Travelling. Advantages and disadvantages.
статья по английскому языку (8 класс)

Рогова Эля Николаевна

Travelling. Advantages and disadvantages.(Spotlight 8, module 6a) Текст содержит образец примерного высказывания по теме Путешествие.


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Предварительный просмотр:

       Travelling.  Advantages and Disadvantages.

  1. I like travelling very much though  I don’t travel often.
  2. I think, travelling is a great way to know new places, see different landscapes and expand our horizons.
  3. What is more, you can learn the opinion of other people about various issues.
  4. Moreover, English is very popular and you can practice it everywhere.
  5. If you want to make your journey unforgettable then buy souvenirs and take photos to capture best moments.
  6. Of course, leaving home is always a stress.
  7. You feel comfortable at home and not always the hotels can offer good service.
  8. As for me, I don’t like queuing at the airports.
  9. And one more important thing is the cost of journey.

10.Some of them are very expensive but one can find any kind of tour.

    11.Travelling has advantages and disadvantages, but    

    still it’s a wonderful experience.

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