Проверочная работа (Spotlight 11)
тест (английский язык, 11 класс) по теме

Водолагина (Глазкова) Ольга Юрьевна

Проверочная работа для учащихся 11 класса, составленная на базе УМК Spotlight 11.

Цель: подготовка к срезу знаний; повторение; контрольное тестирование.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test (Spotlight 11)

I. Match the word and its definition. Translate the word.

1. desert

2. waterfall

3. stream

4. mystic

5. ruins

6. dam

7. cliff

8. civilisation

a) a small, narrow river

b) a barrier, typically of concrete, constructed to hold back water and raise its level

c) a steep rock face, esp. at the edge of the sea

d) a cascade of water falling from a height

e) a person who seeks believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect

f) the stage of human social development

g) a dry, barren area of land, esp. one covered with sand

h) the remains of a building, typically an old one

II. Match two parts of phrases. Translate them.


2. carve

3. invisible

4. conserve

5. lost

6. worship

7. reject




a) nature

b) city

c) an idea

d) gods

e) a goal

f) a statue

g) island

h) civilization

i) a dream

j) difficulty

III. Put the necessary word.

known         carved island visibility gods  invaders remains symbols        mystic         

  1. The fog is too heavy and ______ is poor. 2. At the beginning of KING KONG the director is looking for a ship  that could come with him to the mystical _____.  3. The temple was all covered with strange______. 4. I don’t think that this author is ______ in our country.  5. I don’t know any _____ places except for Bermuda Triangle. 6.  Ancient Greeks worshipped different _______. 7. The ________occupied  the city and the battle was scary. 8. As for me, documentaries about ancient _____ are most interesting on the National Geographics. 9.Ancient symbols are ______ on the walls of the castle.I

IV. Circle the correct word.

1. There's too
much/many salt in the soup.
3. How
much/many flour do we need for the muffins?
4. You haven't finished yet. There's still
a lot of/much food left on your plate.
5. Why did you add so
much/many water to the mix?

Fill in gaps with a few /few /little /a little.

  1. Susan is going to be.............late for supper.
    2. There are only ........... slices left.
    3. Very ................ men learn to cook for themselves.
    4. I ate very............last night as I wasn't hungry.
    5. Just sprinkle..................cheese on the pizza and it's ready to go into the oven.
    6. I can't leave right now. There's ...........more things I need to buy.
    7. Very ................... people came to the dinner party.
    8. I have very.................. money left. I can't buy this bag.
    9. I'd like..................butter on my corn, please.
    10. Fay has ................. eggs left. She's going to make some pancakes.

VI. Write down some your secrets of success or practucal steps how to achieve a dream.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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