ЕГЭ 2024. Английский язык. Задание 38. Лексические материалы.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Кондратьева Альфия Рашитовна

Памятка по выполнению письменной работы.


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ЕГЭ 2024. Английский язык.

Советы по выполнению задания 38.

Лексические материалы.

План эссе (200-250 слов)

1 абзац: вступление

1. Общая фраза по теме.  

2. Подготовка проекта по этой теме. 

3. Нахождение  статистики.

4. Намерение прокомментировать и высказать свое мнение.

         3-4 предложения

Reading is an important part of education and if parents and teachers want to encourage teenagers to read, they need to know what kinds of books most appeal to young people. My project, which I am still working on, is aimed at finding out ……. I have found a table / a pie chart/ a diagram with some results of relevant opinion polls, and in this essay I am going to analyze this data and present my opinion.


Nowadays more and more people in the world tend to stay healthy at any age. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out how people stay healthy in Zetland. I have found a table / a pie chart/ a diagram with some results of relevant opinion polls. As part of my project, I am going to analyze the statistics and express my opinion.

2 абзац: привести два-три основных (ярких, контрастных) факта, подкрепленных цифрами

Пишем о самом большом и самом маленьком показателях. Указать цифровые данные.

       2-3 предложения

I can identify two main features of the statistics presented in the table.  The first one is that the majority of teenagers (…%) cited adventure stories as their favourite book genre, making this kind of books most popular among young people. And the second key feature is that only 17.6 per cent of teenagers reported enjoying reading romances, putting this genre at the bottom of the table.

3 абзац: сделать 1-2 существенных сравнения и прокомментировать     

3-4 предложения

It is also worth mentioning that the number of teenagers enjoying detective novels and books about war and spies (55,3%)  is only slightly lower than the number of teenagers enjoying adventure stories (55,4%). The results demonstrate that…

4 абзац:    обрисовать проблему, которая может возникнуть в исследуемой сфере, и предложить  реалистичные пути ее решения

3 предложения

In my opinion, the statistics in the table reveal an important problem. We can see that teenagers are not interested in biographies and are therefore missing out on a great amount of wisdom contained in these books. I think that in order to solve this problem biographies should be included in the school curriculum.

5 абзац: выразить личное мнение и обосновать его

      2 предложения

In conclusion, I believe that reading is important for people of all ages. Not only is reading fun and enjoyable, but it also allows us  to learn about any subject and improve our analytical and creatis

1 абзац                                     

1. Важность конкретной темы (what book genres are popular among teenagers). 

2. Подготовка индивидуального проекта по этой теме. 

3. Нахождение таблицы (диаграммы) со статистикой.

4. Намерение прокомментировать и высказать свое мнение.

 Подходящие клише / выражения:


  • … is an important part of…
  • … has been the subject of numerous studies over the last few decades.
  •  (Nowadays) Many (more and more) people believe (understand) that…
  •  …have become an integral part of our life. People seem to spend more and more time +Ving
  • Undoubtedly, … plays an important role in everyone's life.
  • It is widely (well) known that…
  • There is no doubt that…
  • It goes without saying that… … has always had a great impact on every aspect of people’s lives.
  • …is extremely important as it defines…
  • …is absolutely vital in…(for…) - абсолютно жизненно важен в…
  • …is / are an important part of…
  • …is /are a great threat to (both) …, as…
  • …is  an important way  for… to…
  • …is / are a result of … and can lead to…
  • …is essential for almost every activity
  • …in recent years (в последние годы ) / …in the last six decades (за последние шесть лет)
  • Nowadays almost everyone / more and more people in the world tend to…
  • … has always been a popular hobby among …
  • Today, there are many opportunities for teenagers to + V…
  • And this issue deserves to be studied.


  • My project, which I am still working on, is aimed at finding out …
  • The aim of the project I am currently doing (или working on) is to find out ….
  • The aim of my project is to examine…
  • I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out …  


  • I have found a table / a pie chart/ a diagram with some results of relevant opinion polls.
  • I have found some data on the subject – the results of an opinion poll.
  • While doing a project on …, I found a table\ a pie chart with some data on this issue.
  • While doing a project on…, I have found several opinion polls showing … — Выполняя проектную работу по..., я нашёл опросы мнений, демонстрирующие, как…


  • In this essay (As part of my project) I am going to describe (analyze, comment on) my findings (this data, the statistics, several key features of the results of the poll) and express (present) my opinion (point of view, findings) on the subject of the project.

