Проверочная работа (Spotlight 9)
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Водолагина (Глазкова) Ольга Юрьевна

Проверочная работа для учащихся 9 класса. Составлена на базе УМК Spotlight 9.


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Предварительный просмотр:

TEST (Spotlight 9)

1.  Circle the correct answer.

1 The postal ......... delivered the parcels yesterday morning.

A officer B worker C attendant

2 Mr Anderson is giving a presentation on green transport at the town ......... this evening.

A station B office C hall

3 Sarah has joined a community action group which helps find foster ......... for animals that have nowhere to live.

A homes B shelters C farms

4 A number of students in our school ......... old books and school supplies to local charities every year.

 A donate B encourage C support

5 John looked after the injured bird until it made a ......... recovery.

A natural B full C worthwhile

6 Ian couldn’t drive in the rain because one of his windscreen ......... was broken.

A wipers B headlights C seats

7 Cindy ......... into tears when a car almost hit her dog as it ran into the street. A took B made C burst

8 When you’re on the ......... , take the third exit and turn left towards Brighton. A roundabout B junction C pavement

9My grandmother has joined a senior ......... club, where she can go on trips and do interesting activities with other people around the same age as her.

A members B citizens C persons

10Although you can’t really tell by her untidy desk, Kate is actually a very ......... secretary who does her job well and quickly.

 A efficient B organised C practical

11 We had been driving for an hour before we 14 found a petrol stop/station to fill the car with fuel.

12 Sharon loves children and often gets involved/volunteers with children’s charities.

13 I think the secretary/cashier at the supermarket made a mistake and gave me more change than she should have.

14 When you get to Sheffield, just follow the street signals/signs telling you which direction to take to get to the university.

15 Puppies need constant attention from their owners so that they don’t feel abandoned/ neglected.

16 Thomas is an excellent surgeon, as he has a lot of experience and very skilful/careful hands.

2. Complete the sentences using comparative or superlative degree of comparison of adjectives.

  1. 17. My father is heavy. My uncle is much______________than my father.

18.The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was


19. Sochi is sunny. Do you know the_____________place in Russia?

20. Sten is a successful sportsman. His sister is __________ than Sten.

21. My mother has a soft voice. But my teacher’s voice is __________ than my


22. Amy has a beautiful baby, but my daughter has the __________ baby on


  1. 3. Match materials and equipments to the types of art.
  1. Painting
  2. pottery
  3. photography
  4. sculpture
  5. theatrical performance
  1. Stage
  2. potter's wheel
  3. clay
  4. camera
  5. easel
  6. chisel
  7. watercolours
  8. stone
  9. tripod
  10. kiln
  11. set
  12. costumes
  13. paintbrush

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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