) Tim had changed his phone number.

1.The airport officials are looking for a person who has lost their luggage.
    Сотрудники аэропорта ищут человека, потерявшего багаж.
    «Your suitcase was collected by another passenger by mistake.»

2. Charlie is calling to share his impressions of the film.
    Чарли звонит, чтобы поделиться впечатлениями от фильма. 
    «I just want to tell you that you were lucky to be late for that film we saw    

       today. Really lucky. Because I've never seen anything more stupid.»

3.Why did Alex spend half a year in Australia? His father got a job there.
    Почему Алекс провел полгода в Австралии? Его отец устроился там на  

    «Dad signed a 2 year contract with a construction company in Melbourne.»

4. Why was it a problem for Joan to contact Tim by phone? Tim had changed  

     his phone number.
      Почему для Джоан было проблемой связаться с Тимом по телефону?  

      Тим сменил номер телефона.
      «... I just got a new phone number. Sorry for not telling you.»





Задание 1-4 (6)

1. You will have to pay if you want to ...

 1) rent a bike in the park. 2) enjoy the old photo exhibition.
3) see the tropical butterflies.

2. The boy feels happy because …

    1) he did not have to take an exam at the language school.
    2) he and his friend will be learning together.
   3) he was placed into the most advanced group.

3. What present are Jack and Flo going to buy for their  


  1) A fishing rod.    2) Rubber boots.         3) A warm coat.

4. Where did Ron spend Sunday?

    1) At the zoo.    2) At a motor track.    3) In a hotel room.





1. You will have to pay if you want to see the tropical butterflies.  Вам  

   придется заплатить, если вы хотите увидеть тропических  бабочек.
   «The greenhouse is inhabited by nearly 1000 butterflies which you can see  

    for only 5 pounds.»

2. The boy feels happy because he and his friend will be learning together.
    Мальчик чувствует себя счастливым, потому что он и его друг будут    

    учиться вместе.
    «... placed me into the lowest group but in that group I saw a Paul, my old  

    friend from primary school. We both were very glad to meet up again after  

    so many years.»

3. What present are Jack and Flo going to buy for their grandfather? Rubber  

    boots. Какой подарок Джек и Фло собираются купить своему дедушке?  

    Резиновые сапоги.
    «I know what to buy to please both grandpa and grandma. A pair of long  

     warm rubber boots for fishermen.»

4. Where did Ron spend Sunday? At the zoo.

    Где Рон провел воскресенье? В зоопарке.
    «... but she wanted to go to the zoo. Mom could not disappoint her.»

Задание 1-4 (7)

1. This season, the new entertainment centre offers its  

    services to…

1) people of all ages.                2) schoolchildren only.
3) children under five.

2. The boy is going to be late for the family celebration  

    because he…

   1) has lost his way in the city.
   2) helped tourists find the railway station.
   3) forgot the time of their gathering.

3. Where have Jill and Ben agreed to meet up?

1) In the theatre.  2) At a bus stop.   3) In the fitness centre.

4. What sport is Ken going to take up?

    1) Tennis.            2) Baseball.           3) Boxing.

1. This season, the new entertainment centre offers its services to people of all  

    ages. В этом сезоне новый развлекательный центр предлагает свои    

     услуги людям всех возрастов.
«Starting from now we are removing any age restrictions in our club as there's lots of room and entertainment for people of any age and with any interest.»

2. The boy is going to be late for the family celebration because he helped  

     tourists find the railway station. Мальчик опаздывает на семейный

     праздник, потому что помог туристам найти вокзал.
    «My timing was perfect. But a group of Japanese tourists that got lost asked  

     me how to get to the railway station...»

3. Where have Jill and Ben agreed to meet up? In the fitness centre.
     Где Джилл и Бен договорились встретиться? В фитнес-центре.
     «Well, I'll be at the fitness center today too. Let's meet up right there.»

4. What sport is Ken going to take up? Baseball.
     Каким спортом будет заниматься Кен? Бейсбол.
     «It's a baseball glove. I joined a school baseball team.»

Задание 1-4 (8)

1. The visitors of the zoo cannot see the small bear

    at the moment because …    -     1) it is in quarantine.  

    2) it is sleeping.       3) it has moved to another zoo.
2. Tomorrow Vicky should …
    1) be well-prepared for her Maths test.
    2) present her work in the Science class.
    3) submit an essay on a scientist of the past.
3. When is Mia going to have her birthday party?
    1) In two weeks.  2) Next Saturday.  3) Tonight.
4. What would Jess like to do this summer?
    1) Improve her German in Germany.
    2) Invite her cousins to Britain.    3) Visit her aunt in France.

1. The visitors of the zoo cannot see the small bear at the moment because it  

    is sleeping. В данный момент посетители зоопарка не могут увидеть  

    маленького медведя, потому что он спит.
    «The baby bear whose name is Willie is very cute. Unfortunately the baby    

    is out of sight now. He's in the cave with his mom fast asleep.»