Варианты ответа:

1 способ

Reading is an important part of education and if parents and teachers want to encourage teenagers to read, they need to know what kinds of books most appeal to young people. My project, which I am still working on, is aimed at finding out what book genres are popular with teenage boys and girls. I have found some data on this issue / on the subject about…. The statistics are in the chart/ table and  I am going to analyze this data and express my opinion on … / present my conclusions.

2 способ

 Recent studies show that … (актуальность, тренды). While doing my own project on… (тема проекта), I found some (relevant) data (that illustrate what… / how… (тема проекта)), and in this essay I am going to analyze this data and express my opinion on … / present my conclusions.

3 способ

 … has been the subject of numerous studies over the last few decades. As part of my own project on (an important topic of) (тема проекта), I have found some relevant data and come across quite interesting / surprising findings. In this essay I am going to analyze the statistics and express my opinion on…

4 способ

Many people believe that… (общепринятое/спорное утверждение, связанное с темой проекта). The aim of the project I am currently doing (или working on) is to find out more about it. As part of my project, I have found  some data on this issue, and in this essay I am going to analyze this data and express my opinion on … / present my conclusions.

 5 способ

Social networks have become an integral part of our life. People seem to spend more and more time surfing Facebook, Instagram and other social media pages. The current project focuses on…

6 способ:

Many people believe that teenagers are no longer interested in reading. The aim of the project I am currently doing/(working on) is to find out more about it. As part of my project, I have found some data on what literary genres are popular with teenagers living in Zetland. In this essay I am going to analyze the statistics and express my opinion on…

7 способ:

Undoubtedly, reading plays an important role in everyone's life. Doing a project about reading I found  some data on teenagers' favourite book genres. I am going to comment on several key features of the results of the poll and present my conclusions.

Или In this project I am going to outline several key features of the results of the poll and present my conclusions.

8 способ

Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone. Doing a project about smartphones I have found some data on how people use their smartphones. I am going to comment on several key features of the results of the poll  and present my conclusions.

Или In this project I am going to outline several key features of the results of the poll and present my conclusions.

2 абзац                  

ЧТО: описать приведенную статистику, выделив два-три основных факта, подкрепленных цифрами (числа писать цифрами)

сгруппировать данные = выделить  2-3 группы :

1) максимум

2) среднее значение

3) минимум

самый популярный – средний по популярности – наименее популярный;

  • назвать и описать эти 2-3 черты в общем виде, называя цифровые данные;

Клише, выражения:

  • I can identify two main features of the statistics presented in the table.  The first one is that the majority of teenagers (…%) cited adventure stories as their favourite book genre, making this kind of books most popular among young people. And the second key feature is that only 17.6 per cent of teenagers reported enjoying reading romances, putting this genre at the bottom of the table.
  • To begin with, one of the most prominent features of the data provided in the chart is that the most frequently visited network is Facebook, which is followed by YouTube. The figures are 63% and 61% respectively.
  • As can be seen the chart (table, the diagram) shows (illustrates, demonstrates, reflects) + a gradual (insignificant, constant, moderate, slight, minor) + fall (decrease, decline, increase,  growth)  of… computer usage from 1984 to 2016.
  • According to the data in the table/chart, teenagers in Zetland have quite a wide range of tastes when it comes to genres of literature.
  • Аs we can see from the table, 38% of the respondents prefer doing a hobby after a busy day, while eating tasty food is the least popular way of spending teenagers’ free time with only 6 % of the teenagers doing/choosing it.
  • At the first glance, it can be seen that … — На первый взгляд видно, что…
  • If we look at the graph/table/pie chart, we can see …
  • It is apparently seen that... - Очевидно, видно, что...
  • It is interesting to note that...
  • It’s obvious that… - Очевидно, что…
  • Looking at the details, the most popular book genre is adventure with 55,4% reading this type of literature which means that teenagers are keen on dynamic plots and unexpected twists.
  • Looking at the main features …
  • One can see from the poll that …
  • Overall, according to the table, the teenagers who were polled do five types of volunteer work.
  • The data in the table reveals/shows that the most popular book genre among adolescents in Zetland is adventure (55.4%), with detective, war and spy stories following (55.3%).
  • The information given shows\reveals that the most popular… is…, while the least popular is…
  • The table/chart/diagram clearly reveals/shows that the most … is… — Таблица / диаграмма показывает, что…
  • What immediately stands out from the table/graph/ pie chart is that… — Что сразу выделяется из таблицы, так это то, что…
  • The main features of this table/graph/pie chart …
  • The most popular/favoured … the least popular …
  • The vast majority of the respondents (…%) enjoy reading adventure and detective stories as well as books about war and spies. Sports stories are also quite popular with teenage readers in Zetland ( …%) , whereas romantic novels appear to be the least popular book genre (…%).

