Презентация предпрофессионального элективного курса "Морской английский язык"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (7 класс)
Презентации предпрофессионального элективного курса "Морской английский язык"
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1.1. Cadet Code of Honor is considered as a system of obligatory rules of behavior in daily educational activity of all the participants of the process of education ( teachers, cadets, pupils, parents, members of the staff ) of the First Moscow Cadet Boarding Corps. 1.2. Cadet Code of Honor is of equal importance and basic document enjoining and regulating the rules of behavior and relationships among all the participants of the process of education of Cadet Code of Honor. 1.3. The aim of using Cadet Code of Honor in educational process in The First Moscow Cadet Boarding Corps: formation of highly-educated, responsible, morally and spiritually advanced citizen, sincerely devoted to its Motherland having outstanding leadership traits and having competitiveness in professional field. 1. General Thesis
1.4. Tasks : promoting awareness by the cadets of their involvement in a special cohort of citizens who are ready to serve their fatherland both in military and civilian terms ; promotion of the development of civil and patriotic qualities of personality of the cadet, his respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia ; education in cadets of self-esteem, respect for themselves and others, high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality, morality; development of forms of cadet self-government; development and improvement of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle; interation of all participants in the educational process based on The Code of Cadet Honor; This Code of Cadet Honor was created as a set of general rules, conditions and criteria based on the best traditions of cadet education, necessary for solving modern high educational tasks. 1. General Thesis
Love and protect the corps, take care of its property. General rules Be loyal to the Fatherland, be proud of its past. Glorify cadets by their behavior outside the Corps. Above all to value honor, duty, faith, devotion, family and Homeland. Remember that a cadet is obliged to study well and perfectly. Mediocrity will never make a real cadet. 01 02 04 05 2. The Code of Cadet Honor . «Cadet to cadet is friend and brother» 03 Preserve and multiply Corps traditions. 06
Appearance of a cadet 02
7. Observe the established form of clothing, wear it with pride and dignity . 8. Strictly observe the statutory rules of the Russian military system and bearing. 9. Voluntarily and consciously comply with the rules and requirements established in the Corps. 10. Be honest, modest, noble. Know your shortcomings and strive to correct them. 11. Be clean! Remember that cleanliness is the best beauty. 12. Be grateful and responsive. 13. Always be cheerful and in a good mood. 14. Always follow the motto: «Who wants to do something is looking for opportunities».
Relationships 03
15. Maintain mutual respect. 16. Help comrades, do not let them down, do not envy, do not brag, share what you have in big and small. 17. Do not inform, do not gossip, quarrelling to think about the world. 18. Do not fight but to protect the younger and weaker. 19. Do not allow the humiliation of their dignity and the dignity of their comrades. 20.Greet elders, do not be shy to be polite.
21. Do not commit dishonorable acts, even for the sake of camaraderie. Remember that dishonor for the sake of camaraderie still remains dishonor. 22. Respect the bosses and remember that the bosses are always and everywhere the boss. Do not criticize the actions of the authorities in general and with anyone in particular. 23. Try to do not what you want but what the interests of your comrades and the good of the Corps require. 24. Take an example from the best, support those who are cadets.
04 Dorm rules
25. Do not cause inconvenience to the hostel comrades . 26. Do not smoke, stay sober. Eliminate bad habits. Do not swear. 27. Follow the rules of etiquette. 28. Do not take someone else’s, it is better to share your own. 29. Cadets must greet each other, all cadets wearing the badge of the corps, as well as other corps, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools.
3.1 This code of cadet honor was compiled on the basis of «The twelve commandments of comradeship sent by the main department of military educational institutions to all cadet corps in 1913 and «Sixty-seven testaments of the cadet of The First Russian Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich of the cadet corps», developed by the director of his corps, lieutenant general B.V. Adamovich in 1934. 3.2 In the current Code of Cadet Honor these commandments and covenants are only slightly clarified, edited and supplemented, taking into account the realities and worldviews of today. 3.3 The Code of Cadet Honor is a normative local act to the regulation on cadet classes of The State Budgetary Educational Institution «The First Moscow Cadet Corps». 3 . Final Provisions
1. Why is Cadet Code of Honor so important? 2. What is the aim using Cadet Code of Honor? 3. What tasks of Cadet Code of Honor seem the most important for you? 4. What are the most general rules for every cadet? 5. hat motto must every cadet follow? 6. What character traits and appearance must a cadet have? 7. What dorm rules are obligatory for every cadet? 8. On what basis was Cadet Code of Honor compiled? 9. What kind of act is Cadet Code of Honor? 10 . Would you like to add some important rules for Cadet Code of Honor? Answer the questions
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A. COLUMBUS’ PLAN B. OTHER JOURNEYS & COLUMBUS’ IMPORTANCE C. EARLY YEARS D. PROBLEMS AT SEA E. HIS FIRST VOYAGE Read the headings and underline the key words. Read the text and try to find words/phrases related to the key words. Match the headings with the paragraphs. There is one extra heading.
