Как научить ребенка читать
методическая разработка по английскому языку
После изучения алфавита обратите внимание, что буквы и звуки это разные вещи. В английском языке всего 6 гласных и именно с ними возникает больше всего вопросов при чтении. С согласными дела обстоят проще, в большинстве случаев звук совпадает с тем, который мы произносим при чтении буквы. Остановим свое внимание на гласных.
Здесь представлены упражнения для обучению чтения во 2 класс по УМК «Spotlight»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Как научить ребенка читать английские слова?
После изучения алфавита обратите внимание, что буквы и звуки это разные вещи. В английском языке всего 6 гласных и именно с ними возникает больше всего вопросов при чтении. С согласными дела обстоят проще, в большинстве случаев звук совпадает с тем, который мы произносим при чтении буквы. Остановим свое внимание на гласных.
Здесь представлены упражнения для обучению чтения во 2 класс по УМК «Spotlight»
Предварительный просмотр:
31 lesson
A bee - bees |
meat |
A black and yellow bee |
A small bee |
An angry bee |
Some meat |
Eat meat |
Look! This is a bee. |
The bee is small. |
The bee is yellow and black |
Do you like to eat meat? |
You can find a small meat balls in the dumplings |
City- cities |
Pretty |
A big city |
A city mouse |
A city house |
A pretty girl |
A pretty mouse |
A pretty house |
Let’s go to the city. |
I live in a city. |
This city is very big. |
Look at this girl! |
She is very pretty. |
A pretty house for two pretty mice. |
bed |
bread |
Some bread |
White bread |
Brown bread |
Yummy bread |
Do you eat bread |
honey |
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок 38
girl |
bird |
circus |
a circus- circuses |
A small circus |
A round circus |
A big circus |
A town circus |
I like circus |
Let’s go to the circus! |
Do you like this circus? |
mouse |
house |
town |
clown |
a clown- clowns |
A merry clown |
A sad clown |
A funny clown |
A clown and a cat |
I like clowns at the circus. |
Look at this funny clown! |
This clown has got cats.They can do tricks. |
Magicволшебный |
Magician волшебник |
Magicians |
AgreatMagician |
A Magician and a clown |
This is a magician |
The magician can do many tricks. |
Do you like this magician’s tricks? |
Magician |
trick |
swing |
He swings |
She swings |
We swing |
They swing. |
I like to swing. |
Can you swing? |
Look! This clown swings as a chimp. |
Предварительный просмотр:
rose роза |
Nose нос |
a nose – noses |
his nose его нос |
her nose ее нос |
my nose мой нос |
a big nose большой… |
a small nose маленький… |
His nose is big. |
Her nose is small |
The clown’s nose is big and red. |
here здесь |
Ear ухо |
an ear – ears |
My ears мое… |
His ears его… |
Her ears ее… |
Big ears большие… |
Small ears.маленькие… |
Elephants have got big ears. |
Your ears are small. |
Why are your ears red? |
bad плохой |
Bag сумка |
Hand рука |
a hand – hands |
my hand моя… |
his hands его… |
her hands ее… |
a big hand большая… |
a lovely hand |
Hands up! Hands down!руки…вверх,вниз |
Give me a hand! Дай мне руку. |
Here is my hand. Вот моя рука |
nose нос |
Toe пальчик на ноге |
a toe – toes |
his toes |
her toes |
my toes |
What’s the matter with your toes? |
I’ve got ten toes у меня 10 пальцев на ноге |
bee |
Feet ноги |
a foot – feet |
a big foot большая нога |
small feet маленькие ноги |
Look at his feet!They’re so big! Посмотри… |
Baby’s feet are very small |
Much много |
Touch дотрагиваться |
I can touch я могу… |
he can touch |
she can touch |
Can you touch your nose? |
Touch your toes, please |
Предварительный просмотр:
Hair волосы |
Fair светлые |
fair hair светлые… |
