Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Oh,lucky!"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Данное мероприятие было разработано для повышения мотивации к изучению традиций англоязычных стран.

Материал дан в виде вопросов с вариантами ответа, среди них есть и шутливые ответы, что помогает поддерживать дружескую неформальную атмосферу среди детей во время мероприятия.

Правильный ответ можно также вычислить методом исключения. 

Разработка материала с комментариями учителя дана в word документе. Также прилагается презентация для проведения мероприятия.  


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Предварительный просмотр:

           Подготовила учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 11г.Н.Новгорода

Синцова Юлия Сергеевна

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Oh, lucky!"

Цель: ознакомление учащихся с обычаями и традициями Великобритании и Соединенных Штатов Америки.

Задачи мероприятия определялись как:


1) Познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями Великобритании и Соединенных Штатов Америки

2) Способствовать формированию у учащихся навыков лингвострановедческой компетенции


1) Развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности


1) Воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного и уважение к культуре и традициям других народов

2) Воспитывать чувство взаимной ответственности, прививать навыки работы в коллективе.


  1. Ноутбук с презентацией, содержащий основной текст мероприятия (вопросы, ответы)
  2. Раздаточный материал: жребий по распределению на команды по цветам, таблички с названиями команды, бумажные доллары в обмен на правильные ответы команды, буквы для показаний ответа, скороговорки для конкурса капитанов, календарики с символами Великобритании в качестве поощрения за принятие участия в мероприятии.

Ход мероприятия:

  1. Приветствие и объяснение правил мероприятия

Hello, everybody! Today we are going to have a very interesting show connected with the elements of history and culture of English-speaking countries. Now I’d like you to take one colour card. Those who has green, yellow, orange colour – sit please according to the colour which you have taken from me.

Now, there are three groups here. I’d like to explain the rules: there are 45 questions for you, you have sheets of paper with letters A, B, C and D at your desks. They will be your answers for each question. So you should raise the appropriate letter which you have chosen for each question. For each right answer your group will get a card with 1 dollar. The group who will collect more cards will get excellent marks for your English lesson.

So, if there are no questions, let us start right now!

  1. Проведение основной части мероприятия. Верные ответы выделены жирным шрифтом.

  1. When it is someone’s birthday, it is usual to say:

А: Congratulations!

B: Good luck!

C: I’m sorry!

D: Happy birthday!

  1. What’s the English for «быть или не быть»?

А: be or not be

B: Would you be mine?

C: to be or not to be

D: bit’ ili ne bit’

3. Who discovered America?

A. Amerigo Vespucci

B. Christopher Columbus

C. David Livingstone

D. Marco Polo

4. Which ocean is the largest?

A. the Atlantic Ocean

B. the Pacific Ocean

С. the Arсtiс Ocean

D. the Indian Ocean

5. What animal is the fastest?

A. the cheetah

B. the tiger

C. the lion

D. the linx

6. In what country such sport as “baseball” is popular?

A. Russia

В. Italy

C. America

D. Britain

7. What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend?

А: Dean

B: Ken

C: Ben

D: Dan

8.  What Russian proverb is equivalent for the English proverb “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”?

A. Больше дела, меньше cлов.

В. Век живи, век учись.

С. Друг познается в беде.

Д. Повторение – мать учения.

9. According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about …

А: politics

B: music

C: love

D: weather

10. If yesterday two weeks ago was Saturday, what day will be tomorrow?

А: Monday

B: Saturday

C: Sunday

D: Tuesday

11. What do the Englishmen say to be taken a photo?

А: hello

B: good morning

C: ham

D: cheese

12. What is the highest mark in British schools?

А: B

B: G

C: A

D: F

13. Which ocean is the smallest?

А. the Pacific Ocean

В. the Atlantic Ocean

C. the Arctic Ocean

D. the Indian Ocean

14. How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian?

А: “Зеленый мир”

B: “Зеленый шар”

C: “Зеленый дом”

D: “Зеленый горошек”

15. What story do the words “We are of one blood, I and you” belong to?

A. “In the Classroom”

В. “Mowgli”

C. “Alice In Wonderland”

D. “Peter Pen”

16. Which English proverb is equivalent for the Russian proverb “Век живи, век учись”?

A. Actions Speak Louder Than Words

B. All's Well That Ends Well

С. Practice Makes Perfect

D. Live and Learn

17.  Which continent is the largest?

A. Asia

В. Europe

C. Africa

D. Australia

18. What river is the largest in the world?

A. the Thames

В. the Volga

C. the Nile

D. the Amazon

19. Put all these English-speaking countries from the smallest to the largest one:

A. Canada  4

B. Great Britain 1

C. Australia  2

D. the USA  3

So, now let’s have some rest. I’d like you to choose the captain of your group. Now come to me please.  I have three sheets of paper with three funny tongue twisters. Choose and get ready to read in a minute. Read it as quick as possible.

