Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 9 классе, посвященного 75-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 9 классе,
посвященного 75-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне
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Предварительный просмотр:
Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 9 классе,
посвященного 75-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне
Тип урока: комбинированный урок
Тема: «Victory Day»
Цель: воспитание чувства патриотизма у обучающихся на уроках английского языка, развитие коммуникативных навыков говорения и развитие критического мышления через проблемное изложение материала.
- Образовательные: развивать монологическое и диалогическое высказывания по теме, формировать умения поддерживать беседу, выражать свое мнение; углубить лексический запас по теме.
- Развивающие: способствовать развитию умения высказывать свою точку зрения, развивать познавательный интерес и творческие способности, коммуникативные компетенции, навыки восприятия информации зрительно и на слух.
- Воспитательные: воспитать у школьников чувства патриотизма и гордости за героизм и самоотверженность народа во имя спасения Родины, уважения к советским солдатам.
Планируемые результаты
– сформировать практические умения использовать полученные знания;
– изучить лексические единицы по теме;
– сформировать навыки чтения, аудирования и устной речи по теме
- Личностные:
- приобретут основы российской гражданственности, чувства гордости за свою Родину, российский народ и историю России.
- смогут развивать мотивацию учебной деятельности и формировать личностный смысл учения, осознавать степень своего усвоения материала.
- Регулятивные:
- научиться оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, собственные возможности её решения;
- овладеть основами самоконтроля, самооценки, принятия решений в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.
- научиться оценивать результаты деятельности, выстраивание алгоритма дальнейшей работы.
- Познавательные:
- развитие умения отвечать на простые и сложные вопросы учителя
- развитие умения задавать вопросы;
- научиться перерабатывать информацию, выполнять анализ, сравнение, установление причинно следственных связей, создание проекта.
- Коммуникативные:
- научиться организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками;
- научиться правильно использовать коммуникативные средства для решения коммуникативных задач;
-развить умение слушать и понимать речь учителя на английском языке.
Оборудование: звуковое пособие на CD, раздаточный материал, проектор, экран, ПК.
Технологии обучения: личностно-ориентированное обучение, развивающее обучение, технология проектного обучения, ИКТ.
Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая, парная.
Этап урока | Речь учителя | Действия учеников | Формы работы, доп. материалы |
1) Организационный момент. | |||
Приветствие (1 мин) | Good-morning dear students! I’m glad to see you today at the lesson. | Good morning, dear teacher! Nice to see you too! | Презентация к уроку выводится на экран. |
Презентация темы и цели урока. (2 мин) | Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest events in the history of Russia. Now I’d like you to listen to a famous poem, translated into English. -Now try to guess what we are going to talk about? Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is “ Victory Day ”. It is a wonderful national holiday and at the same time it is a very personal one. | Pupils listen to the teacher attentively and then watch a video. P1: I think we are going to talk about the Great Patriotic War and the victory in it. | Видео стихотворения « Жди меня» К. Симонова на английском языке. Слайд № 1-2 презентации
2) Основная часть | |||
Речевая зарядка. Ассоциации со словосочетанием «Victory Day» (5 мин) | Which words are associated with this holiday? Let’s make a diagram. When you hear the words Victory and War, which associations do you have? What words can we attribute to events? | P1: events Students: German invasion, Great Patriotic War, battle, victory, defense P2: actions Students: to fight, win, lose, defend, celebrate, remember, cry, honour. P3: people Students: soldiers, enemies, ally, children, hero,veterans. P4: feelings Students: proud, happiness, joy, sadness. |
Фронтальная форма работы.
Слайд № 3-4 презентации |
Актуализация знаний по теме «the Great Patriotic war» (3 мин) | There were severe fightings and important events during the Great Patriotic War. I’ll give you cards and you should match the date and the event. | Pupils do the task and then check. Приложение 1 | |
Чтение текста с извлечением информации. (4 мин) | Now my dear, boys and girls, you are going to read texts about the Great Patriotic War heroes. Read them by yourself. And the task is to find whom these texts are about. I’ll give you 5 minutes. Read them very attentively. Pay attention on details in the text! Please look at the photos of these people. | Students read the texts and then check. Приложение 2 |
Индивидуальная форма работы. Слайды № 5 презентации |
Выполнение заданий по аудированию (7 мин) | Now you will work in pairs. We are going to listen to a piece of Russian wartime song “Katyusha”, written during World War II. The song depicts a girl waiting for her fighting military husband. You should listen to it attentively and fill in the gaps. But we have different levels of this task. If you think it will be too difficult, you should take the envelope with letter A, If you are not quite sure of your skills take B. If your English well take C. Make your choice, please. Our group A should put the lines in the right order. Group B should fill in the gaps with the words from the song. Group C should complete the text with the word combinations from the song. After we will sing it. | Students make a choice, listen to the recording twice, do the task and then check. Then the whole class sings the song. Приложение 3 |
Парная форма работы. Групповая форма работы Слайды № 6 презентации |
Работа на проектом “The Wall of Memory” (15 мин) | I asked you to bring the photos of your grandmothers and grandfathers, who fought during the war. Now let’s make a project “The wall of Memory”. Please tell the class about you relative, his or her life during the war and share his/her memories of that terrible years. You have some minutes to prepare. | Students present their project and listen to each other very attentively. They make on the board “The Wall of Memory”. | Групповая форма работы. Слайды № 7 презентации |
3) Заключительная часть | |||
Обобщение знаний по теме “Victory Day”. (3 мин) | You’ve learned a lot of new things today.