long fair hair длинные… |
short fair hair короткие |
her fair hair ее… |
Who’s that girl?- The girl with fair hair? |
She’s Ann. She’s got lovely fair hair |
puppy щенок |
Puppet кукла марионетка |
a puppet – puppets |
a nice puppet красивый… |
an ugly puppet ужасный… |
two puppets |
Punch is a puppet |
I’ve got two puppets: Punch and Judy. |
black |
Jack |
Jack-in-the-box |
a nice Jack-in-the-box |
his Jack-in-the-box |
I’ve got a nice toy – it’s Jack-in-the-box. |
Have you got a Jack-in-the-box? |
pin |
big |
a big nose |
a big foot |
big hands |
big ears. |
Elephants have got big ears |
Punch has got a big nose. Look at this big teddy-bear! |
All |
ball |
small |
a small nose |
a small toy |
a small girl |
This girl has got a small ball. |
Her ears are small. |
It’s a lovely small box. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Hot жарко |
Holidays каникулы |
Today сегодня |
It is hot today |
It’s hot |
Sunny солнечно |
It is sunny today |
It’s sunny |
Summer лето |
Summer holidays |
I like summer holidays |
I love summer holidays |
This is a lovely holiday |
Rain дождь |
It is raining today |
It’s raining |
Jacket куртка |
My jacket |
His jacket |
Her jacket |
A red jacket |
A nice jacket |
I am wearing a jacket я ношу… |
A boat лодка |
I love boats |
Go in the boat кататься… |
We can go in the boat |
a coat пальто |
A brown coat |
I am wearing a coat |
Shorts шорты |
Red shorts |
My shorts |
I am wearing shorts |
a hat шляпа |
a red hat |
a big hat |
I am wearing a hat |
Put on надевать… |
Put on your hat надень свою шляпу |
Put on your shorts |
Put on your jacket |
Put on your coat |
Put on your |
Take off … снимать |
Take off hat |
Take off jacket |
Take off coat |
Предварительный просмотр:
boyмальчик |
Toy игрушка |
a toy-toys |
a toydog |
a toyship |
my toy |
atoybox игрушечная коробка |
I have got many toys.У меня есть… |
I like my a toys |
I have got seven toycats |
My sister likes to play with her toys. |
My toys are in the toybox. |
Cold холодный |
soldier солдат |
A soldier - soldiers |
A toy soldier |
Many toy soldiers |
Boys like to play with toy soldiers. |
My brother has got a nice toy soldier. |
Where are your toy soldiers? |
Ted |
teddy |
whereгде |
Bearмедвежонок |
teddy bearплюшевый медвежонок |
a teddy bear-teddy bears |
my teddy bear |
his teddy bear |
a little teddy bear |
where is your teddy bear? |
myteddy bearis in the toy box. |
Ballet балет |
Ballerina балерина |
a ballerinaballerinas |
a toy ballerina |
my toy ballerina |
I want to be a ballerina |
I can dance like a ballerina |
My sister has got a lovely toy ballerina |
Pig поросенок |
Pink розовый |
Pink ice cream |
pinkballerina. |
I like pink. |
My sister’s ballerina is pink. |
Do you like pink? |
Sheep овца |
red |
Shelf полка |
shelf-shelves |
a bookshelf книжная полка |
a big shelf |
a small shelf |
I have got a bookshelf in my room |
My toys are on the bookshelves |
Предварительный просмотр:
A birthday |
My birthday |
His birthday |
I like my birthday |
Today is my birthday |
A candle candles |
A big candle |
A small candle |
A birthday candle |
A party |
My birthday party |
I like my birthday party |
Today is my birthday party |
Happy |
A happy brother |
A happy mother |
A happy day |
A happy birthday |
I’m happy |
He’s happy |
sad |
A sad sister |
A sad grandma |
I’m not happy. I’m sad |
How old is Bob? He’s 9 |
How old is Tim? He’s 8 |
How old is Helen? She’s 10 |
How old is Liz? She’s 5 |
How old are you? |
Предварительный просмотр:
A burger - two burgers |
A big burger |
A yummy burger |
I like burgers |
My brother likes burgers too |
Burgers are yummy |
Chip- chips |
yummy chips |
I like chips. They are yummy |
