Advantages and disadvantages of different transports
материал (английский язык, 9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
CAR Advantages:
- travelling by car is comfortable
- you can listen to the radio while you drive
- you can go anywhere anytime – you don’t have to use the public transport, you don’t have to buy a ticket
- you can stop at any time you need to have a break
- the car has a boot /kufor/ - it has a big space to carry your luggage and other things
- a car is expensive to buy
- petrol /benzín/ is expensive
- you must have a driving licence
- you must pay for parking
- you can end up in a traffic jam
- statistically it is the most dangerous way of transport – you can have a car crash /dopravná nehoda/
- it pollutes the air which is not good for our environment
BUS Advantages:
- we can spend time talking to other passengers on the bus
- we can relax – read and look out of the window, work, eat ...
- buses stop more often than trains – you can get off at a bus stop which is closer to the place where you need to go
- you don’t have to drive
- it is expensive /but usually cheaper than traveling by car/
- it is often crowded /preplnené/
- it is sometimes delayed /mešká/
- you have to get to the bus stop
- you must travel at certain times
- sometimes stopping at too many bus stops can be a disadvantage
TRAIN Advantages:
- we can spend time talking to other passengers on the train
- we can relax – read and look out of the window, work, eat ...
- it usually isn’t stressful
- trains are comfortable if they are not crowded
- you don’t have to drive
- it is expensive /but usually cheaper than traveling by car/
- it is often crowded /preplnené/
- it is sometimes delayed /mešká/
- you have to get to the station
- sometimes you have to use other transport to get to the station
- you must travel at certain times
PLANE Advantages:
- traveling by plane is comfortable
- it is safe /bezpečné/
- it is fast - you can get to any place in the world and it takes only a few hours
- you can read, sleep ... during the flight
- it is expensive
- it is strictly dependent on timetable – you have to travel at certain times
- sometimes the flight can be delayed or cancelled
- you have to buy the plane ticket in advance /vopred/
- some people are afraid of heights and confined spaces
BOAT / SHIP Advantages:
- it is relatively safe /bezpečné/
- it is mostly used for trips during holidays /používa sa najčastejšie na výlety počas dovolenky/
- you can get seasick /morská nemoc/
- a ship can sink /potopiť sa/
- it isn’t used often nowadays – it was more often used in the past – one of the biggest and the most famous ships was the Titanic. It was considered unsinkable but it sank on its maiden voyage from England to New York and more than 1500 people died.
TAXI Advantages:
+allows you to do other things while you travel.
+don’t worry about finding a parking place
+taxis are cheaper than having your own car
+privacy (make phone calls etc)
-much more expensive than public transportation
-sometimes a taxi might not always be immediately available when you need it.
-traffic jams
Subway Advantages:
+convenience( quicker, no traffic jams,don’t worry about breaking down)
+subways do not emit harmful exhaust fumes into the air.
-criminal activity
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