Конспект урока Let`s go shopping
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Take your seats!
2. Объявление целей урока и введение в сюжет урока.
I would like to start our lesson with a short poem. Look at the screen. Let’s read
and repeat after me.
A shop is big
Shop assistants are so quick
Many things are in the shop
From the bottom to the top:
Stylish dresses, jeans and shorts,
Sweaters, jumpers and T-shirts.
- What is the poem about?
Let’s look at the picture. This is a shop assistant. This is a customer.
What place is it?
What is the theme of the lesson? Right you are! Today we’ll speak about the clothes. Today we will go to the magic shop for clothes, learn how to buy clothes and show our knowledge of English.
3. Речевая зарядка.
Answer my questions , please.
1 Do you like shopping?
2 Do you often go shopping?
3 Who do you buy clothes with?
4. What clothes can we buy in the shop?
Repeat the words after me.
Which clothes are for summer? autumn? winter? Spring? For school? For a party? sport club?
Let`s play memory game!
The task is to match the picture and word. Let`s do it by chain. Name two numbers.
Well done!
5. Do you remember this sign for the British money? (pound)
Look at the shop window once again and say. How much it is ? How much are they?
Very good children!
4. Развитие навыков аудирования на основе видеоcюжета
Let’s listen to the dialogue about buying clothes and answer the questions „What did the man buy? What colour? How much does it cost?”
5. Формирование читательской грамотности
Pay attention to the phrases that you can say or hear at the shop. You have the translation on the papers.
Which phrases belong to the shop assistant/ customer?
Read the dialogue and complete the table after it.
Question | Answer |
What is Susan looking for? | |
What colour does she want? | |
What is Susan`s size? | |
How much does Susan give for a T-shirt? | |
How much does a T-shirt cost? |
Exchange your works and check the answers. You can see the answers on the board. Who has no mistakes?
6. Физкультминутка
Imagine that you have got new shoes. Let’s have a rest! Show what you can do in your new shoes. Stand up, please.
Hop,hop,I can hop
I can hop in my new shoes!
Run, run, I can run
I can run in my new shoes!
Jump,jump,I can jump
I can jump in my new shoes!
Dance,dance,I can dance
I can dance in my new shoes!
7. Cовершенствование навыков говорения.
Now let`s work in pairs. Imagine that one of you is a shop assistant and the other is a customer and role-play your dialogues. Read the task.
That’s very good! I like your dialogues.
11. Рефлексия
–Do you like today’s lesson?
– Do you like your work?
– Do you like your classmates work?
You have a progress report card.
Progress report card | |||
Now I can | |||
Do the shopping | Very well
| Ok | Not very well |
12.Выставление оценок. Итог урока.
Thank you for your answers. I liked the lesson too. I am pleased with your work and want to put marks to… Stand up everybody. The lesson is over.
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