  • Another important fact is that… — Ещё один важный факт — …
  • Another striking feature is …
  • By contrast, the least favoured… — Напротив, наименее популярный…
  • It is (also) clear that the least popular purpose… — Также очевидно, что наименее популярная цель…
  • It is (also) noticeable that a large proportion of the surveyed teenagers is keen on sports and animal stories – 49.2% and 27.2% respectively.
  • Meanwhile, the least popular choice is Snapchat which stands at 13 %.
  • On the contrary, the least popular genre is romance as a little bit less than a fifth of teenagers read it (…%).
  • A close second genre in popularity is…

  • This fact suggests / indicates that …
  • Just under a fifth (17%) volunteer at shelters for homeless people and another 12% are involved in elderly care. The rest of the respondents plant trees and pick up litter, at 8% and 7% respectively.
  • Watching films and listening to music are in the third place with 19%.
  • …most people use their smartphones to send and receive emails and to make phone calls – 79% and 78% respectively.
  • …the majority of the teenagers in Zetland choose to spend their free time surfing the Internet and playing computer games (32% and 29% respectively).
  • the most popular… with 55,4%... — самый популярный…, так как 55,4%...
  • The majority / minority / a significant percentage / a large proportion/ a small proportion / a very small number + of those interviewed / consumers / people surveyed / respondents / of those who responded to the survey/ of the people asked  + were of the opinion…/ believed that…/ reported that / preferred / chose…./ expressed (dis)approval that… / wished to have… / wanted…/ expressed interest in…/ responded positively to the idea of…/ thought that…/ noticed…/ highlighted…/ emphasized…/ mentioned…/ cited…
  • …the least popular purpose for using smartphones is paying for purchases, which is quite surprising given that more and more people prefer mobile payment services like Apple Pay to credit cards and cash. (%)
  • ...79% and 78% respectively. — ...79% and 78% соответственно.
  • … is half as popular as reading… - … в два раза менее популярнее чем…
  • … which is quite surprising given that… — , что довольно удивительно, учитывая, что…
  • … which stands at… / amounts to…/ totals… 13 %. - что составляет 13%.
  • …with a little bit less than a fifth… — и чуть меньше, чем одна пятая часть...
  • The percentage of the girls attending the English training course was similar to that of boys in 2002.
  • The number of the students in Spanish Department is the same as that in Chinese Department.
  • The number of the students in grade 1 is twice/three times + as many/much as (higher/ more/greater than) the number of students in grade 2.
  • One thousand people between the ages of 18 and 55…
  • 11% of the people under the age of 25 …
  • 10% of over-35s… (10% людей, которые старше 35 лет…)
  • Those over 35 …. (те, кто старше 35 лет…)
  • 4% of under-25s … (4% людей, которым меньше 25 лет…)
  • 32% of all those who were interviewed said…
  • 25% of the people below the age of 35 said…
  • 0.5% of the 18-to-25-year-olds read….
  • 53% of all those questioned…

Вводные слова:

A glance at the graph(s) reveals that... Беглый взгляд на график (ы) показывает, что

As (it is) shown in the illustration...

As a  general trend... Как общая тенденция

As an overall trend/ As overall trend...

