Конспект урока 10 класс "Письмо "за и против""
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

Конспект урока 10 класс "Письмо "за и против""


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Предварительный просмотр:

Класс:______________ Дата:____________________

Тема урока: Письмо «за и против»

Планируемые результаты:


  1. Знакомить учащихся с возможностями использовать информационные технологии и навыки письма.
  2. Развитие навыков письменной речи, закрепить навыки произношения, формирование языковой компетенции.


  1. Научить умению логически мыслить, развивать письменную речь
  2. Закрепить умение наблюдать, сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, оценивать других, умение работать индивидуально и в коллективе.


  1. Развивать познавательный интерес к предмету, умение работать в коллективе.

Ход урока:

  1. Орг.момент. Приветствие и речевая разминка (warm-up).

Сообщение темы урока. Постановка задач урока.

T.: Good morning! I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please!

(Учитель задаёт вопросы:

-What date is it today?

- Who is absent today?)

Let’s start our lesson.

T.: The topic of our today’s lesson is “Writing for- and- against essays”.

You will learn to understand paragraphs function, use linking words and phrases, write topic and supporting sentences.

Let’s get down to work.

  1. Основной этап

Презентация нового материала

At first I want to ask you. What is a definition of essay?

P.:1An essay is a short piece of writing topic and represents the author’s point of view on the matter. It is an organized collection of ideas.

T.: What kind of essay is a for-and-against essay?

P2.: An essay which discusses the pros and cons of an issue.

T.: Good, you’re right! And what parts should it include?

P3.: it should include

- an introduction

- a main body (2 abstracts)

- a conclusion

T.: Yes. And one more question for you. What style can we use to write such type of essay?

P4: We can use

-formal, impersonal style

T.: Yes, you are right. But what does it mean: using formal impersonal style?

P5.: Informal impersonal style
we can’t use:
-short forms;
-colloquial language;
-avoid emotional expressions

And can you say me how many words can you use writing a for-and-against essay?

P5: 200-250 words.

  1. Отработка нового материала.

#1056;абота со структурой эссе.

T: Let’s divide into 2 groups. (Приложение №1)

Your task is to build the structure of the essay.(Составляют структуру эссе)

(Проверяем правильность и вывешиваем на доску карточки)

Open your exercise books. Write down the date, the topic of the lesson and the structure of the essay.

#1056;абота с образцом эссе.

T.: Let’s read the model essay. Find #8470; (2).

Answer my questions:

-What techniques does the writer use to begin and end the essay?

-Which paragraph contains the writer’s opinion?

Do ex3 at p111. You should complete the table.


T: Let’s have a rest! Let’s do some exercises for your eyes.

  1. Работа в группах. Составление аргументов по заданной теме. (приложение №2)

Рефлексия. Учитель задаёт учащимся вопросы:

-Are you pleased with a lesson?

- Have you found anything new for you?

-What kind of activity did you like most of all?

  1. Подведение итогов урока.
  2. Объяснение и запись домашнего задания.

The lesson is over. You are free.

Приложение №1

Introduce the topic


1st point for + justification / example

2nd point for + justification / example


1st point against + justification / example

2nd point against + justification / example

Summary of the topic + your opinion

Introduce the topic


1st point for + justification / example

2nd point for + justification / example


1st point against + justification / example

2nd point against + justification / example

Summary of the topic + your opinion

Приложение 2

Group 1

  1. Choose a role: a translator, a writer, a time manager, a presenter (1 min)
  2. Build a topic sentence of these words:

A number of arguments / in favour of / text messaging

  1. Brainstorm ideas. Write a paragraph including appropriate supporting sentences (5 min)
  • Remember to use linkers.
  1. Present the results (1 min)

Group 2

  1. Choose a role: a translator, a writer, a time manager, a presenter (1 min)
  2. Build a topic sentence of these words:

Several major disadvantages / meeting new friends / on the Internet

  1. Brainstorm ideas. Write a paragraph including appropriate supporting sentences (5 min)
  • Remember to use linkers.
  1. Present the results (1 min)

Group 1

Group 2

Topic sentence

Topic sentence

Logical justifications / examples

Logical justifications / examples

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