Проверочная работа Spotlight 5 module 2 "To be & pronouns"
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Кошман Ирина Викторовна

Проверочная работа по теме "Глагол To be с местоимениями" для 5 класса дает возможность проверить усвоение грамматического материала в 5 классе по модулю 1


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Предварительный просмотр:


To be: affirmative, negative, questions.


A. Complete the sentences with ¨to be¨

( am/is/are).

1. I _____ a girl.

2. My father_____ at work.

3. Alex and Dino _____ my cats.

4. Alex _____ in the garden.

5. Dino _____ on the floor.

6. My red pencil _____ on the floor, too.

7. The other pencils _____ in my pencil case.

B. Make Negative Sentences

(am not/isn’t/aren’t)

1. You _____ English.

2. Gemma _____ at home.

3. Tom and I _____ happy about it.

4. I _____ not angry.

5. It _____ good.

C. Questions(am/is/are)

1. _____ you from Russia?

2. _____ your dad at school?

3. _____ we students?

4. _____ he funny?

5. _____ you tired?

D. Pronouns.Подчеркни нужное местоимение.

1. This is my sister. She/He is 10 years old.

2. I/We live in Russia. My name is Mark.

3. Look at students. You/ They are nice.

4. Where is your cat? He/ It is on the bed.


To be: affirmative, negative, questions.


A. Complete the sentences with ¨to be¨

( am/ia/are).

1. They ___ my good friends.

2. He ___ a soldier.

3. These flowers ___ very pretty.

4. They _____ Cristina´s parents.

5. Cecilia and Victor _____ María´s children.

6. Janice _____ my grandmother.

7. It _____ Monday.

B. Make Negative Sentences

(am not/isn’t/aren’t)

1. You _____  English.

2. Gemma _____ at home.

3. Tom and I _____ happy about it.

4. I _____ not angry.

5. It _____ good.

C. Questions (am/is/are)

1. _____ you from Russia?

2. _____ your dad at school?

3. _____ we students?

4. _____ he funny?

5. _____ you tired?

D. Pronouns.Подчеркни нужное местоимение.

1. This is my sister. She/He is 10 years old.

2. I/We live in Russia. My name is Mark.

3. Look at students. You/ They are nice.

4. Where is your cat? He/ It is on the bed.


To be: affirmative, negative, questions.


A. Complete the sentences with ¨to be¨

( am/ia/are).

1. They ___ my good friends.

2. He ___ a soldier.

3. These flowers ___ very pretty.

4. They _____ Cristina´s parents.

5. Cecilia and Victor _____ María´s children.

6. Janice _____ my grandmother.

7. It _____ Monday.

B. Make Negative Sentences

(am not/isn’t/aren’t)

1. You _____  English.

2. Gemma _____ at home.

3. Tom and I _____ happy about it.

4. I _____ not angry.

5. It _____ good.

C. Questions (am/is/are)

1. _____ you from Russia?

2. _____ your dad at school?

3. _____ we students?

4. _____ he funny?

5. _____ you tired?

D. Pronouns.Подчеркни нужное местоимение.

1. This is my sister. She/He is 10 years old.

2. I/We live in Russia. My name is Mark.

3. Look at students. You/ They are nice.

4. Where is your cat? He/ It is on the bed

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