Сборник упражнений по подготовке к устной части основного государственного экзамена по английскому языку (задания № 2 и № 3) к учебнику «Английский в фокусе» Ю.Е.Ваулиной , Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку
Цель предлагаемого сборника упражнений - помочь учащимся подготовиться к устной части основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ ) по английскому языку (задания 2 и 3). В сборнике приведена информация об экзаменационных заданиях и критериях их оценивания, даны подробные рекомендации для подготовки к каждому заданию. Предложенные варианты помогут отработать некоторые устные темы посредством выполнения заданий к модулям учебника «Английский в фокусе» ( Ю.Е.Ваулиной , Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко) и выбрать правильную стратегию для подготовки к экзамену. Их можно использовать в качестве практического материала для подготовки.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сборник упражнений по подготовке к устной части
основного государственного экзамена по английскому языку (задания
№ 2 и № 3) к учебнику «Английский в фокусе» Ю.Е.Ваулиной , Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко.
Цель предлагаемого сборника упражнений - помочь учащимся подготовиться к устной части основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ ) по английскому языку (задания 2 и 3). В сборнике приведена информация об экзаменационных заданиях и критериях их оценивания, даны подробные рекомендации для подготовки к каждому заданию. Предложенные варианты помогут отработать некоторые устные темы посредством выполнения заданий к модулям учебника «Английский в фокусе» ( Ю.Е.Ваулиной , Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко) и выбрать правильную стратегию для подготовки к экзамену. Их можно использовать в качестве практического материала для подготовки.
Рекомендации к выполнению задания №2.
Задание 2 является одним из самых сложных на экзамене, так как учащийся не видит вопросы на экране, а только слышит их. Вопросы звучат в естественном темпе, и иногда экзаменуемый теряется и не сразу понимает, о чем его спросили. Успешный ответ учащегося зависит не только от его умения говорить, но и от его навыков аудирования. На обдумывание ответа и сам ответ даётся 40 секунд. Это не очень много, но достаточно для обдумывания ответа и его воспроизведения.
При выполнении задания 2 не надо стараться сразу начинать отвечать на вопрос. Следует осмыслить его содержание и грамматическую структуру. Затем следует обдумать свой ответ, стараясь сказать минимум одно развёрнутое предложение или несколько простых предложений. Старайтесь не отходить от темы - эксперты не учитывают предложения, не относящиеся к ответу на вопрос. Ваш ответ должен быть полным и точным.
Если вопрос начинается с Why или в конце вопроса вас просят объяснить, почему ( Explain why), следует отвечать, учитывая эту особенность вопроса. Необходимо использовать те же лексические единицы и грамматические структуры, которые прозвучали в вопросе. Это поможет минимизировать количество ошибок. Для того , чтобы ответ был логично выстроен, используйте вводные слова и союзы.
Рекомендации к выполнению задания №3.
На подготовку к ответу задания №3 даётся 1,5 минуты.
Во время подготовки к ответу:
- Внимательно прочитайте текст задания, обращая особое внимание на пункты плана
- Продумайте, что вы можете сказать по каждому пункту плана; помните – на каждый пункт надо сказать не менее 3-4 фраз
- Заранее продумайте заключение, так как во время ответа вы можете не успеть придумать, как закончить выступление
- Необходимо использовать средства логической связи для составления связного рассказа
- Обращайте внимание на грамматические структуры в задании. Используйте те же формы в своём ответе.
