Конспект к уроку ''Celebrations'' 5 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Lesson Plan 1
Form: 5g
Topic: Celebrations
Objectives: 1) to teach pupils use new words and differentiate them.
2) to develop the pupils’ skills of making sentences and communicate to each other.
3) to fix the rule of countable and uncountable nouns
Visuals: workbook, a colourful presentation on the screen.
Brief Notes
I. Warm-up 5 min
1) Greeting 1 min
3) Playing the meeting game “I’m E and I love Eggs”. 3 min
2) Teacher’s introduction of the topic 1 min
II. Follow up
Опрос дз 5 чел
Задание для оставшихся 33 min
1) Meeting new vocabulary of the topic
a) introducing new words from the topic 3 min
b) watching video “unusual festivals around the world” and answering the questions 3 min
c) listening the audio of text and fill in the gaps 4 min
d) Reading the text and checking the answers 7 min
2) meeting new grammar “countable and uncountable nouns” 3 min
a) inserting the correct article to the word 5 min
b) doing the exercise 6-b in the student book p.97 and checking the answers 4 min
c) listening and ticking the correct picture, ex.7 p.97 4 min
III. Rounding off 2 min
1) Setting homework 1 min
2) Asking about pupils impression and saying goodbye 1 min
I. Warm-up
1) Greeting 1 min
Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. T > Cl
My name Anastasia Gennadievna and I’ll be teaching you for some time.
Let’s get acquainted!
2) “I’m E and I love Eggs” (игра «Знакомство») 3 min
Guys, I us to play the game. You’ll have to say your name and then to name T > Cl
something you like, the word should start with the same letter as the name. I’ll
start – My name Anastasia and I like animals!
P: My name is A and I like apples…. P1 P2 P3…
3) Teacher’s introduction of the topic 1 min
Look in the pictures and tell me what do you think will be the topic of the lesson T > Cl
- Celebrations? Holidays? P1 P2 P3…
Right! The topic of our lesson is celebrations. What celebrations do you know? T > Cl
- New Year! Birthday! P1 P2 P3…
Excellent! Thank you! T > Cl
II. Follow up
1) Meeting new vocabulary of the topic 17 min
a) Let's get acquainted with the new words of our topic
Look at the board: the first word is light bonfires T > Cl
At what celebrating we doing that? T > Cl
-Масленица! P1 P2 P3…
Right you are! Repeat: light bonfires! T > Cl
The second one: set off fireworks. Everybody like this I think T > Cl
The next one: dress up – наряжаться. On Halloween for example. Repeat: dress up! T > Cl
And next word: have street parades. Repeat: have street parades.
These two words: exchange gifts. Together: exchange gifts. And another one: cook T > Cl
special food. Together: cook special food!
Next one: have a family dinner. Repeat after me: have a family dinner! T > Cl
And the last one: decorate the house. Together: decorate the house! T > Cl
Thank you!
b) Watching video “unusual festivals around the world” and answering the questions 3 min
Alright! Now let’s watch a video about unusual festivals around the world T > Cl
Get ready to answer the questions.
Did you like it?
Which festival you liked the most?
- La Tomatina! Hindu holy! Mariana! Monkeys buffet! P > Cl
Good! Thank you! T > Cl
c) listening the audio of text and fill in the gaps 4 min Now, you going to listen to the audio and fill in the gaps. Послушаем аудио и
заполним пропуски. P. 96 ex. 3 the text. Ready? T > Cl
d) Reading the text and checking the answers 7 min
Now let’s check! Read one by one for one. Sentence at a time.
По цепочке, по предложению P1 P2 P3…
2) Meeting new grammar “countable and uncountable nouns”. 16 min T > Cl
Let’s moving on. Today we going to meet a new grammar rule. Countable and uncountable nouns. Look at the board. В английском языке существительные делятся на исчисляемые countable и неисчисляемые uncountable. Look at the board: with countable nouns we use article a/an, if we count them – we add “s” For example “an apple, two apples”. With uncountable we use some to describe the number of the thing.
- Inserting the correct article to the word
Let’s do the exercise. Put a/an or some to the nouns. P1 P2 P3…
- Doing the exercise 6-b in the student book p.97 and checking the answers
Теперь попробуем выполнить задание самостоятельно. Open your books at page 97, ex. 6 (b)
Complete the words with a/an or some. I giving you 1 minute, then we’ll check together.
Ready? Let’s check. Thank you! Good job! T> P1 P2 P3…
- And the last exercise 7, on the same page. Listen and choose the correct picture.
Ok, 1st: P1
2nd: P2
3rd: P3 T> P1 P2 P3…
III. Rounding off
1) Setting homework 1 min
Open your diaries and write down your homework for the next lesson: T > Cl
Ex.9 p.97 Make a short story about your favorite celebration, use
- name of celebration
- time of the year
- activities
- food
Everything’s clear? Ok
2) So, did you like the lesson? Thank for your work! See you in the next lesson, 1 min
have good holidays! Good-bye. T > Cl
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