Test 9 (Solutions)
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Student’s name ___________________________________________________
Class _______________
Test (9 Solutions)
1 вариант
Listening (5 points)
1 Listen to 5 speakers and choose the correct answers.
1 Who is speaker 1 speaking to?
a An audience at a conference.
b A friend who works
c A young homeless person.
2 Speaker 2 thinks that older people
a Care more about homelessness
b Are more likely to take part in the Big Sleep Out.
c Often don’t have time to think about homelessness.
3 Who does Speaker 3 work for?
a A youth hostel
b A local business
c A city council
4 What does Speaker 4 dislike most about being homeless?
a Receiving unkind comments.
b Seeing people fight.
c Spending too much time on his own.
5 Why does Speaker 5 avoid the High Street at night?
a She thinks it’s dangerous.
b The homeless people make her anxious.
c She does not know what to say to the homeless people.
2 Reading (5 points)
Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
Singing in the rain
You wake up in the morning and there’s snow on the ground, but on the walk to school the sun comes out and it feels like summer. You go outside at lunchtime because it’s still sunny, but you get caught in a thunderstorm. On your way home, it’s so hot that you have to take off your jumper. Does it sound familiar? If it does, then you probably live in the UK.
The weather in the UK is unpredictable, and this is partly because of the location of the British Isles. Cold polar air from the north and warmer air from the Tropics, brought by the Gulf Stream, push against each other to create the UK's changeable weather patterns.
This means that weather forecasting in the UK is a difficult job, and the people who do it can have embarrassing moments. For example, in 1987, weather forecasters missed a huge storm that was coming towards the UK. There was no mention of the storm during the daytime weather forecast, but later that night, a place called Sevenoaks near London lost six of its seven famous oak trees when the strong wind blew them down.
These days, UK weather forecasters usually know about extreme weather that is about to hit the country, and they also try not to make unrealistic predictions about the weather. For example, they don’t say that there’s going to be a ‘barbecue summer’ (a very hot summer when people can cook outside all the time) or a freezing winter, because usually the opposite happens. They now only forecast a maximum of five days, and people don’t even trust that – they check regularly to see if a forecast is still correct.
You may think that living with this sort of weather every day makes people unhappy, but actually it has an unexpected effect on a lot of people in the UK. They tend to get more excited by sunshine than most people. They are likely to change into summer clothes whenever they see the sun, whether it is August or December. They don’t mind the rain and they’re always prepared for it, with their waterproof coats, boots and umbrellas ready by the front door. They also know how to have a good time despite the weather. Rainy summers are so common that people try not to let the weather spoil their fun. In fact, for some people, particularly young children, the rain can be fun, and you may even find them singing in the rain!
- The writer says the UK’s shape causes changes in the weather. ___
- In 1987, UK forecasters forgot to tell people that they saw a huge storm. ___
- After the storm, Sevenoaks only had one tree still standing. ___
- Today, forecasters are more careful with the forecasts than they were in 1987. ___
- Some people in the UK enjoy rainy weather. ___
Exercise 3 (10 points)
Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
- When it _______________________ (stop) raining, we _______________________ (go out) and _______________________ (put) the kayak in the water.
- While I _______________________ (wait) at the bus stop, I _______________________ (see) an accident.
- Suddenly, the man _______________________ (take) the purse from the woman’s handbag and _______________________ (run off).
- At 5 p.m. yesterday, I _______________________ (read) a book about Captain Cook and my sister _______________________ (watch) a film about the explorer Robert Falcon Scott.
- I _______________________ (relax) in the sun when a cloud _______________________ (appear) in the sky.
- When the sailor _______________________ (open) the box, he _______________________ (find) an old map inside.
- While everyone _______________________ (argue), I _______________________ (realise) it was a good time to go.
- As I _______________________ (leave) the party, I finally _______________________ (remember) the man’s name.
- The man _______________________ (wear) a raincoat and _______________________ (carry) a big suitcase.
- The girl _______________________ (run) through the forest when she _______________________ (slip) over.
Exercise 4 (5 points)
Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Decide if you need one or two sentences.