As it is observed... Как наблюдается

As it is presented in the diagram(s)/ graph(s)/ pie chart(s)/ table...

As the diagrams suggest...

At the onset... В начале

Categorically speaking...

Generally speaking...

Getting back to the details...Возвращаясь к деталям...

In common...

In general...

It can be clearly observed that...

It can be clearly seen that...

It could be noticed that...

It could be plainly viewed that...Можно было бы ясно видеть ..

It is clear from the data...

It is clear that...

It is clear,

It is conspicuous that...Бросается в глаза, что...

It is crystal clear/ lucid that...Это кристально ясно / осознанно, что...

It is explicitly observed that...Недвусмысленно замечено, что...

It is worth noticing that...

Now, turning to the details...

The graph gives the figure...На графике приведена цифра...

We can see that...

Варианты ответа:

1 пример:

According to the data, teenagers in Zetland have quite a wide range of tastes when it comes to genres of literature. The vast majority of the respondents enjoy reading adventure and detective stories as well as books about war and spies. Sports stories are also quite popular with teenage readers in Zetland, whereas romantic novels appear to be the least popular book genre.

2 пример:

From the table of data, the most significant items are as follows. 81% of the students regularly read academic books" while 44% regularly read academic journals. The following comments can be made about the reading of newspapers, magazines and fiction. 75% sometimes read regional or local newspapers, 69% sometimes read books of fiction, 62% sometimes read general magazines, and 56% sometimes read national daily newspapers.

3 пример:

Looking at the details, the most popular book genre is adventure with 55,4% reading this type of literature which means that teenagers are keen on dynamic plots and unexpected twists. On the contrary, the least popular genre is romance as a little bit less than a fifth of teenagers read it.

4 пример:

As we can see, most people use their smartphones to send and receive emails and to make phone calls – 79% and 78% respectively. On the contrary, the least popular purpose for using smartphones is paying for purchases, which is quite surprising given that more and more people prefer mobile payment services like Apple Pay to credit cards and cash.

5 пример:

According to the data, the majority of teenagers in Zetland choose to spend their free time surfing the Internet and playing computer games (32% and 29% respectively). Watching films and listening to music are in the third place with 19%. 

6 пример:

To begin with, one of the most prominent features of the data provided in the chart is that the most frequently visited network is Facebook, which is followed by YouTube. The figures are 63% and 61% respectively. Meanwhile, the least popular choice is Snapchat which stands at 13 %.

7 пример:

I can identify two main features of the statistics presented in the table.  The first one is that the majority of teenagers cited adventure stories as their favourite book genre, making this kind of books most popular among young people. And the second key feature is that only 17.6 per cent of teenagers reported enjoying reading romances, putting this genre at the bottom of the table.

8 пример:

Overall, according to the table, the teenagers who were polled do five types of volunteer work. The majority of the respondents (56%) commit themselves to working at animal shelters. Just under a fifth (17%) volunteer at shelters for homeless people and another 12% are involved in elderly care. The rest of the respondents plant trees and pick up litter, at 8% and 7% respectively.

9 пример:

The data in the table reveals that the most popular book genre among adolescents in Zetland is adventure (55.4%), with detective, war and spy stories following (55.3%). The least favoured genre of books is romance with 17.6% of the respondents choosing it. It is also noticeable that a large proportion of the surveyed teenagers is keen on sports and animal stories – 49.2% and 27.2% respectively.

10 пример:

Аs we can see from the table, 38% of respondents prefer doing a hobby after a busy day, while eating tasty food is the least popular way of spending teenagers’ free time with only 6 % of teenagers doing it. Also, adolescents can spend time with their friends, sleep and walk in the open air to have a rest after a tiring day.

3 абзац           


  • провести одно-два сравнения в рамках темы (числа писать цифрами)
  • прокомментировать


насколько больше/меньше;

значительная / несущественная разница между … и … ;

ожидаемое/неожиданное и т.п.

