Правила написания делового письма на английском языке
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Презентация с правилами написания делового письма на английском языке с примерами
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Planning a business letter in English. Modern business correspondence takes place mostly online, especially if your colleagues or partners work in other time zones. Communication via business emails is an integral part of the global business process.+Therefore , it is very important to know not only the General rules for writing business letters, but also their cultural and stylistic features of emails in English.
Before you start writing a business letter in English, you need to answer the following questions for yourself: Who am I writing this letter to? Why am I writing this letter? Do I need to include specific details in my email? Do I need a response to my email? You should be especially careful with the information that you send by email. You do not need to send confidential data by e-mail, because mail is often hacked. Important! The email must be short and contain clear information about the main content of the message.
Structure of a business email in English
Regardless of whether the email is formal or informal, it should have a clear logical structure, which is presented below. Email sender's address and email recipient's address (Heading)In the upper line of the email form, enter your email address. Make sure that it is correct, because if there is only one underscore or dot missing, the message will not reach the recipient.Subject of the email Theater starts with a hanger, and email - with the subject of the letter, which is placed in a special line at the top. Try to keep within 5-7 words and at the same time be sure to specify the most important detail in the subject of the email, for example: Marketing Meeting Agenda . If it is important for you that the email is answered quickly or paid special attention to it, use the word URGENT (Rus. Urgent!) or the phrase PLEASE READ (Rus. Please read it!) at the beginning of your email subject. You can also use the High Importance icon to emphasize the importance of your message, which will add a red exclamation mark to the subject line of your message. Greeting and address (Salutation)In a business letter in English, it is very important to write the recipient's name and gender correctly. Use the address MS for women and Mr for men. In a less formal setting or after a long period of correspondence, it is acceptable to refer to the recipient by their first name. A comma (colon in North America) is placed after the address. You can not put punctuation marks at all, it has become fashionable in letters in English.
Ready-made business letter in English
Перевод на русский Кому: rgill@mail.biz Копия: Скрытая: Дата: 30.10.2017 Тема: Получить прайс-лист Уважаемый господин Роджер Гилл , Ваша реклама в майском номере журнала Аквариумные растения представляет большой интерес для нас. Мы хотели бы знать больше о продукции Вашей компании и хотели бы получить Ваш прайс-лист оптовых цен. Мы стремимся к тому, чтобы предложить нашим клиентам самый широкий выбор аквариумных растений, и поэтому мы интересуемся новыми растениями. Мы надеемся на быстрый ответ. Спасибо. Александр Попов, Директор ООО Аква , Екатеринбург, Россия, aqva-ekb@email.com
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