People have jobs because they need money to live, but what are some other important reasons that people have jobs?
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)
People have jobs because they need money to live, but what are some other important reasons that people have jobs?
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Reasons: For job satisfaction To put their skills and talents to use To Earn Respect The Social Aspect To Earn Responsibility
For job satisfaction People want to feel good about their job. They want the satisfaction of a job well done. They want a job that does give them that feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment . Without that sense of satisfaction, people are simply more likely to leave and look elsewhere. This is an important point for employers as well as employees . The cost of replacing top employees and training someone new is high. It is far better to work on employee satisfaction and have a higher retention rate and an excellent company culture. On the list of reasons why people work, this has to be at the top. Of course money is a big factor. People want to feel that they are valued for what they do and paid accordingly. But when it comes to what makes people stay, job satisfaction really is the number one.
To put their skills and talents to use It is incredibly satisfying to have a job where you can use your skills and talents . Work comes easily. In fact, it doesn’t really feel like work a lot of the time. If you’re playing to your strengths , you’ll feel far more motivated and be more productive. You’ll enjoy your job more and feel passionate about what you do. However, it’s also good to have a job where you are allowed to learn, grow, and improve. Learning new skills and expanding your talents can be equally satisfying. You’re not stuck doing the same thing day in and day out. You can learn, expand what you’re capable of, and perhaps even seek promotion .
To Earn Respect Gaining respect is a big part of the reasons why people work. It’s about gaining respect from other people, yes, but also about self-respect. If you know you’re doing your best and working hard at your job, you can feel good about yourself. You can gain an inner understanding that you are worthy of respect and that you matter. According to Standout CV , “The most common reasons for feeling dissatisfied at work are; “feeling undervalued” and “lack of respect from management.”” Then there’s the wider societal aspect of respect . People like to feel useful. They like to feel that they’re doing something of value and that they are recognized for that, not just at work, but outside of it too.
The Social Aspect There are two aspects to this reason: Firstly, people want social recognition . They want to hear praise and affirmation from their managers and their peers. As above, with earning respect , they want to feel like what they do is valued and appreciated. It’s highly motivating to receive regular recognition and praise for what you do. If this isn’t the case, it can be one of the reasons that people leave to find a different job. Secondly , there is a social aspect to work in that you get to spend time with other people. You may make friends at your job and spend time together outside of it. It’s important to have human connection and interaction . We are social creatures and we need that. Work can give us more than just something satisfying to do.
To Earn Responsibility Some people want to gain a promotion and become a team leader or manager themselves. They want the responsibility of managing a department and a team. This adds to their job satisfaction and, if done well, they will earn respect, too. However, even if you don’t want to climb the career ladder , you very likely do want some amount of responsibility . You know your own strengths and weaknesses and you do want the chance to plan out your own week and manage your workload. It’s part of having a job and enjoying it. Most people count responsibility somewhere in their reasons for working. Again, it goes back to job satisfaction.
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