Фразы для сравнения данных:

  • According to the data in the table, … — Согласно данным в таблице, …
  • Another factor worth mentioning is
  • Another important thing to mention is that… — Ещё одна важная деталь —…
  • Another interesting feature of the poll is that walking in the open air (noted by 10 % of the respondents) is only 4% higher than eating tasty food. which is the least favored by teenagers in..
  • Further analysis of the table / chart reveals that… — Дальнейший анализ таблицы / диаграммы показывает, что…
  • In regard to…, the figures stand at % - Что касается…, цифра достигла… процента
  • It demonstrates that most people are aimed at… rather than… — Это показывает, что большинство людей нацелены на…
  • It is also worth mentioning that
  • It is apparent / notable that …
  • It is immediately evident that there is a very small difference between the figures for the last two volunteer activities: planting new trees is only 1% more popular than collecting rubbish
  • It is interesting that the most favoured is twice as popular as the least preferred one:…against…
  • It is quite surprising because in Russia most teenagers find reading about sports extremely boring in comparison with books about animals.
  • Looking at the figures in the table, we can see that spending time with their friends (noted by 31% of the respondents) is almost twice as popular as sleeping, which stands at 15%.
  • Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that… — Изучив
  • Looking more closely at the table, we can note that sports stories appear to be loved twice as much as animal stories.
  • The difference between them is…% - Разница между ними …%
  • The figures for... and … tend to be fairly similar. — Число (тех, кто…) и
  • The least popular / favoured – самый непопулярный
  • The most significant difference can be observed between … and …
  • The most striking feature is …
  • The percentage of … is almost identical – Процент … почти одинаков.
  • The percentages are predictably almost identical as both these activities have the same goal, which is to help the environment.
  • There is no significant difference between – Нет существенной разницы между
  • twice / three times / four times as many as a figure for … - процент в 2/3/4 раза выше, чем
  • ...79% and 78% respectively — ...79 и 78 процентов соответственно.
  • ...a little bit less than a fifth. — ...немного меньше, чем одна пятая.
  • ...and it is 10 percent more / less popular than… — ...и это на 10% (менее) популярнее, чем...
  • ...are almost as popular as — ...практически так же популярны, как...
  • ...which is around twice as many as the figure for — ...и это примерно в 2 раза больше, чем число…
  • the per capita (на душу населения) consumption of tea in the United Kingdom is 12.85kg per year, which is almost three times as much as in Morocco which comes in second place at 4.34kg per year
  • … appear / appears to be loved more than … — оказываются / оказывается более популярным, чем…
  • … appear / appears to be more popular than … — оказываются / оказывается более популярным, чем…
  • … is the most preferred with a sizeable majority (reading) – Самая предпочтительная, с явным большинством
  • …is/are favoured by… - …является предпочитаемым кем-либо
  • … the difference between them is 0,1 percentage points. — ...разница между ними всего 0,1 процентных пунктов.
  • …is only a tiny fraction less popular than…, which is…%
  • …is only slightly lower than…
  • a tiny fraction more/less popular – Ненамного более / менее популярна…
  • around twice as popular as … - более чем вполовину более популярен, чем
  • as compared to… - по сравнению с …
  • …followed closely by… – за которым сразу следует…
  • Both genres are… — Оба жанра…
  • There are half as many children who read books as children who play sports. – в два раза меньше
  • There are half as many cars as bicycles – в два раза меньше чем…
  • … is twice less popular/favoured/ preferred  than..
  • in comparison to… - по  сравнению с…
  • in comparison/ in contrast, …
  • on the other hand …/ However, … / Likewise, …
  • not as … as
  • more popular … than
  • while/ whereas / although / but

Личный комментарий:

  • It can be concluded from the given information that… — Из имеющейся информации мы можем сделать вывод, что…
  • It is quite surprising because
  • Based on the chart, it can be inferred that… — После изучения данных в диаграмме, можно сделать вывод о том, что…
  • The percentages are predictably almost identical as
  • The results are obvious as
  • It demonstrates that…

Другие связки для анализа данных в таблице/диаграмме

● Firstly – во-первых.

● Secondly – во-вторых.

● Thirdly – в-третьих.

● For example – например.

● However – как бы то ни было / однако.

● Moreover – более того.

● What is more — более того.

● Nevertheless – тем не менее.

● On the contrary – напротив.

● On the one hand — с одной стороны.

● On the other hand — с другой стороны.