Во время ответа:
- Сначала общее представление темы (1-2 предложения), затем нужно перейти к раскрытию первого пункта плана задания, обращайте внимание на логичность высказывания
- Подробно раскрываем все пункты плана
- Даём развёрнутую аргументацию , если вопрос с Why
- Речь должна быть чёткой и понятной в соответствии с заданием, избыточная информация не нужна (она не учитывается при оценивании)
- Чётко соблюдайте регламент
- За 10-15 секунд до завершения ответа переходите к заключению. Если не успеете сказать заключительную фразу, потеряете балл по критерию «Организация высказывания»
Рекомендуемая лексика для выполнения задания №3
Функция | Рекомендуемая лексика |
Ведение | I want to tell you about…. To begin with…. |
Введение аргументов | First of all…. Besides,…./ In addition ,…. Moreover,…/ What is more,…. Finally,…. There are many reasons why…. |
примеры | For example, For instance, Such as…. |
Выражение мнения | In my opinion ,….. Personally I…. To tell the truth ,… To be honest,… As for me,… |
заключение | To sum up, I want to say that…. In conclusion, I’d like to point out that…
Answer the questions on the topic:
1. Is it important to celebrate holidays? Why?
2. What holidays do you celebrate in your family?
3. What is your favourite holiday?
4. What do you do to celebrate your favourite holiday?
5. How can people keep their traditions ?
6. How can we unite different generations in our country?
You are going to speak about holidays and celebrations. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
*What is meant by celebrations
*Why people celebrate different holidays
*What teenagers' attitude to celebrations is
*If people should celebrate holidays. Why/why not.
Answer the questions on the topic:
1. Do you help at home?
2. What is your daily routine like?
3. Would you like to live in a town or in a village? Why?
4. What makes a good neighbour ?
5. What problems do places where animals live face?
6. How can we make sure that the countryside remains unspoiled and that more habitats are not destroyed?
7. What do you think living on a space station would be like?
You are going to speak about life and living. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
*What makes a happy family life
*where would you like to live: in a town or in a village/ why
* What can be similar between life on a space station and on the Earth
*what can people do to help protect the habitats around their towns and cities
Answer the following questions:
1. Are stories about mythical creatures fact or fiction?
2. Do you think dreams have meaning?
3. What makes a story interesting?
4. What are people experiencing when they see one picture inside another?
5. What is typical of every culture?
6. Can you imagine visiting a place where ghosts lurk round every corner?
You are going to speak about raising money for charity. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
* what activities people organize to raise money
* what can money people raise be spent on
* what charity organisations are well - known in the world
* what would you organize a classical music concert or a painting competition to raise money for charity
Answer the following questions:
1. Technology can make our lives a lot easier, can't it ?
2. By means of what can we communicate with people whenever we need to?
3. With technology changing all the time, how can we keep up with all the latest gadgets?
4. What do you usually do with the old devices?
5. Why is e-waste a problem? What can we do about it?
6. What are certain disadvantages to teenagers owning mobile phones?
You are going to speak about modern world and its relying on technical devices too much.
You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
* modern world and development of technical devices
* pluses of technical development
* minuses of technical development
* what devices you have got and how often you use them
* what you think about peoples' dependence on modern gadgets
Answer the following questions:
1. What would life would be like without art?
2. How can art benefit a society?
3. Which types of music do you prefer?
4. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
5. Which singer is popular with teenagers all over the world ?
6. Who stars in the Harry Potter films ?
You are going to speak about cinema. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
* what genres of films can cinema - goes watch nowadays
* what kinds of films are popular with teenagers
* What better is to go to the cinema or to the theatre
* what film you have seen lately
* What film you would recommend to watch and why
1. Do you help your community? Why?
2. Have you ever thought of doing some volunteer work?
3. By means of what can we get from Moscow to St. Petersburg within four hours?
4. What do you do if you don't know how to get to a place?
5. What do you do if you are asked for directions?
6. What facilities are there in your town?
You are going to speak about your neighbourhood. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
* What makes a good neighbour
* what you do to make your neighbourhood a clean and cosy place
* what you do if you have problems with your neighbours
* would you like to change the place where you live / why
Answer the following questions:
1. Which services do you require more often?
2. How can we stay healthy?
3. Which of your eating habits would you like to improve ?
4. Which forms of exercise are the most popular with teenagers in your area?
5. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? why/ why not?