  1. Mary Mac's mother's making Mary Mac marry me.

My mother's making me marry Mary Mac.

Will I always be so Merry when Mary's taking care of me?

Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?

  1. Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter's bitter.

If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.

But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better.

So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter,

put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better.

So 't was better Betty Botter bought some better butter.

  1. She sells sea shells on the sea shore;

The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure.

So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore,

I'm sure that the shells are sea shore shells.

Ok, it was very good. The best group get 3 dollars, and  others – 2 and 1 dollars. Let us continue now.

20. How many stars are there on the American flag?

А: 50

B: 51

C: 48

D: 49

21. What was the surname of Sherlock Holmes’ housemaid?

А: Watson

B: Woodson

C: Hudson

D: Hoodson

22. Whose portrait is given on the 100 $ banknote?

А: George Washington’s

B: Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s

C: Benjamin Franklin's

D: John Kennedy's

23. What’s the English for “В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше ”?

А: “Home, sweet home”

B: “East or West, home is best”

C: “My home is my castle”

D: “Better late than never”

24. The Beatles came from …

А: Birmingham

B: London

C: Cambridge

D: Liverpool

25. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor of the state

А: Colorado

B: California

C: Texas

D: Kentucky

26. … were the allies (союзники) of the USSR during the World War II

А: Italy and France

B: The USA and Great Britain

C: Japan and Chinа

D: Australia and New Zealand

27. How is the famous American film “Some like it hot” called in Russian?

А: «В джазе только девушки»

B: «Горячие головы»

C: «Кабаре»

D: «Веселые ребята»

28. Name the famous actors who played in these films: “Titanic”, “Gone with the wind”, “Terminator”, “The bodyguard”.

A. Kevin Costner

B. Arnold Schwarzenegger

C. Leonardo di Caprio

D. Clark Gable

(The right answer: CDBA

“Titanic” - Leonardo DiCaprio C

“Gone with the wind” - Clark Gable  D

“Terminator”- Arnold Schwarzenegger B

Kevin Costner - “The bodyguard» A)

29. Smog is

А: a man’s blazer

B: thick fog

C: a man’s hat

D: heavy rain

30. Who is the head of Great Britain?

А: the Queen

B: the Prime - Minister

C: the President

D: the Chancellor

31. What kind of state is the UK?

А: republic

B: monarchy

C: parliamentary republic

D: parliamentary monarchy

32. What is another name for the Houses of Parliament?

А: Clearness Palace

B: Buckingham Palace

C: Palace of Westminster

D: St. James’ Palace

33. Who was the first woman – the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

А: Margaret Thatcher

B: Eliza Brown

C: Condoleezza Rice

D: Eva Brown

34. Who is called by the British people "Our national bard", "The bard of Avon"?

А: Lord Byron

B: William Shakespeare

C: Robert Burns

D: Oscar Wild

35. What are the main political parties of the UK?

А: Democratic and Republican

B: Conservative and Liberal

C: Conservative and  Labour

D: Republican and Liberal

36. In what city is the headquarters of the United Nations situated?

А: New York

B: Beijing

C: San-Francisco

D: Brussels

37. Put these presidents in order according to their periods of ruling beginning with the earliest one:

A. Bill Clinton

B. Ronald Reagan

C. George Washington

D. Abraham Lincoln

(The right answer: CDBA

George Washington C

Abraham Lincoln D

Ronald Reagan B

Bill Clinton A)

38. Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA?

А: 1000$

B: 5$

C: 2$

D: 3$

39. What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum?

А: fossil animals

B: exotic plants

C: wax figures

D: pictures

40. What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent?

А: Australia

B: Great Britain

C: Greenland

D: Madagascar

41. An apple a day…

А: the mice will play

B: keeps the doctor away

C: there is a way

D: will help me. Hooray!