What’s this? They are chips. |
Sandwich three sandwiches |
A big sandwich |
Small sandwiches |
My sister eats sandwiches |
biscuit |
A biscuit- biscuits |
Chocolate biscuits |
A biscuit cake |
I like biscuit cakes |
I don’t like biscuit cakes |
I like sandwiches. |
I don’t like chips |
I don’t like apples |
I like bananas |
I like chocolate |
Ice cream- |
one ice cream |
Three ice creams |
A chocolate ice cream |
A vanilla ice cream |
I like chocolate ice cream |
Children don’t like vanilla ice cream |
Pizza- a pizza |
Two pizzas |
A yummy pizza |
My favourite pizza |
I like pizza very much |
Pizza is my favourite food |
I like to eat yummy pizza |
milk |
A jug of milk |
A glass of milk |
White milk |
To drink milk |
I don’t like milk |
Children drink milk at school |
I like milk ice cream |
juice |
Apple juice |
Orange juice |
A glass of orange juice |
Yummy orange juice |
I don’t like apple juice |
My favourite drink is orange juice |
cake |
A cake cakes |
A chocolate cake |
A biscuit cake |
Yummy cakes |
My favourite cake |
I like biscuit cakes |
Oh, yummy chocolate cakes |
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Lesson 15 a
Flowers цветы |
Music музыка |
Summer лето |
Summer holiday летние каникулы |
Fun веселье |
Lots of fun многовеселья |
I love summer |
I love sun |
I love fun |
We love summer |
We love sun |
We love fun |
It’s hot in summer |
Winter зима |
Autumn осень |
Spring весна |
Winter holiday |
I love Winter |
I love Winter holiday |
It’s cold in winter |
Of course конечно |
Let’s go and see давай пойдем посмотрим |
Let’s dance |
Let’s swim |
Let’ jump |
Let’s fly |
Let’s run |
Let’s stump |
Welcome ! добро пожаловать |
A party вечеринка |
Set sail with us ! отплываем с нами |
Join us ! присоединяйтесь к нам |
Upon the sea по морю |
fish |
Starfish морская звезда |
Be our friends forever будьте нашими друзьями навсегда |
Rhyme стихотворение |
rhyme -rhymes |
Story история, рассказ |
Story-stories |
Things вещи |
Lots of things |
Lots of things to do |
Wait ждать |
waiting |
Are waiting ждем |
We are waiting for you мы ждем |
Here здесь |
We are waiting here for you |
Предварительный просмотр:
Toy игрушка |
Boy мальчик |
Boy-boys |
A little boy |
A smart boy умный |
A nice boy |
Tommy is a little boy. |
The boy with a toy? |
He is Mike. |
This boy is my brother. |
her |
girl |
A girl-girls |
A nice girl |
A kind girl |
A girl and a boy |
Look at this girl. She is nice. |
Do you know this girl’s name?-She is Ann. |
I like this girl. She is kind and nice. |
There are 10 boys and girls in the class. |
a circus- circuses цирк |
A small circus |
A round circus |
A big circus |
A town circus |
I like circus |
Let’s go to the circus! |
Do you like this circus? |
mouse |
house |
town |
clown |
a clown- clowns клоун |
A merry clown веселый |
A sad clown |
A funny clown забавный |
A clown and a cat |
I like clowns at the circus. |
Look at this funny clown! |
This clown has got cats. They can do tricks. |
Magic волшебный |
Magician волшебник |
Magicians |
A great Magician |
A Magician and a clown |
This is a magician |
The magician can do many tricks. |
Do you like this magician’s tricks? |
Magician |
trick |
Swing кататься на качели |
He swings |
She swings |
We swing |
They swing. |
I like to swing. |
Can you swing? |
Look! This clown swings as a chimp. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок 34 |
Ant муравей |
Bat летучая мышь |
cat |
Rat крыса |
animal- animals животное |
a big animal большое |
a small animal маленькое |
a happy animal счастливое |
Elephant слон |
mice are small animals |
elephants are big animals |
have you got any animal at home? |
dog |
got |