  • Similarly, ... – Аналогично, … Подобным образом,….
  • Meanwhile...     In contrast...      By comparison...

Варианты ответа:

1 пример:

Surprisingly, only 27.2% and 17.6% of those surveyed enjoy reading animal stories and romance. By contrast, adventure novels are favoured by a much higher proportion of the respondents (55.4%, to be exact), followed closely by detective, war and spy stories at 55.3% The percentage of those who like reading sports stories is only slightly lower, making up 49.2%.   ...

2 пример:

According to the data in the table, sports stories appear to be more popular than animal stories, as there are 49.2% of teenagers reading sports stories, which is around twice as many as the figure for animal stories. Another important thing to mention is that detective, spy and war stories are almost as popular as adventure stories – the difference between them is 0,1%. Both genres are real page-turners, and this may be the key to such popularity. ….

3 пример:

According to the data in the table, people also use their smartphones for surfing the Internet, and it is 10 percent more popular than playing games. It demonstrates that most people are aimed at looking for necessary data for their work or studies rather than wasting time on useless activities.

4 пример:

Unsurprisingly, in this world of technology, only 11% of the respondents voted for going for a walk. In addition, the figure for those who voted for sports activities in the gym is even 2% lower. …

5 пример:

Apart from that, comparing average in popularity networks, we can conclude that WhatsApp is far more popular than Twitter. The former comprises 48% while the latter makes up only 23%. …

6 пример:

It is also worth mentioning that the number of teenagers enjoying detective novels and books about war and spies (55,3%)  is only slightly lower than the number of teenagers enjoying adventure stories (55,4%)….

7 пример:

It is immediately evident that there is a very small difference between the figures for the last two volunteer activities: planting new trees is only 1% more popular than collecting rubbish. The percentages are predictably almost identical as both these activities have the same goal, which is to help the environment.

8 пример:

Looking more closely at the table, we can note that sports stories appear to be loved twice as much as animal stories. It is quite surprising because in Russia most teenagers find reading about sports extremely boring in comparison with books about animals.

9 пример:

Looking at the figures in the table, we can see that spending time with their friends (noted by 31% of respondents) is almost twice as popular as sleeping, which stands at 15%. Another interesting feature of the poll is that walking in the open air (noted by 10 % of respondents) is only 4% higher than eating tasty food. which is the least favored by teenagers in Zetland.



10% increase,

25 percent decrease,

increased by 15%,

dropped by 10 per cent,

fall at 50%,

reached to 75%,






double fold,

treble,  утроить

5 times higher,

3 times lower,

declined to about 49%,

stood exactly at 43%.



4% = A tiny fraction.

24% = Almost / about a quarter.

25% Exactly a quarter.                 A quarter of respondents + think….(глагол во мн.ч.)

26% = Roughly one quarter.

32% Nearly one-third, nearly a third.

49% = Around a half, just under a half.

50% Exactly a half.

51% = Just over a half.

73% = Nearly three quarters.

77% = Approximately three quarter, more than three-quarter.

79% = Well over three quarters.


Количество без упоминания процентов:

1—3% — an insignificant number of… / an insignificant amount of…

2% = A tiny portion, a very small proportion of

4% = An insignificant minority, an insignificant proportion of

5% — a small number of… / a small amount of…

10% — a small minority of…

15—19% — less than a fifth

16% = A small minority, a small portion of

20% — a fifth of

24% = almost a quarter

25% — one quarter / a quarter

26% = roughly one quarter

30% — just under a third

32% = nearly one-third

33 — a third

35% — just over a third / more than a third

40% — two fifths

47—49% — approximately half / about half

49% = just under a half

50% — half of... / a half

51% = just over a half

51—55% — just over half

55% = more than half

60% — three fifths

70% —A large proportion of

72% = A significant majority, A significant proportion of

73% — a large proportion of… / a large number of… / nearly three quarters

75% — three quarters

76% = just over three-quarters

80% — four fifths

85% — a significant proportion of...