42. What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world?

А: Dynamite

B: Washing machine

C: Automobile

D: Penicillin

43. During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were:

А: usual people

B: prisoners

C: writers and poets

D: farmers

44. Which planet is the nearest to the Sun?

А: The Earth

B: Mars

C: Mercury

D: Venus

45. A mile is about…

А: 1.609 metres

B: 1.000 metres

C: 2000 metres

D: 1.350 metres

3. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Награждение команд.

Well-done! Now, let us count the dollars you have collected. The luckiest group will get excellent marks as I have promised.

Thank you for the lesson, we hope you were interested in some questions, no doubt there were some things you didn’t know exactly but we’re sure you will remember them after our lesson! Now I would like to give you small calendars with the signs of Great Britain. See you later. Good bye!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Oh, lucky! Разработано учителем английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 11 г.Н.Новгорода Синцовой Юлией Сергеевной

Слайд 2

When it is someone’s birthday, it is usual to say: А : Congratulations! B: Good luck! C: I’m sorry! D: Happy birthday!

Слайд 3

D: Happy birthday!

Слайд 4

What’s the English for « быть или не быть »? А : be or not be B: Would you be mine? C: to be or not to be D: bit’ ili ne bit’

Слайд 5

C: to be or not to be

Слайд 6

Who discovered America? A. Amerigo Vespucci B. Christopher Columbus C. David Livingstone D. Marco Polo

Слайд 7

B. Christopher Columbus

Слайд 8

Which ocean is the largest? A. the Atlantic Ocean B. the Pacific Ocean С . the Arctic Ocean D. the Indian Ocean

Слайд 9

B. the Pacific Ocean

Слайд 10

What animal is the fastest? A. the cheetah B. the tiger C. the lion D. the lynx

Слайд 11

A. the cheetah

Слайд 12

In what country such sport as “baseball” is popular? A. Russia В . Italy C. America D. Britain

Слайд 13

C. America

Слайд 14

What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend? А : Dean B: Ken C: Ben D: Dan

Слайд 15

B: Ken

Слайд 16

What Russian proverb is equivalent for the English proverb “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”? A. Больше дела, меньше cлов. В. Век живи, век учись. С. Друг познается в беде. Д. Повторение – мать учения.

Слайд 17

A. Больше дела, меньше cлов.

Слайд 18

According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about … А : politics B: music C: love D: weather

Слайд 19

D: weather

Слайд 20

If yesterday two weeks ago was Saturday, what day will be tomorrow? А : Monday B: Saturday C: Sunday D: Tuesday

Слайд 21

А : Monday

Слайд 22

What do the Englishmen say to be taken a photo? А : hello B: good morning C: ham D: cheese

Слайд 23

D: cheese

Слайд 24

What is the highest mark in British schools? А : B B: G C: A D: F

Слайд 25

C: A

Слайд 26

Which ocean is the smallest? А . the Pacific Ocean В . the Atlantic Ocean C. the Arctic Ocean D. the Indian Ocean

Слайд 27

C. the Arctic Ocean

Слайд 28

How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian? А: “Зеленый мир” B: “Зеленый шар” C: “Зеленый дом” D: “Зеленый горошек”

Слайд 29

А: “Зеленый мир”

Слайд 30

What story do the words “We are of one blood, I and you” belong to? A. “In the Classroom” В . “Mowgli” C. “Alice In Wonderland” D. “Peter Pen”

Слайд 31

В . “Mowgli”

Слайд 32

Which English proverb is equivalent for the Russian proverb “ Век живи , век учись ”? A. Actions Speak Louder Than Words B. All's Well That Ends Well С . Practice Makes Perfect D. Live and Learn

Слайд 33

D. Live and Learn

Слайд 34

What river is the largest in the world? A. the Thames В . the Volga C. the Nile D. the Amazon

Слайд 35

C. the Nile

Слайд 36

Put all these English-speaking countries from the smallest to the largest one: Canada Great Britain Australia the USA

Слайд 37

Great Britain Australia The USA Canada

Слайд 38

How many stars are there on the American flag? А : 50 B: 51 C: 48 D: 49

Слайд 39

А : 50

Слайд 40

What was the surname of Sherlock Holmes’ housemaid? А : Watson B: Woodson C: Hudson D: Hoodson