Frog-frogs лягушка |
A green frog |
A tree frog |
A small frog |
Frogs are not big |
This frog is green |
Some frogs live in the trees |
Frogs like water |
Girl [ ɡɜl]девочка |
Her ее |
girl-girls |
a small bird птичка |
A big bird |
A funny bird |
A purple bird малиновая |
Birds live in the trees |
I have got a bird at home |
I like this bird |
Chicken цыпленок |
fish |
Chimp-chimps шимпанзе |
A funny chimp |
A brown chimp |
Chuckles is a chimp |
Chimps live in the trees |
I can see a chimp at the zoo |
Sit сидеть |
Swim плавать |
I can swim я умею |
He can swim он |
It can swim |
We can swim мы |
Fish can swim |
Fish swim well |
Can you swim like a fish? |
I like to swim in the sea |
Look! The chimp swims in the bath. |
swim |
sit |
Sing [sɪŋ] |
I can sing |
Bird can sing |
We can sing |
Children can sing |
I can sing well |
These little birds can sing great. |
We like to sing songs. |
Can you sing as a bird? |
Can your mummy sing? |
What songs do you like to sing? |
mummy |
funny |
jump |
I can jump |
He can jump |
We can jump |
Jump like a frog |
Jump like a kangaroo |
Frogs can jump well |
I like to jump |
Can you jump like a kangaroo? |
jump |
run |
fun |
I can run |
He can run |
We can run |
Run like a horse |
He can run well |
I can’t run fast |
Horses run well and fast |
He runs like a horse. |
grandma |
car |
dance |
I can dance |
She can dance |
dance like a chimp |
We like to dance She can dance very well |
Chimp can dance. |
Can you dance well. |
1.run | a) прыгать |
2. dance | b)плавать |
3. jump | c)бегать |
4. sing | d)танцевать |
5. swim | e)петь |
6. fish | f)обезьяна |
7. horse | g)птица |
8. chimp | h)лягушка |
9. bird | i)животное |
10. frog | j)рыба |
11. animal | k)лошадь |
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок 36 |
toy |
boy |
Boy-boys |
A little boy |
A smart boy |
A nice boy |
Tommy is a little boy. |
The boy with a toy? |
He is Mike. |
This boy is my brother. |
her |
girl |
A girl-girls |
A nice girl |
A kind girl |
A girl and a boy |
Look at this girl. She is nice. |
Do you know this girl’s name?-She is Ann. |
I like this girl. She is kind and nice. |
There are 10 boys and girls in the class. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок 37 | |
fly | |
climb | |
boy | |
girl | |
can | |
Can или is | |
You dance | |
He in the kitchen | |
She in the garden | |
She sing | |
He climb | |
You swim |
Do it yourself. Test Animals 37 урок
Task 1. К каждому слову из левого столбика подбери слова из правого столбика. Запиши букву. 1.lChick ------a) животное 2.Fish ------b) змея 3.Mouse ------с) кролик 4.Animal ----d) лошадь 5.Rabbit -----e) цыпленок 6.Horse ----- f) мышь 7.Snake ----- g)рыба Task 4. Прочитай предложения, сделай их вопросительными. Запиши краткие ответы.
| Task 2. Прочитай слова, найди лишнее слово. Запиши его. Snake, fish, mouse, horse, house, rabbit, fish Задание 3. Переставь буквы так, чтобы получились слова. Запиши их. Tibbar___________ Esuom___________ Ekans______________ Esroh_______________ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок 43
A bee-bees |
meat |
dream |
Dream- dreams |
My dream |
A real dream |
I dream of |
I have a dream |
Oh, it’s not a house, it’s a dream |
It’s a real dream |
I dream of eating an ice-cream now. |
The cat dreams of a mouse or a fish |
Duck утка |
Fast быстро |
Must должен |
I must |
he must |
She must |
We must |
They must |
Must read more |
Must write letters |
Must study |
You must read more books |
Your writing is not good. |
You must write more. |
It can’t be real. It must be a dream. |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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