Разработка урока в 10 классе по теме «Изучение текста The Lost World» УМК « Spotlight -10 класс»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)
Урок изучения материала по теме «Изучение текста The Lost World» УМК « Spotlight -10 класс»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка урока в 10 классе
по теме « Изучение текста The Lost World»
УМК « Spotlight -10 класс»
1 этап. Введение в языковую среду. Стадия вызова.
Teacher: Good morning dear students and guests of our lesson. I’m very glad to see you.
Let’s begin. Are you ready to start?
- At first look at the screen. I’m going to show you a video.
- Просмотр видео 5минут
Прием «Кластер»
- Teacher: I hope that you have guessed the theme, so what is the topic of today’s lesson? 1 slaid
- Yes, you’re absolutely right. As you know, he’s one of the most famous writers of English Literature. And today we will study the story “The Last World” written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Guys, tell me please what else will we do at the lesson? What do you think? (read the texts, listen to some information, answer the questions, do written exercises and make up dialogues etc.) 2 минуты
2 этап. Осмысление новой информации.
Teacher: Thanks a lot. Let’s start our work with improving the pronunciation. Look at the screen, listen and repeat after me.
Amazement (удивление) Noun Broad (широкий) Adj Clumsy (неуклюжий) Adjective Comrades (товарищи) Noun Display (показывать)Verb Endure (вынести, вытерпеть)Verb Enormous (громадный) Adj Glitter (блестеть)Verb Monstrous (чудовищный) Adj Motionless (неподвижный) Adj Swamp (болото)Noun Thud (глухой стук)Noun Triumphantly (с триумфом)Adverb Vanish (исчезать)VERB | - astonishment , surprise - extensive , wide , spacious - awkward , careless - friends -Show,put smth in a prominent place in order that it maybe seen - Overcome, sustain - Giant, huge, large - shine with a bright, shimmering reflected light - cruel ,horrifying, dreadful - not moving - an area of very wet land dull sound - with a sense of victory - disappear |
And now let’s try to give an explanation or synonym of these words or you can explain with your own
5 минут
Прием «Дискуссия»
Teacher: It’s high time to check your homework! By the way, what was your homework? Homework was to prepare reports about Arthur Conan Doyle
Выступления учащихся
P1 : Biography (Дания, Альбина) & Education, Career (Оксана,Гульнара)
P2: Private life (Данила, Венера)& Works (Гульшат, Ильдар)
5 минут
3 этап. Основная часть. Аудирование.
Teacher : And now , Let’s listen to the story “The Lost World” . Open your books at page 70 and 71. Listen to this text very attentively because you’ll have to answer some questions.
- Where does the story take place?
- What has happened there?
- Did the author describe these creatures?
- What did comrades feel after this event?
- Will they say about dinosaurs in England?
- What would you do if you were one of these professors?
- The genre of this story is detective, isn’t it?
How many genres do you know?
What is your favourite genre? 10 минут
4 этап. Диалоги
Look at the screen again and try to guess the place.
- Have you recognized this park?
- Where is this place situated?
- Have you ever been there?
I’m sure all of you have visited this spot.
- So, next task is to make up a dialogue. Just imagine. One day you have met your friend in this dinosaur’s park. I’ll give you 1-2 minutes to think and make up the dialogue!
- Thank you for your creative ideas! I’m very satisfied!
10 минут
Now, let’s continue! Well guys, I’ve just got a letter. It’s Ben’s letter.
I’ll have to divide you into three groups. Your task is to fill in the gaps with correct words. Look through the tasks!
Does it clear? Now, let’s change your papers and check!
Caлават, let’s begin! Read please…
Put the marks. No mistakes five, one or two mistakes four, three or more bad mark.
5 этап – рефлексия.
So, Let’s make conclusion. You’ve some questions on your desks, choose please and answer!
- Did you like the lesson? Why?
- What have you learnt at the lesson?
- What surprised you?
- What was the most interesting moment at this lesson?
- Was this lesson useful for you or not? 8 минут
It’s high time to appreciate your work during the lesson! And I want to listen to Danila!
Who was the most active student? Whom can you put 5? Who is worthy of….
May be you’ve liked the pronunciation, emotional answer or report etc.
Ildar, do you agree with Danila’s point of you? Who will get 4?
I agree with you!
My dear students, thank you so much for your hard, active, brilliant work! You’ve my day! I’m very satisfied with your work!
See you soon!
Fill in: marvellous, clearing trunks, swamps, thuds, track
Hi George,
Greeting from Kenya! I’m here on a safari holiday with my school. It’s wonderful! Yesterday we went for a long walk in a local forest. It was very dangerous as there were 1)… very near the 2)… we were walking on. After a few hours, we reached a 3) …. All of a sudden, we heard some monstrous 4)… We were all terrified. It was nothing to worry about, however, as it was only a herd of elephants. They were a 5)… sight and their 6)… were huge. I’ll never forget them. I’ll show you some photos when I get home.
Best wishes,
Fill in: marvellous, clearing trunks, swamps, thuds, track
Hi George,
Greeting from Kenya! I’m here on a safari holiday with my school. It’s wonderful! Yesterday we went for a long walk in a local forest. It was very dangerous as there were 1)… very near the 2)… we were walking on. After a few hours, we reached a 3) …. All of a sudden, we heard some monstrous 4)… We were all terrified. It was nothing to worry about, however, as it was only a herd of elephants. They were a 5)… sight and their 6)… were huge. I’ll never forget them. I’ll show you some photos when I get home.
Best wishes,
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
С hildhood Conan Doyle
College Arthur Conan Doyle
Edinburgh University sign
University of Edinburgh
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