Слайд 41

C: Hudson

Слайд 42

Whose portrait is given on the 100 $ banknote? А : George Washington’s B: Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s C: Benjamin Franklin's D: John Kennedy's

Слайд 43

C: Benjamin Franklin's

Слайд 44

What’s the English for “ В гостях хорошо , а дома лучше ”? А : “Home, sweet home” B: “East or West, home is best” C: “My home is my castle” D: “Better late than never”

Слайд 45

B: “East or West, home is best”

Слайд 46

The Beatles came from … А : Birmingham B: London C: Cambridge D: Liverpool

Слайд 47

D: Liverpool

Слайд 48

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor of the state А : Colorado B: California C: Texas D: Kentucky

Слайд 49

B: California

Слайд 50

… were the allies ( союзники ) of the USSR during the World War II А : Italy and France B: The USA and Great Britain C: Japan and Chin а D: Australia and New Zealand

Слайд 51

B: The USA and Great Britain

Слайд 52

How is the famous American film “Some like it hot” called in Russian? А: «В джазе только девушки» B: «Горячие головы» C: «Кабаре» D: «Веселые ребята»

Слайд 53

А: «В джазе только девушки»

Слайд 54

Name the famous actors who played in these films: “Titanic”, “Gone with the wind”, “Terminator”, “The bodyguard”. Kevin Costner Arnold Schwarzenegger Leonardo di Caprio Clark Gable

Слайд 55

“Titanic” - Leonardo DiCaprio “Gone with the wind” - Clark Gable “Terminator”- Arnold Schwarzenegger Kevin Costner - “The bodyguard”

Слайд 56

Smog is … А : a man’s blazer B: thick fog C: a man’s hat D: heavy rain

Слайд 57

B: thick fog

Слайд 58

Who is the head of Great Britain? А : the Queen B: the Prime - Minister C: the President D: the Chancellor

Слайд 59

А : the Queen

Слайд 60

What kind of state is the UK? А : republic B: monarchy C: parliamentary republic D: parliamentary monarchy

Слайд 61

D: parliamentary monarchy

Слайд 62

What is another name for the Houses of Parliament? А : Clearness Palace B: Buckingham Palace C: Palace of Westminster D: St. James’ Palace

Слайд 63

C: Palace of Westminster

Слайд 64

Who was the first woman – the Prime Minister of Great Britain? А : Margaret Thatcher B: Eliza Brown C: Condoleezza Rice D: Eva Brown

Слайд 65

А : Margaret Thatcher

Слайд 66

Who is called by the British people "Our national bard", "The bard of Avon"? А : Lord Byron B: William Shakespeare C: Robert Burns D: Oscar Wild

Слайд 67

B: William Shakespeare

Слайд 68

What are the main political parties of the UK? А : Democratic and Republican B: Conservative and Liberal C: Conservative and Labour D: Republican and Liberal

Слайд 69

C: Conservative and Labour

Слайд 70

In what city is the headquarters of the United Nations situated? А : New York B: Beijing C: San-Francisco D: Brussels

Слайд 71

А : New York

Слайд 72

Put these presidents in order according to their periods of ruling beginning with the earliest one: Bill Clinton Ronald Reagan George Washington Abraham Lincoln

Слайд 73

George Washington Abraham Lincoln Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton

Слайд 74

Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA? А : 1000$ B: 5$ C: 2$ D: 3$

Слайд 75

D: 3 $

Слайд 76

What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum? А : fossil animals B: exotic plants C: wax figures D: pictures

Слайд 77

C: wax figures

Слайд 78

What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent? А : Australia B: Great Britain C: Greenland D: Madagascar

Слайд 79

А : Australia

Слайд 80

An apple a day… А : the mice will play B: keeps the doctor away C: there is a way D: will help me. Hooray!

Слайд 81

B: keeps the doctor away

Слайд 82

What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world? А : Dynamite B: Washing machine C: Automobile D: Penicillin

Слайд 83

А : Dynamite

Слайд 84

During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were: А : usual people B: prisoners C: writers and poets D: farmers

Слайд 85

B: prisoners

Слайд 86

Which planet is the nearest to the Sun? А : The Earth B: Mars C: Mercury D: Venus

Слайд 87

C: Mercury

Слайд 88

A mile is about… А : 1.609 metres B: 1.000 metres C: 2000 metres D: 1.350 metres

Слайд 89

А : 1.609 metres

Слайд 90

Thank you 

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