- My brother is hard-working. He can’t find a well-paid job. (although)
- The film was really gripping. She fell asleep. (even though)
- She works long hours. She always finds time to do sport. (although)
- It’s a low-paid job. I love working with the animals. (nevertheless)
- He’s a doctor. He’s terrible at communicating with people. (even though)
Exercise 5 (10 points)
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
- We got up / got up to all sorts of trouble when we were children.
- My sister spends all her time hanging off / out with her friends.
- The referee blew his whistle because there were too many players on the basketball course / court.
- I’ve got a bruise at the top of my leg. It’s on my calf / thigh.
- Wayne was brought up / grown up by his grandparents because his parents couldn’t look after him.
- I wasn’t satisfied about / with my new tablet so I took it back to the shop.
- They’ve got a landing / patio in the back garden with some chairs and a table on it.
- I made / took a photo of the villa I stayed in to show my friends.
- Check / Follow the box if you don’t want to receive any publicity.
- The owner showed us pride / proudly around her houseboat.
Exercise 6 (5 points)
Complete the sentences with the adjectives and verbs below, adding prepositions to each one.
familiar harmful keen log set unhappy
- Something’s wrong. I can’t ________________ to my computer.
- How do I ________________ a new Facebook account?
- Kerri bought a new laptop because she was very ________________ her old one.
- I’m ________________ this program because I’ve used it before.
- Old batteries pollute the environment, and they are very ________________ animals.
Use of English
Exercise 7 (10 points)
Complete the description with the words below.
both but common contrast difference first second shows unlike whereas
1______________ photos show a group of people who are all surrounding one person and looking at them. The 2______________ theme in the two photos is celebration. The first photo 3______________ a very old man at the centre, 4______________ the second photo shows a young woman in her twenties. It must be the old man’s birthday because he is sitting in front of a birthday cake, and the other people must be members of his family because they are all different ages. In 5______________ to the first photo, the people in the 6______________ photo must be the woman’s friends as they are all roughly the same age as her. In the 7______________ photo the people are also wearing party clothes, 8______________ in the second photo they are just wearing jeans and T-shirts. Another obvious 9______________ is that the woman isn’t sitting down – she is walking through a door into a house. Judging by the expression on her face, she wasn’t expecting to find everyone there. So, 10______________ the first photo, it must be a surprise celebration
Total ____/50
Номер задания | Ответ | Балл |
1 | АССАВ | 5 |
1 | F | 1 |
2 | F | 1 |
3 | T | 1 |
4 | T | 1 |
5 | T | 1 |
6 | stopped; went out; put | 1 |
12 | was waiting; saw | 1 |
13 | took; ran off | 1 |
14 | was reading; was watching | 1 |
15 | was relaxing; appeared | 1 |
16 | opened; found | 1 |
17 | was arguing; realised | 1 |
18 | was leaving; remembered | 1 |
19 | was wearing; carrying | 1 |
20 | was running; slipped | 1 |
21 | Although my brother is hard-working, he can’t find a well-paid job. | 1 |
22 | Even though the film was really gripping, she fell asleep | 1 |
23 | Although she works long hours, she finds time to do sport. | 1 |
24 | It’s a low-paid job. Nevertheless, I love working with the animals | 1 |
25 | Even though he’s a doctor, he’s terrible at communicating with people | 1 |
26 | got up to | 1 |
27 | out | 1 |
28 | court | 1 |
29 | thigh | 1 |
30 | brought up | 1 |
31 | with | 1 |
32 | patio | 1 |
33 | took | 1 |
34 | Check | 1 |
35 | Proudly | 1 |
36 | log on | 1 |
37 | set up | 1 |
38 | unhappy with | 1 |
39 | familiar with | 1 |
40 | harmful to | 1 |
41 | Both | 1 |
42 | common | 1 |
43 | shows | 1 |
44 | whereas | 1 |
45 | contrast | 1 |
46 | second | 1 |
47 | first | 1 |
48 | but | 1 |
49 | difference | 1 |
50 | unlike | 1 |
Шкала перевода баллов в отметку
50 - 46 баллов | 45 - 40 баллов | 39 - 26 баллов | 25 баллов и ниже |
«5» | «4» | «3» | «2» |
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