What can you say about the Great Patriotic War? | P1: The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union of 1941-1945 is one of the most important subjects of Soviet historical science. Each country has its own heroes and traitors. P2: The Great Patriotic War was the largest military conflict in history. Russia and the whole of the Soviet Union paid the highest price for the victory. The year 2020 is an important event in a social life of our country. It’s the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the World War II. P3: A few million people suffered from cold and hunger, being deprived of almost all supplies of food. | Групповая форма работы.
Слайд № 8 презентации |
Итоги урока | |||
Рефлексия: (3 мин) | Victory Day is a symbol of a national pride, glory and folk’s feat of arm. It consolidates and joins everybody today. We must remember the Great Patriotic War and its heroes.
What can we do for veterans? What do you think? | P1: Our country does not forget about veterans and every year we can watch the parade in the center of the Moscow to the honour of the perished solders. P2: It is a great pleasure for veterans that they are remembered and beloved. This kind of the praise is the best for them. P3: The fighters for independence will be remembered forever and for always. | Групповая форма работы.
Слайды № 9презентации |
Оценки за урок: (1 мин) | Thank you my dear for the lesson! | P1, P2, P3..: Thank you dear teacher for the interesting lesson! We’ve learned a lot of new things today. | Слайд № 10 презентации |
Домашнее задание: (1 мин) | Please make your own presentations about Serpukhov war heroes. | Pupils are writing the task. |
Раздаточный материал к уроку
Карточка 1. The Main Steps of the Great Patriotic War
The Event | Date |
Beginning of the war | 22.06.1941 |
Defense of the Brest fortress | 20 June-20 July 1941 |
Battle of Smolensk | 10 June – 10 September 1941 |
Stalingrad battle | July – February, 1942 – 1943 |
Battle at the Arc of Kursk | July – August, 1943 |
Liberation of Leningrad, Odessa, Kerch, the Crimea | 1944 |
The End of the GPW | 9 May 1945 |
Victory Parade in Moscow | 24 June 1945 |
The signing of the surrender of Germany | 8 May 1945 |
Карточка 2. Reading.
1Georgy Zhukov
2 Konstantin Rokossovsky
3 Ivan Konev
4 Joseph Stalin
5 Aleksey Maresyev
6 Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya
- He was a notable Soviet military commander during World War II who played a vital role in the defeat of Axis Powers. Impressed by his leadership, Stalin appointed him the chief of the army general staff before the German forces invaded Soviet Union in the World War II. Subsequently, he directed the defense of the city of Moscow and organized a counter-attack against the Germans that drove them back from central Russia. After being appointed deputy commander-in-chief of the Red Army, he took charge of the defense of Stalingrad where he supervised the encirclement and surrender of the German Sixth Army.
- He was a Soviet and Polish officer who became Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Poland, and served as Poland’s Defence Minister from 1949 until his removal in 1956 during the Polish October. He was among the most prominent Red Army commanders of World War II.
- He was a Soviet general and Marshal of the Soviet Union who led Red Army forces on the Eastern Front during World War II, responsible for retaking much of Eastern Europe from occupation by the Axis Powers. Following the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, He took part in a series of major campaigns, including the battles of Moscow and Rzhev. After the war, he replaced Zhukov as commander of Soviet ground forces. In 1956, he was appointed commander of the Warsaw Pact armed forces, and led the violent suppression of the Hungarian Revolution.
- He was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who led the Soviet Union from the mid–1920s until 1953 as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922–1952) and Premier (1941–1953). Despite initially governing the Soviet Union as part of a collective leadership, he eventually consolidated power to become the country’s de facto dictator by the 1930s.
- He was a Russian military pilot who became a Soviet fighter ace during World War II despite becoming a double amputee.
- She was a Soviet partisan, and recipient of the Hero of the Soviet Union .She was one of the most revered heroines of the Soviet Union. Her portrait became a part of ceremonial procedures of commemoration performed by pioneers, and was used as a symbol of highest distinction awarded to the best class in school.
Карточка 3. The song «Katyusha»
Apple trees and pear trees were a flower,
River mist was rising all around.
Young Katyusha went strolling by the hour
On the steep banks, O’er the rocky ground.
By the river’s bank she sang a love song
Of her hero in a distant land.
Of the one she’d dearly loved for so long,
Holding tight his letters in her hand.
Oh, my song, song of a maiden’s true love,
To my dear one travel with the sun.
To the one who Katyusha loves so,
Bring my greetings to him, one by one.
Let him know that I am true and faithful,
Let him hear the love song that I send.
Tell him as he defends our home that grateful,
True Katyusha our love will defend.
Apple trees and pear trees were a flower,
River mist was rising all around.
Young Katyusha went strolling by the hour
On the steep banks, O’er the rocky ground.
Бурыкина Елена Александровна – учитель английского языка МОБУГ №2 им. И. С. Колесникова г. Новокубанска, г. Новокубанск, Краснодарский край (Россия)
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