Самостоятельная работа по теме "Shopping", УМК Spotlight 8, Module 2b
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Старцева Ангелина Николаевна

Данная работа позволит Вам проверить качество усвоения лексики по теме "Покупки", УМК  Spotligh 8, Module 2b (представлена в 2-х вариантах)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Independent seatwork

Variant 1

1. Match the words to their definitions.

a. a place where people go to have their hair cut, styled, and/or colored by a professional hairstylist.
b. a shop that sells bread, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods
c. a place where you can send letters and parcels, buy stamps, and access other postal services
d. a shop that sells newspapers, magazines, and other printed materials
e. a store where you can buy meat and poultry
. a store where medicines and pills are sold

1. bakery
2. hair dresser's
3. newsagent's
4. butcher's
5. post office
6. chemist's

2. Fill in the gaps.

caught fresh / extra-large/ short-sighted/ fresh from the oven

1. I need a(n) ______ pizza for my big company of friends.
2. The cookies smell amazing, they must be ________.
3. I can't read the whiteboard in class because I'm ______ and need glasses.
4. The restaurant prides itself on serving fish ______ that day.

3. Translate the following words.
Department store –

Shopping mall –

Bazaar –

Flea market –

Car boot sale –

Independent seatwork

Variant 2

1. Match the words to their definitions.

a. A shop that provides eye exams and sells eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other vision-related products.
b. A place where fresh fish and seafood are sold.
c. A shop that specializes in selling jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings.
d. A store that sells medicines, toiletries, and other healthcare products.
e. A store that sells footwear, such as shoes, sandals, and boots.
f.  A store where you can buy flowers and plants

1. chemist's
2. shoe shop
3. jeweller's
4. optician's
5. fishmonger's
6. florist’s

2. Fill in the gaps.

first class / long-sighted / a wash and blow-dry/ issue

1. My mom always goes to the salon to get ________ before a big event.
2. My grandpa wears glasses because he is ______ and can't see things up close very well.
3. I want to send this package ______ to make sure it gets there quickly.
4. I'm excited to see what's in the March ______ of my favorite magazine.

3. Translate the following words.

Department store –

Shopping mall –

Bazaar –

Flea market –

Car boot sale –

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