6. Are you afraid of anyhting? Do you think it's a phobia?
You are going to speak about video games. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
* why video games are so popular with youngsters aged from eioght to fifteen
* Pluses of video games
* minuses of video games
* if you play video games and what your favourite ones are
1. If you were lost in the jungle - would it be easy for you to survive?
2. What can you eat when you are lost n the jungle?
3. What do you know Antarctica?
4. If you were offered all - expences paid trip to Antarctica, would you go?
5. How can we use less energy?
6. Is it interesting to go trekking in the mountains?
You are going to speak about trekking in the mountains. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
* how to get ready for such an activity
* what dangers you might face
* how you can protect yourself
* whether or not you would like to do this activity and why (not)
Rewrite the following report using passive forms of the verbs in bold type.
Thieves (1) held the manager of the Ridgeway hotel at gunpoint last night during a daring raid in which they (2) took nearly 50 000 pounds from the hotel safe.
They also (3) broke into several of the bbedrooms and (4) removed articles of value.
The thieves made their escape through the kitchen, where they (5)damaged several pieces of equipment. They (6) injured the chef when he tried to stop them and (7)
left him lying unconscious on the floor. Police(8) arrested the thieves early this morning.
Put the verbs in the correct form.
1. We had hoped to see several famous paintings, but the gallery ... (reorganised) at the time of our visit and most of the really valuable works ... (move ) for safe keeping.
2. I've collected all the documents that.....(need) for the house sale. Can you take them to the lawyer's office to ...(sign)?
3. Look this is a secret. Come into the garden where we ..(not/ overhear).
4. Can you come to the police station? The man who...(suspect) of stealing your wallet ..(arrest), and ..(question) at the moment.
5. If you hadn't been so late for work, you ..(sack).
6. This office is very inefficient. The telephone ..(never answer) promptly, no proper recrds (keep).
7. I was so worried about my garden while I was in hospital. But when I got home i could see that the vegetables ..(water) every day and the grass.. (cut) regularly.
Correct mistakes in the sentences or write right.(R)
1. My Family live in Scotland but I was educated in France.
2. Children under the age of seven do not allow in this pool.
3. My neighbour is very proud of her new grandson who born last week.
4. I'm afraid I can't lend you my camera. It is repairing this bweek.
5. The bridge was collapsed during the floods but fortunately no one was using it at the time.
Correct mistakes in the sentences or write right.(R)
1. When did you discover that the money had been disappeared?
2. I'm very fond of this old brooch because it was belonged to my grandmother.
3. If you aren;t careful what you're doing with that hammer someone will hurt in a minute!
4. THe word "stupid" was in my report but it wasn't reffered to you.
5. I'm sorry I'm late. I got held in the traffic.
Put the verbs into a suitable tense in the passive.
eg: The company has cut all the salaries.
All ths saklaries have been cut.
1. All visitors must wear identity badges.
2. Has anyone ever asked you for your opinion?
3. Nobody informed the police that there had been a mistake.
4. They use a computer to do this job nowadays.
5. The news about the famine distessed Joseph.
Complete the conversation with verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive.
Сindy: Why wasn't Clare at the training session
Petra: Haven't you heard? She's been thrown (1) out for stealing.
C.: No! Really?
P: Yes. She (2)... taking money from someone's bag in the changing room.
C.: Who by?
P.:The sports club manager. She (3)... through changing room when she (4).. Clare with Karen's bag.
C.: Oh dear. That's terrible.
P.: Clare said she (5).. to fetch money by Karen but when Karen (6).. about it, she said she (7.. (not) what Clare was talking about.
C.: But how stupid of karen to leave money in the changing room!
P.: Yes. She (8)..that by the manager too.
C.: She (9)..(not it again, anyhow.
P.: No, I guess not. What do you think Clare (10).. now?
C.: I don't know. This is the second club she (11).. to leave, isn't it?
P.: Yes. It's hard to know what can(12)..for someone like Clare.
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Сборник упражнений для подготовка к устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку
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