Развитие функциональной читательской грамотности при работе над текстом для 8-9 классов. Краеведческая деятельность
занимательные факты по краеведению (8 класс)

Сабитлова Елена Олеговна

Используемый УМК: Spotlight. Английский язык. 8-9 класс: учебник для общеобразоват. организаций/О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, М: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2014.


Цель-развитие функциональной читательской грамотности при работе над текстом.

Текст взят из разработанного курса «Мы родом из Миллерово».


Считаю, что краеведение, как на родном, так и на иностранном языке  – важный фактор нравственного, трудового, эстетического и экологического воспитания учащихся, оно способствует патриотическому воспитанию, общему образованию, расширяет кругозор и развивает познавательные интересы учащихся, приобщает к творческой деятельности, формирует практические и интеллектуальные умения. Краеведческая деятельность способствует более углублённому изучению истории своей Родины.


Предварительный просмотр:

     Сабитлова Елена Олеговна, учитель английского языка в МБОУ лицее №7 г. Миллерово Ростовской области.

Используемый УМК: Spotlight. Английский язык. 8-9 класс: учебник для общеобразоват. организаций/О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, М: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2014.

Цель-развитие функциональной читательской грамотности при работе над текстом.

Текст взят из разработанного курса «Мы родом из Миллерово».

Считаю, что краеведение, как на родном, так и на иностранном языке  – важный фактор нравственного, трудового, эстетического и экологического воспитания учащихся, оно способствует патриотическому воспитанию, общему образованию, расширяет кругозор и развивает познавательные интересы учащихся, приобщает к творческой деятельности, формирует практические и интеллектуальные умения. Краеведческая деятельность способствует более углублённому изучению истории своей Родины.


 понимать прочитанный текст, его основную мысль;

 умение находить и извлекать необходимую информацию;

 научиться: понимать, анализировать текст.

Работа состоит из 5 заданий.


     Millerovo is the largest town in the northern part of Rostov Region, it is the largest A)____________________ and at the same time it is a District centre with the population of 34.8 thousand people. The population of the District is 72.4 thousand people. The total area of the district is 3.9 thousand sq. km. Millerovo is about 900 km to the south from Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation and 218 km to the north from its regional centre, Rostov-on-Don. The District borders on Chertkovo District in the north, Kashary District in the east, Tarasovka District in the south and the Ukraine in the west.                      20х30-1

      This quiet provincial town is beautiful for the greenness of its streets, its bushy alleys. You are sure to enjoy the fresh air, nice green lawns and neat flower-beds. The central street is Lenin Street, it is not long, but wide and nice, especially in spring when the chestnut and lime trees are in full blossom. The town has a specific southern atmosphere and its own rich and interesting history.


     As Rostov Region is a hilly plain, the largest part of Millerovo District is covered with B)________________. The forests are not thick, but the C)_________________is impressive: oaks, maples, elms, ash-trees, sloes, willows, sweetbriers, hawthorns, buckthorns and poplars. Millerovo District is rich in mineral resources, especially in building materials. Chalk, different kinds of sands are found here. The sands deposits amount to 53 mln tons. There are also large deposits of coal.

         Millerovo is a rich agricultural and processing centre of the Northern Don, specializing on growing and processing grain and oil crops and domestic D)_________________. Due to the geographical position and plenty of E)_________________most of the people are employed in agriculture. Such crops as wheat, barley, oats are also grown here.

     The economy of Millerovo District is based both on industry and agriculture, and such industries as agricultural machine-building, metal-working, mining and chemical are developed.

Task I. Think ahead and answer the following questions.

  1. Can you explain the word combination “a provincial town”?
  2. How do you understand the phrase “rich mineral resourсes”?

Task II. Read the text and complete the sentences with the words from the box:

administrative centre    variety of species    animal breeding    arable land     borderless steppes   


Task III. Choose the correct preposition to fill in the gaps:

  1. The territory of the district is covered … steppes.

(a-by, b-with, c-of)

  1. Not all the countries are rich … mineral resources.

(a-in, b-without, c-about)

  1. It is an important administrative centre, and … the same time, a centre of a big agricultural district.

(a-by, b-in, c-at)

  1. The deposits . . . coal are very large.

(a-out, b-of, c-to)

            5.   The economy of any District is based . . . different industries.

                     (a-out, b-of, c-on)

Task IV. Complete the box with information about Millerovo District:


Mineral resources

The district borders

The economy is based on

Variety of species

Developing industries

Task V. Express your opinion. Write 2-3 sentences for each question.

1. Do you find it important to learn more about the district where you live? Why?

2. Would you recommend your friends to visit the Millerovo District  as tourists?

3. What is your favourite spot/place in your city?


Task I. Примерные ответы учащихся. 

1. A provincial town is a small town located far away from the capital city. Towns are larger than villages and smaller than cities.

2. Mineral resources are minerals that are formed naturally in the earth's crust. They can be of organic and inorganic origin. Minerals are valuable natural resources.

Task II.

A) administrative centre

B) borderless steppes

C) variety of species

D) animal breeding

E) arable land

Task III.

1. b (with)

2. a (in)

3. c (at)

4. b (of)

5. c (on)

Task IV.


34.8 thousand people

Mineral resources

Chalk, coal, different kinds of sands

The district borders

Chertkovo District, Kashary District, Tarasovka District and Ukraine                    

The economy is based on

Industry and agriculture

Variety of species

oaks, maples, elms, ash-trees, sloes, willows, sweetbriers, hawthorns, buckthorns and poplars

Developing industries

Agricultural machine-building, metal-working, mining and chemical

Task V. (Примерные ответы учащихся)

1. It’s more important than we may think. Learning more information about your district will help you better understand its importance, help to make it better, be a part of different communities, understand and learn its history.

2. I would definitely recommend all my friends from different cities to visit our District.

3. My favourite place in my city is a cozy cafe «Mesto» on Sedova street. I like their chocolate cake the most.

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