1. _________________________ Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He worked with his father as a weaver but the sea was always his real passion . 2. _________________________ In the 15th century it was difficult and dangerous to travel to Asia around the southern tip of Africa. Columbus decided to try to sail west to find a new trade route. People made fun of him but finally King Ferdinand and Qween Isabella of Spain gave him supplies, men and three sailing ships for his voyage. They wanted to find a way to import gold and spices from Asia.
3. _________________________ Columbus set sail from Spain in August 1492 with his three ships the Ninha , the Pinta and the Santa Maria. Ten weeks later he reached an island in the Bahamas. As he thought he was in India, he called the people there Indians! On the voyage home, Columbus lost the Santa Maria in a terrible storm. He arrived safely back in Spain in March 1493, with plants, gold, cloth, ornaments and other riches . 4. __________________________ Columbus made three more voyages to «The New World». He explored the coasts of Cuba, Hispaniola ( modern-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic ), Venezuela and Central America. On each voyage he believed he was in India! He died in 1506 without knowing the importance of what he found on his voyages. Columbus was a brilliant, brave sailor and we remember him as one of the most important explorers in history.
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A military oath is a solemn promise, an oath given by a citizen who joins the ranks of the Armed Forces. By taking the oath, he assumes high obligations. They make up the meaning of military service: “I, (last name, first name, patronymic), solemnly swear allegiance to my Fatherland - the Russian Federation. I swear to sacredly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors. I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional order of Russia, the people and the Fatherland . This text of the Military Oath was approved by the Federal Law of 1998 “On military duty and military service” No. 53-FZ of February 11, 1993. However, not only words, but also paraphernalia are of great importance: a soldier who first entered military service gives military an oath before the State Flag of Russia and the Battle Banner of a military unit . The swearing in is carried out upon the arrival of the serviceman at the first place of military service after the initial military training, the period of which should not exceed two months.
Before taking the Military Oath
Before taking the M ilitary Oath • a serviceman cannot be involved in the performance of combat missions, as well as tasks during the introduction of a state of emergency and in conditions of armed conflicts; • weapons and military equipment cannot be assigned to a serviceman; • a disciplinary sanction in the form of arrest may not be imposed on a serviceman . The day of taking the Military Oath is a holiday for the military unit. Relatives and friends of soldiers can come to the solemn acceptance of the oath . A note is made in the military ID and service record of the serviceman: "The military oath was taken (day, month, year)".
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The Great Patriotic War ended in May, 1945. That spring day of May 9 went down in the history of our country as Victory Day. It is celebrated by meetings, marches such as «Immortal Regiment», folk festivals, concerts, performances and many other festive activities in every corner of the country and even abroad. People bring flowers and wreaths to the monuments where war heroes lie. War veterans tell young people how the thought during the war to defend our country. Victory was won at a very high price. The people of our country had to fight against the fascists from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south. They defended Moscow and Stalingrad and thousands of other towns and villages. They helped the people of many other countries to become free from fascism. The heroic Soviet people not only defended their own country, they saved the world. Read the text
Victory Day is always associated with such activities and symbols as Moment of Silence, Red Army Banner, the Ribbon of St. George, Eternal Flame, fireworks and «Immortal Regiment». The movement was born and initiated in Tomsk, Russia in 2012 and now everybody knows what this even is. It has already become an international movement and famous not only in Russia but overseas. Consequently, popular movement comprised more than 80 states and areas. All people of different ages hold the framed photos of their relatives. The photos are attached to long sticks. All the participants unite with each other and the entire country demonstrating patriotism and solidarity. They commemorate those who courageously had to lay down their heads for freedom and independence of our country from fascist Germany and Hitlerite regime of enslavement. Annually, the best cadets of the First Moscow Cadet Corps seriously prepare for this parade and as a result- proudly march on Red Square. Read the text
Answer the questions 1) What day is considered Victory Day? 2) What evens is Victory Day accompanied by? 3) What are the main activities and symbols of Victory Day? 4) Is Victory Day only celebrated in Russia? 5) What do you know about «Immortal Regiment»?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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