89% = A very large proportion of

90% — an overwhelming majority...

majority of + сказуемое во множественном числе

most people … но… most of the (my, those, Tom’s) ….

amount + неисчисляемое сущ-ое the amount of work – объем работы

the number + исчисляемое сущ-ое  The number of students is….

a number of students are… – некоторые студенты

a large amount / number

a small amount / number

Words/ Phrases of Approximation  (приближенное значение, округление)

» Approximately

» Nearly

» Roughly

» Almost

» About

» Around

» More or less

» Just over

» Just under

» Just around

» Just about

» Just below

» A little more than

» A little less than.

Прилагательные: sharp (крутой), rapid(стремительный), huge (огромный), dramatic (значительный), substantial (существенный), considerable (значительный), significant(существенный), slight(незначительный), small, minimal, massive (значительный).

Наречия: dramatically, rapidly, hugely, massive, sharply, steeply, considerably, substantially, significantly, slightly, minimally, markedly.  

4 абзац         

ЧТО: обрисовать проблему, которая может возникнуть в исследуемой сфере, и предложить конкретные, реалистичные пути ее решения

Должна ли проблема вытекать из данных?

Не обязательно; но она должна быть связана с общей темой.


  • One problem that ___ can/might cause is …
  • One of the problems that is/can be caused by ___ is …
  • One problem that can occur in ___ is …
  • One problem that can occur as a result of ___ is …
  • One problem that ___ (smartphone users) often face / are confronted with is …
  • One problem (that is usually/often) associated with ___ is …
  • One problem that is often experienced by (readers) …
  • As far as I can see, … can cause several problems. The most serious one is that… — Насколько я вижу, … может быть причиной нескольких проблем. Наиболее серьёзная из них это…
  • One problem that can be connected with … is that… — Одна из проблем, связанных с …, это…
  • … and this may result in… — и это может стать причиной…
  • A problem likely to arise is that … perhaps it is possible to solve the problem by…
  • In my opinion, the statistics in the table reveal an important problem.
  • Though … , one problem can arise. — Хотя … , может возникнуть одна проблема.
  • However, … can cause several problems. The most serious one is that… —Однако … может быть причиной нескольких проблем. Наиболее серьёзная из них это…

The best way to solve this problem is to …

  • One of the best ways to tackle this issue is …
  • However, there is a possible solution to this problem. — Однако, есть возможное решение этой проблемы.
  • I believe that … is the best solution to this problem. — Я считаю, что … — лучшее решение данной проблемы.
  • I think that in order to solve this problem…

Варианты ответа:

1 пример:

One  difficulty  that  struggling readers  often have  / (или that teenage readers often face) is lack of motivation to read. It is a serious problem that affects the development of comprehension skills and overall academic performance.

2 пример:

One problem that is nowadays associated with reading is a growing decline in book-reading culture. Indeed reading books seems to be losing its popularity with people of all ages, including teenagers.

3 пример:

The data indicate that although modern teenagers read a lot, they tend to avoid choosing romantic novels and animal stories. I suppose this is because today’s adolescents are too pragmatic, not caring and compassionate enough. One solution to this problem is for parents and teachers to raise teenagers’ awareness of the importance of developing empathy and encourage them to read and discuss romance and animal stories. The best way to do it is to find out what puts young people off choosing these genres and try to connect reading to their interests.

4 пример:

Although teenagers in Zetland seem to be interested in reading, globally, young people are reading fewer books than before. The problem is that today's teenagers get easily discouraged by long and challenging texts. As a result, they feel frustrated and lose motivation to read, which affects the development of their comprehension skills and overall academic performance. The best solution to this problem is to let teenagers choose their reading for themselves  and encourage them to read different texts, not only books.

5 пример:

One problem that can be connected with reading is that nowadays reading is losing its popularity among teenagers, and this may result in poor imagination and a limited vocabulary range. However, there is a possible solution to this problem. School teachers should stimulate teenagers' interest in various book genres by organising special discussion clubs and drama lessons.

6 пример:

As far as I can see, using smartphones can cause several problems. The most serious one is that people become too dependent on their smartphones. I believe that reducing time spent on the phone is the best solution to this problem. For example, people should communicate face to face more often instead of sending emails because it is faster and does not result in losing communication skills.

