Методическая разработка "Проверочная работа по 5 модулю. 8 класс"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Данная работа охватывает лексический и грамматический материал модуля


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Предварительный просмотр:

Form 8  Test (Module 5)

  1. Fill in the gaps.

Hurricane, tornado, endangered, pollution, earthquake, global warming, flood, called off,  called out, calls in

  1. The bald eagle is a(n) _____________ species.
  2. The play was _________ because of the illness of the actors.
  3. Big factories are responsible for water __________.
  4. All the scientists are very worried about the _____________, because of the climate changing.
  5. __________ is a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column.
  6. The fire fighter were ________ to save the people from the fire.
  7. _____________ is large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry.
  8. ___________ is an extremely violent wind or storm.
  9. The shaking of the ground is usually called  a(n)_________.
  10. Her brother often ________ to have lunch together.

  1. Give the English equivalents or idioms and make three sentences using them.

1.засуха –                                           6. Отложить на черный день -

2. цунами –                                        7.летать в облаках -

3. туманная погода -                         8. Знать откуда ветер дует -

4.  загрязнение воздуха -                  9. Вымирающие виды -

5. бедность -                                      10. Плохо себя чувствовать –

       3. Grammar. Put the verbs in brackets into ing form or infinitive ( with or without to)

1. I would like ________(visit) Miami.

2. He hates ________(listen) loud music.

3. Did you really want ________(become) a dancer in the childhood?

4. Would you mind _______ (open) the window?

5. I  must _________(help)  my friend, because he is ill now.

6. Mary suggested ______  (go) to the theatre.

7. Let me __________ (help) you with that heavy suitcase.

8. The teacher made them _______(do) all the homework.

9. He avoided ________(eat) sweets because he wanted to lose some kilos.

10.We really enjoyed ______(read) the Pushkin’s poems.

  1. Fill in: used to, be used to, get used to in the correct form.

1. When I was a child I _______________ (ask) a lot of questions.

2. Sue lives alone. It is not strange for her. She ____________________ (live) alone.

3. She’s been in Britain for three months and she can’t ______________ (drive) on the left.

4. Mike __________________ (do) his homework to music. It’s a usual way he does it.

5. Paul grew in a house by the sea, so he __________ (go) swimming every day.

5. Fill in the correct preposition.

1. A lot of doctors were called ______ to help people after the air crash.

2. Call ______ sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together.

3. The meeting was called ______ but we still don’t know why.

4. A nurse often calls ______ my granny because she is not well.

5. The tsunami in Indonesia called_______ immediate action.

6 .Answer one question using 100-150 words.

1. What is the weather like today, what idioms do you know about the weather and what weather do you like and why?

2. What natural disasters do you know and what can you tell us about them?

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