The game "The Lucky Chance"
материал по английскому языку (9 класс)
Игра "Счастливый случай" по английскому языку на тему "Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии ". Игра формирует интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка, необходимость знания иностранного языка, совершенствует память, внимание, логическое мышление.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Аларская средняя общеобразовательная школа
Игра «Счастливый случай»
(по Великобритании)
учитель английского языка
Матоварова Н.И
2020 г
The game “The Lucky Chance”
On the topic “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
Aims: практическая: систематизировать и обобщить знания по теме «Великобритания»
образовательная: расширять кругозор обучающихся, формировать интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка
воспитательная: создать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению языка
развивающая: совершенствовать память, внимание, логическое мышление, воображение
Оснащение: карта Англии, древо семьи Королевы Елизаветы 2, символы страны, презентация «Англия», песня группы «Битлз», портреты: Маргарет Тэтчер, Уильям Шекспир
План: a meeting, warming up, puzzles in the barrels, a dark Horse, complete the crossword, the Royal family Tree
The participants: the pupils of the 9th and 10th forms
A teacher: Well, friends, attention, please. The weather is fine, wonderful. I’m very glad to see you.
We have gathered to remember the game “The Lucky Chance”. Our game is devoted to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. There are many pictures about it. You see the geographical map of England, the flag and the symbols of parts of the UK, the portraits of outstanding persons.
In addition, now, meet our two teams: the 1st team of the 9th form, the 2nd team of the 10th form
Our jury: the best pupil of the 11th form is Saganov Pete and an English teacher is Chalzaeva
Our guests: the teachers of our school are Maraktaeva and Dabanova
The rules of the game are please, respect your group-mates and give a correct answers.
Let us begin our game.
At first: Look at the presentation about the UK of and Please, look attentively and then answer the questions.
The condition is the 1st team will answer and the 2nd team will leave the class. We will invite you soon.
Are you ready? Good! 1. How many parts does the UK consist of?
2. The highest mountain in the UK? 3. What colours are the letter –boxes in London?
4. How many children does Elizabeth 2 have? 5. The most popular sport in England?
6. How old is the Tower of London? 7. Britain’s money? 8. The national emblem of Wales?
9. How many countries does the Commonwealth consist of? 10. The population of London/
OK! Well done. Please, the score of the teams.
The next game is “Puzzles in the Barrels”
There are six questions: three for each team: read and answer them. You have 5 min.
1. What is the nickname of the British flag? Why is it called? 2. Deskribe the British flag: three crosses on a blue ground. 3. What are you know about the Beatles? Can you name the singers of group? 4. Who was Robin Hood? 5. What do the titles BBC stand for? 6. There are many English words as international and used in Russian languages: f. ex: tennis, manager, business. Are you know the origin of the word “sandwich”? Who was a “sandwich” man?
OK! Your answers are very good, thank you.
Now, listen to music, listen to the song of the Beatles “Yesterday”.
The next game: “A dark Horse”. Your task is to read and guess Who is this?
was our Russian newspaper “The Red Star”, which gave her the nickname “The Iron Lady”, Who was it?
2. He was a famous English dramatist and poet at the beginning of the 17th century. He wrote plays, comedies, historical plays. His town is Stratford. The “Globe” is known all over the world.
3. He was a well-known English writer. His works include “The Pickwick Papers”, “David Copperfield”, “Oliver twist”?
took him 35 years to build the Royal Chuch in London. He lived 91 years. He was an
Well, thanks a lot. Please, the score of teams.
We are continuing: please, complete the crossword about Britain’s traditions and customs.
Across: 2. The Englishmen’s favorite drink
4. something that the English put into tea
6. the political center of London
8. the theatre where Shakespeare worked
10. the nickname of London in England.
12. the colourof taxis in London
Down: 1. the birds living in the Tower of London
3. the most popular activity of English people
5. the river on which London is situated
6. the large bag of wool on which the Lord Chancellor sits in the Parliament
7. 100 pence equal one
9. the major spectator sport in Britain
11. the national emblem of England
The next is The Britain Quiz: 1. Which is the largest island of the British Isles? a) Ireland b) Isle of Man c) Great Britain
2. Which is the longest river in Britain? a) the Clyde b) the Severn c) the Thames
3. What is the name of flag of England? a) St. Andrew’s Cross b) St. Patrick’s Cross c) St. George’s Cross
is the official Head of the UK? a) the President b) the House of Parliament c) the Queen
Well, very well.
Please, look at the Royal Queen Tree. You can see the date of her birthday, the name of her husband, the children.
And now, say, please your opinion about the Queen’s family. What news are you know/
Teacher: Thanks a lot to everyone for taking part in our game. Thanks to all of you for coming. Goodbye.
The answers: warming up: 1. four 2. Ben Nevis 3. Red 5. Football, soccer 6. 900 years 7. Pounds and pence 9. 49 independence states 10. about 7 mln
Puzzles in the barrels: 1. The Union Jack, the union of England and Scotland in 1606. Jack means the flag on the staff of ships, Jack is a sailor.
2. the flag is made up 3 crosses on a blue ground: the red cross of England, Ireland, Welsh, the white of Scotland
were: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Star.
Paul McCartney was in Moscow on the Red Square with concerts. The Queen Elizabeth 2 gave him the titular “Sir”.
4. Robin Hood was a legendary Hero of England. He lived in 12th century, in Sherwood Forest.
5. The British Broadcasting Corporation: radio and TV channels.
6. the word “sandwich” comes from the name of English politician John Montague, the Earl of sandwiches. He was a very fond of gambling.
is a man who walks along the streets with advertisements.
A dark horse: 1. Margaret Thatcher Shakespeare 3. Charles Dickens
4. Sir Christopher Wren
Keys: across:
down: 1. ravens 3. walking 6. woolsack 7. pound
9. football. 11. rose
The Britain’s quiz: 1c, 2 b, 3 c, 4 c.
Использованная литература: журнал ИЯШ
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A Lucky Chance
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