Проверочная работа Spotlight 8 Module 4
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Григорьева Алина Игоревна

Проверочная работа Spotlight 8 Module 4


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Предварительный просмотр:

Modular Test 4

1. Rewrite into the Passive Voice.

1. Leetal Kalmanson will design a new jewellery collection.

2. The Myor will open the new theatre on Thursday.

3. His parents named him after his grandfather.

4. They will translate her book into Russian.

5. They grow coffee in Brazil.

2. Phrasal Verbs (put): away, in, out, off, through, with

1. Please put _______ your clothes. They are all over the place.

2. The fashion show has been put _______ until next Friday.

3. Please put me _______ to Dr. Majerns.

4. It’s a formal party. You really should put ____ a tie.

5. I can’t put up _____ that kind of behavior any longer.

3. Underline the correct item.

1. Cynthia’s shirt fits/goes really well with her trousers.

2. Little Suzie thinks that her granddad’s big curly/bushy eyebrows look really funny!

3. Helen wanted to rent/borrow my black dress to wear to a party.

4. Why don’t you wear your red shirt tonight? It really matches/suits you.

5. Dad put his foot/hand down and wouldn’t let us go to the match.

4. Choose the correct prefix to make negative adjective (im, ir, il, in).

1. He’s a good teacher, but tends to be a bit __patient with slow learners.

2. It is an __logical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false.

3. It is __ polite to point at people.

4. My friend is very  __responsible, he never does anything in time.

5. He’s very __patient. He can’t work as a teacher.

5. Rewrite into Causative form

e.g. Emma will ask her hairdresser to straighten her hair for tonight’s party.
Emma will have her hair straightened for tonight’s party. 

1. Sonya asked me a famous designer to make her wedding dress.

2. The dentist whitens George’s teeth twice a year.

3. The photographer developed our holiday photos.

4. A professional make-up artist did my sister’s make-up.

5. Mum is cleaning my skirt for me.

Modular Test 4

1. Rewrite into the Passive Voice.

1. Leetal Kalmanson will design a new jewellery collection.

2. The Myor will open the new theatre on Thursday.

3. His parents named him after his grandfather.

4. They will translate her book into Russian.

5. They grow coffee in Brazil.

2. Phrasal Verbs (put): away, in, out, off, through, with

1. Please put _______ your clothes. They are all over the place.

2. The fashion show has been put _______ until next Friday.

3. Please put me _______ to Dr. Majerns.

4. It’s a formal party. You really should put ____ a tie.

5. I can’t put up _____ that kind of behavior any longer.

3. Underline the correct item.

1. Cynthia’s shirt fits/goes really well with her trousers.

2. Little Suzie thinks that her granddad’s big curly/bushy eyebrows look really funny!

3. Helen wanted to rent/borrow my black dress to wear to a party.

4. Why don’t you wear your red shirt tonight? It really matches/suits you.

5. Dad put his foot/hand down and wouldn’t let us go to the match.

4. Choose the correct prefix to make negative adjective (im, ir, il, in).

1. He’s a good teacher, but tends to be a bit __patient with slow learners.

2. It is an __logical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false.

3. It is __ polite to point at people.

4. My friend is very  __responsible, he never does anything in time.

5. He’s very __patient. He can’t work as a teacher.

5. Rewrite into Causative form

e.g. Emma will ask her hairdresser to straighten her hair for tonight’s party.
Emma will have her hair straightened for tonight’s party. 

1. Sonya asked me a famous designer to make her wedding dress.

2. The dentist whitens George’s teeth twice a year.

3. The photographer developed our holiday photos.

4. A professional make-up artist did my sister’s make-up.

5. Mum is cleaning my skirt for me.

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