Конспект урока по английскому языку "Shops"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок разработан для учащихся 5 классов (УМК "Spotlight 5")
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План-конспект открытого урока английского языка
в 5 классе по учебнику Spotlight-5
Тема урока - “Shops”.
1) практические:
- развитие лексических навыков по теме «Магазины, покупки»;
- практика учащихся в устной речи, чтении (развитие умений ознакомительного и изучающего чтения), аудировании;
- развитие грамматических навыков;
2) общеобразовательные:
- расширение общего кругозора учащихся (знакомство с ведением диалога в магазине);
- расширение словарного запаса;
3) воспитательные:
- развитие умений вести диалог этикетного характера в магазине;
- формирование интереса к дальнейшему изучению темы;
4) развивающие:
- развитие языковой догадки;
- развитие памяти, воображения.
Л.Е: bakery, florists’s, café, shoe shop, greengrocer’s, toy shop, bookshop, chemist’s, record shop, clothes shop, mall
- диалог для чтения и аудирования упр.2 стр.107
Оснащение урока: презентация, аудиоприложение.
Ход урока
I. Приветствие и сообщение задач урока.
Hello, pupils, how are you? I am glad to see you too. Present/Absent.
What date is it today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? What season is right now?
Dear pupils, we have the new topic today. And I’ll suggest you to solve the crossword to know the topic of our lesson. This crossword is connected with our last topics: «Animals», «Insects». I’ll ask you some questions, riddles, you should answer and write the words in the squares. This underlined word will be the topic of our lesson. If you know the answers, raise your hands. Be active and attentive.
- It can swim. It lives in the rivers, seas, oceans. But in our houses it lives in the aquarium. Who is it? (fish)
- It is very big. It is grey. It has four legs and two big ears. His long neck is called a trunk. Who is it? (elephant)
- His skin is green and slippery. It has four legs. It eats insects. It can swim in the river and can hop, jump on the ground. Who is it? (frog)
- It is the most beautiful bird in the world, because it has wonderful, big, colored tail. Who is it? (peacock)
- It is an insect. It is green, lives in the grass. It has wings, but it can’t fly, but it can jump very well. Its jump around 1 meter long. Who is it? (grasshopper)
Read this underlined word. Please answer, what is the topic of our lesson today?
Now look at the screen and watch a short video. And after that answer my questions. Video: Let’s go shopping.
Answer my questions: What can you see in the video? What does this little girl do? What does she buy?
Good, now open your textbooks at page 106. We will work today at this page. Look at this exercises and say me. How do you think What is the aim of our lesson? What will we do today? What can you do today to know some information about the topic «Shops»
- To know the new shops
- To practice the words
- To listen to the dialogue
- To read, translate the dialogue
- Make up your own dialogue
II. Основнаячасть.
Now open your dictionaries look at the screen. What can you buy in this shop?
This shop is called...in English.
Repeat after me, read, translate, find in English
Now I will read you some sentences, give you short situations about different shops. You should say me what is the shop? How is this shop called in English?
Number 1. Listen! If you know the answer, raise your hands.
- In this shop there are a lot of tulips, roses, lilies. All women like this shop. What is the shop? (florists)
- When I was a little boy, girl I could not go past this shop. I wanted that all toys were mine. What is it? (toy shop)
- My grandma is ill and I need to buy some aspirin. What is it? (chemists)
- It will be brother’s birthday tomorrow. I want to buy him a CD disk. (record shop)
- This one is about animals. This one is about nature. This one is about seasons. This one is about plants. I want to read everything. (book shop)
Pupils, open your books at page 107. Ex. 2. This is a dialogue between a girl, Emma and a boy, Kelly. Now we will listen to the dialogue, read translate and do exercises. But before listening look at the board. There are some unknown words for you that help you to understand the dialogue.
expensive[ɪkˈspensɪv] - дорогой
cheap[tʃiːp] - дешевый
sale[seɪl] - скидка
sandals [ˈsændəlz] - сандалии
(£) pound [paund] - фунт
mall[mɔːl] – торговыйцентр
Listen to the dialogue.
Read and translate.
Look at ex. 2 p. 106. You should mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE.
We will do this ex in writing, in written form. Open your workbooks, write the date, classwork, ex. 2 p 106.
1. F
Now have a rest. Stand up, we will do physical exercises. I’ll say you the words. These words are actions. Listen to me and show this actions.
-swim in the river
-play the piano
-sing a song
-read a book
-watch TV
-ride a bike
Well done. You are very talented students. Sit down.
Now your task is to make up our own the dialogue. Imagine that you are at the shopping center. Act out short dialogue. Look at the screen There is an example. Read it.
-Hello, how are you?
-Hello, I am fine, thank you.
-What do you want to buy?
-A pair of shoes.
-Go to the shoe shop.
-Where is it?
-On the first floor.
-Thank you.
I will give you the cards, the names of the products that you need to buy.
the roses for my mum
a teddy bear for my little sister
an aspirin for my grandmother
a CD for my friends
a book for me
Are you ready? Who wants to start? Present your dialogue.
III. Подведениеитоговурока.
Our lesson is coming to the end. And now, answer my questions.
Do you like to go shopping?
What shops do you prefer? What shops do you like to visit?
What do you usually buy there?
Are you tired after the shopping?
Now I want to know your mood after the lesson. I will give you the papers. Choose and circle any variant. Answer the question. What is your mood after the lesson?
- The lesson was interesting, I have understood everything, and I like it. (Урок был интересный, я понял/а новый материал, мне было комфортно на уроке).
- I was not very pleased, but the lesson was not bad. (Урок был интересный, но у меня остались вопросы после урока.)
- The lesson was boring, was not interesting. Idislikethelesson. (Мне не понравился урок, он был скучным, неинтересным, непонятным).
Your home task. Look at the picture. Read the title. Do you know Hamleys. Do you know what is? Where is it? Look at the screen. Watch a short video about Hamleys.
Hamleys! What is it? Good, it is the finest, oldest biggest tiy shop in England. At home you will read the text about it. I will give you the papers. Open your diaries and write your home task. Read, translate the text about Hamleys, do the task after the text: True or False, learn by heart the words, the names of the shops that we wrote today in the dictionaries, orally.
Your marks for the lesson:
Dear pupils, thank you for the lesson. It was pleasant to work with you. The lesson is over, good buy.
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