ЕГЭ шаблон Task 4 УЧ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)


ЕГЭ шаблон Task 4 УЧ


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ЕГЭ.Task 4.


Hi, Kate! I’ve just found two photos for our project … and I’d like to discuss them with you.


Well, the first photo can be used for our project because it depicts …

The second photo is also suitable/effective because it shows…

2 differences

Both photos show some differences between the types of …//

The most striking difference between the pictures lies in the way/method of …

The first photo illustrates ….

By contrast, the second picture shows ….

Another difference is that in the first photo …, whereas/while in the second photo…


Certain upsides of …. can be quite clearly be seen.

In my personal view, a benefit of … is that…

The advantage of … is that …

Another positive aspect of …


Despite the benefits of the two types of …, some downsides can be seen.

The disadvantage of .. is that…

The drawback of … is that…

Your opinion on the subject of the project

Personally, I’d prefer … because …

To tell the truth, I’d like …

Closing phrase

Well, I think that’s all I wanted to discuss with you.

Talk to you later, bye.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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