Традиции чаепития в Англии и России
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
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TRADITIONS OF THE TEA PARTY For most people around the world, tea is their favorite drink. Tea warms you when you have a cold and quenches thirst. He will encourage you when you are tired, and heals you when you are sick. Tea also makes friends closer, and your home is warmer and more comfortable.
ENGLISH TRADITIONS OF TEA DRINKING In the 19-th century, tea traditions in England became inviolable laws: Afternoon tea Five-o-clock Tea for two High tea
RUSSIAN TRADITIONS OF TEA DRINKING In Russia tea drinking is not just a way to quench thirst, but a peculiar manifestation of social life. Family matters are resolved over tea, deals and marriages are concluded, no serious issue is resolved without a cup of tea.
Everything on the table had to come together perfectly: the tea service, the tablecloth, the napkins, the flowers in the vase, the crockery and even, ideally, the refreshments.
1. Dessert plates for cakes are placed closer to the edge opposite each person sitting at the table, and the cup is placed to the right and closer to the middle of the table. 2. A teapot, regardless of size, is placed near the hostess, it is better if you can put it next to a small table. 3. Napkins are placed on dessert plates or to the left of them. 4. Jam, honey, jam in a socket or a vase are placed in front of the guest on the left side. 5. Lemon in a rosette or boiled milk, cream - in a milk jug (creamer) is placed in front of the guest to the right - under the right hand.
English people drink tea from cups, not from glasses. They like to have tea with milk. That is why tea with milk is called English tea .
Russian people have tea for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. We often drink tea with lemon. That is why tea with lemon is called Russian tea .
Storm in a tea-cup. Буря в стакане . Easy as tea drinking. Пустяковое дело . Make the cup run over. Переполнить чашу терпения. A quiet cup of tea . Чашка чая, выпитая в тишине. Drain the cup . Испить чашу горечи до дна . One’s cup of tea. Увлечение . Reading the tea leaves . Гадание на кофейной гуще . Not for all the tea in China. Моё дело плохо. Proverbs are the wisdom of people whether they are English, French, German or Russian. Proverbs teach us life, they explain how to choose friends, what is right and what is wrong in people’s behavior.
Extensive material from various sources of information allows us to draw the following conclusions. Tea is one of the most favorite and popular drinks, both in england and in russia. The following proverbs say about the special role of tea in the life of a Russian person: "Where there is tea - there is paradise under the fir tree" "You drink tea - you will live up to a hundred years" "Drink a tea - forget the longing" “ We do not miss tea”
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