Контрольная работа для 11 класса. Spotlight 11. Module 2.
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Баева Марина Леонидовна

Тест для 11 класса.


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Контрольная работа для 11 класса. Spotlight 11. Module 2.

A    Match the words in Column A with the definitions in Column B.

Column A                                      Column B

1 to get down                                A uncontrollable

2 sick and tired of                         B to make things difficult for someone

3 to lose one’s temper                  C to depress

4 to give a hard time                     D extremely bored of

5  out of hand                                E to get angry suddenly

B    Underline the correct word.

6  I permitted/persuaded him not to go there.

7  He used his effect/influence to reform the company's policy.

8  It was hard resisting/committing the temptation to open the box.

9  What’s come/gone over him? He looks annoyed.

10  Your scarf  fit/matches your coat.

11  I really need to keep/make things in a perspective.

12  I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner, and he just shrugged/shook his shoulders.

13  Only the worst weather will deny/discourage Jim from taking his daily outdoor exercise.

C    Fill in the gaps with who, which, where, why or when.

14 Do you know the reason _____  she is so upset?

15  The library is a place _____   you can borrow books.

16 The day  _____  you saw me I was feeling sick.

17 That's Peter, the boy  _____  has just arrived at the airport.

18 What did you do with the money _____  your mother gave you?

D    Join the sentences using who, which or whose.

19 Mr Richards is a taxi driver. He lives on the corner.

_______________________________________________ .

20 Thank you very much for your e-mail. It  was very interesting.

_______________________________________________ .

21 This is the girl. She comes from Spain.

_______________________________________________ .

22  The children shouted in the street. They are not from our school.

_______________________________________________ .

23 The doctor  is away today. His name is Frank.

_______________________________________________ .

F     Complete the sentences using the words: half, million, minds, reasons, sevens.

24   Kenny was a really great guy. One in a _______ he was.

25   We're in two _______ about what to do during our vacation. We could go travelling somewhere, or we could stay home and fix up the garden.

26   I can think of a hundred and one _______ why the he didn’t tell me the truth.

27   Mrs. Smith is at sixes and _______ since the death of her husband.

28   "Shall we go by car or train?" "I don't know, it's six of one and _______ a dozen of the other."

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