7 пример:

As one can see in the chart, passive free-time activities, surfing the net and playing computer games, are the most popular among teenagers from Zetland. Obviously, this problem is widespread and a cause of concerns in society because it may lead to weight gain. To solve this issue, parents should control their teenage children’s screen time.

8 пример:

The data given in the bar chart reveal that great number of people are engaged in social network activities. Obviously, this might have an adverse impact on their involvement in various kinds of leisure activities, including active recreation. I believe that one of the possible solutions to the issue of the reduction of the amount of time people spend on leisure activities in favour of visiting social networks can be making an informed decision by the person himself to limit the time spent online and take up a new exciting hobby.

9 пример:

One problem that can be deduced from the data is that none of the teenagers mentioned classic literature, and this may result in lack of emotional and cultural experience. However, there is a possible solution to this problem. Schools should organise drama clubs in order to draw teenagers' attention to classic literature and awaken their interest.

10 пример:

In my opinion, the statistics in the table reveal an important problem. We can see that teenagers are not interested in biographies and are therefore missing out on a great amount of wisdom contained in these books. I think that in order to solve this problem biographies should be included in the school curriculum.

11 пример:

Despite the fact that volunteering is mainly associated with benefits, there are also some problems connected with it. The most serious of them is that volunteering is often mentally exhausting and can be really stressful, especially for beginners. The best solution to this problem is to work under the supervision of experienced volunteers and ask them for help whenever a difficulty arises.

12 пример:

Though reading seems to be growing in popularity, in the modern world people tend to avoid book genres evolving empathy, and this may result in a lack of emotional intelligence. However, there is a solution to this problem. Schools and public libraries should organise reading and discussion clubs in order to make children and adults understand various emotions and feelings, thus helping them to empathise with book characters and people around.

13 пример:

Although we see that there are several ways to relax for teenagers, there is a problem connected with having a rest. Sometimes it is difficult to switch off from your studies and work, and instead of relaxing you spend time thinking about what else you have to do later. I believe that the best solution to this problem would be going out as fresh air and change of scenery can help to forget about things that keep bothering you at home.

5 абзац     

ЧТО: сделать заключение, высказав и обосновав свое мнение


  • In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that… – В заключение, я бы хотел подчеркнуть, что
  • All in all, I am convinced that… – Я убеждён, что…
  • In conclusion, I (strongly) believe that… is crucial in everyone's life because… —
  • In conclusion, I think that … are an integral part of our life because… —
  • All things considered,…
  • On the whole, I believe that…
  • That is why, even though preferences may differ greatly, it is important to…
  • In conclusion, I believe that…


In conclusion, I believe that although not all literature genres are liked by Zetland’s teenagers, reading obviously plays a significant role in their lives and in the life of every teenager.


In conclusion, I firmly believe that despite some problems associated with reading / that reading might cause, it obviously plays a significant role in the life of every teenager.


In conclusion, I firmly believe that despite some problems associated with reading, it is obviously very important for teenagers to read on a regular basis / different texts / books of different genres.

4 пример:

In conclusion, I believe that reading is crucial in everyone's life because it broadens people's horizons, expands their vocabulary, improves their memory and develops imagination.

5 пример:

In conclusion, I think that smartphones are an integral part of our life because they provide us with a wide range of opportunities. Due to smartphones people can find necessary information quickly and are able to communicate with people wherever they are and by various means.

6 пример:

In conclusion, it is important for teenagers to spend their free time effectively. It will help them to have a good rest, get rid of stress and be full of …

7 пример:

Taking everything into consideration, we should balance between online and offline pastimes to stay physically and mentally healthy.

8 пример:

In conclusion, I believe that reading is important for people of all ages. Not only is reading fun and enjoyable, but it also allows us to learn about any subject and improve our analytical and creative skills. 

9 пример:

To conclude, I think that although volunteering can be challenging, it is very important for teenagers to be get involved in volunteer work. I am absolutely sure that the benefits far outweigh any potential risks.

10 пример:

In conclusion, I believe that reading is crucial for everyone, especially adolescents, because it broadens their horizons, expands their vocabulary and develops empathy, which will be very helpful in adult life.

11 пример:

In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that relaxing is of primary importance for every person as it helps one to have a calmer and clearer mind which aids memory, positive thinking and concentration.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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