2. Tomorrow Vicky should present her work in the Science class.
    Завтра Вики должна представить свою работу на уроке    

    «First of all the maths test is canceled. Instead of that we're going to have  

    Science. Miss Adams reminded us that tomorrow we need to be ready with  

    our presentations on chemical elements.»

3. When is Mia going to have her birthday party? In two weeks.
    Когда у Миа будет день рождения? Через две недели.
    «In a fortnight when the holidays start I'll invite all my friends to a party.»

4. What would Jess like to do this summer? Visit her aunt in France.
   Чем Джесс хотела бы заняться этим летом? Посетить ее тетю во    

   «We haven't got any definite plans yet Harry. We may go to my aunt's  

    house. She lives in France. ... I love it, too. But mom insists on going to  

    Berlin. She wants me to practice German.»

Задание 1-4 (9)

1. What activity is available for the language school students at  

    the moment?
   1) Horse-riding lessons.  2) Swimming lessons.
   3) Gymnastics lessons.

2. Thomas didn’t come to support his football team because…
    1) he confused the time of the game.
    2) he had got stuck in a traffic jam.
    3) he had to take part in some other competition.

3. Ann’s order in the cafe is a cup of green tea and…
    1) an apple pie.  2) a vanilla cake.   3) a chocolate cake.

4. What birthday present did Mia get?
    1) A headphone set.    2) Ski glasses.    3) A smart watch.

1. What activity is available for the language school students at the  

    moment? Horse-riding lessons. Какие занятия доступны для учащихся  

    языковой школы в данный момент? Уроки верховой езды.
   «However you may take horse riding lessons from 3 to 8 p.m.»

2. Thomas didn’t come to support his football team because he had to take  

   part in some other competition. Томас приехал не болеть за свою  

   футбольную команду, потому что ему нужно было участвовать в  

   каком-то другом соревновании.
  «I'm so sorry I can't be with you at the moment. So unlucky that the football  

   match and my swimming competition happened to be at the same time.»

3. Ann’s order in the cafe is a cup of green tea and a chocolate cake.
   Заказ Анны в кафе - чашка зеленого чая и шоколадный торт.
   «Ann: Yes, I'll take it. Waiter: Okay, green tea and a piece of chocolate    


4. What birthday present did Mia get? Ski glasses.
   Какой подарок на день рождения получила Миа? Лыжные очки.
   «Oh, the glasses with high UV protection. Let me try them on...»

Задание 1-4 (10)

1. The Spanish Club sessions are held…
    1) every weekday.  2) at weekends.  3) once a week.

2. As the winner of the contest, Lucy has got…
    1) a yearly ticket to the planetarium.
    2) a telescope to watch the stars.
    3) an invitation to participate in a TV show.

3. What place in the town is Ann’s favourite?
    1) The orchard garden.  2) The shopping street.
    3) The ancient tower.

4. How is Sam’s family going to get to the seaside?
    1) By plane.          2) By train.           3) By car.

1. The Spanish Club sessions are held once a week.
    Заседания Испанского клуба проходят раз в неделю.
    «The Spanish club welcomes you every Friday from 6 to 9 p.m.»

2. As the winner of the contest, Lucy has got a telescope to watch the stars.
    У Люси, как победительницы конкурса, есть телескоп для    

    наблюдения за звездами.
     «... your daughter Lucy Brown has won the space research contest for    

      school children. And has been awarded first prize which is a telescope

3. What place in the town is Ann’s favourite? The orchard garden.
     Какое место в городе нравится Энн? Фруктовый сад.
  «Especially the orchard garden next to the river. I go there when I feel sad    

      or happy. ... It's a special place for me.»

4. How is Sam’s family going to get to the seaside? By car.
     Как семья Сэма собирается добраться до моря? На машине.
     «We are going to the seaside on Friday. By car of course.»

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Разделы ЕГЭ по английскому языку аудирование и чтение, результаты ЕГЭ 2015, стратегии подготовки

Разделы ЕГЭ по английскому языку аудирование и чтение, результаты ЕГЭ 2015, стратегии подготовки Аудирование и чтение- два раздела ЕГЭ, которые тесно связаны между собой, на выполнение кажд...

Использование программного обеспечения MyTestXPro как средства совершенствования навыков аудирования при подготовке к ЕГЭ по английскому языку

На заседании XIII Съезда учителей и педагогической общественности Республики Саха (Якутия) руководитель Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере образования и науки С.С. Кравцов сказал, что «неуспе...

Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку: раздел аудирование.

В презентации представлены практические советы для тех, кто готовиться к ОГЭ....

Практикум по подготовке к ЕГЭ по английскому языку - новый способ подготовки к выпускным экзаменам. Раздел “Аудирование”.

В статье описаны основые отличия в заданиях раздела " Аудирования"  2024 года по сравнению с предыдущими годами, определены основные сложности при его подготовке и предложены способы их...

Задания для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку (Аудирование)

Данный материал содержить задания для подготовки к аудированию. Задания я брала из портала ФИПИ....